Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A Rejoinder to the Ethnic Democracy Essay
This paper aims to prepare four separated short summary and response papers for four different articles on Culturally Responsive Teaching. 2. Analysis and Discussion The following are the short summary and response to each of the given articles: 2. 1. Preparing For Culturally Responsive Teaching by Gay (2002) The article discusses how to improve the success of ethically diverse students via culturally responsive teaching. The article tells also about the success of same kind of students by preparing teachers in preservice programs with the needed knowledge attitudes and skills. The article also examines the five essential elements of cultural responsive teaching which include developing knowledge based about cultural diversity that includes ethnic and cultural diversity content curriculum, demonstration of caring, building learning communities, communicating with ethically diverse students and responding to diversity in the delivery of instruction. The article has further defined culturally responsive teaching to be using what are already possessed by ethnically diverse students (ETS) as conduits for them to learn more effectively. These possessions may include the experiences, characteristics and perspectives. The author has assumed that the lived experiences of students may sit well as frames of references. This would therefore make the learning more meaningful, would create more appeal in terms of higher interest and students could learn more easily and thoroughly. The author has also previous researches to prove the result of higher academic achievements of ETS if there previous experiences are used in teaching them. This concept of learning is consistent with principle in learning – that starting from what is known would more easily to learning what is unknown. Rather than starting from the unknown by using the experiences of other cultures, the use of the previous experiences has its basis in common sense. There is basis to agree with the author in discussing how to improve the success of ethically diverse students via culturally responsive teaching by her exposing the needed elements of the program. As in any other program there are criteria to evaluate it success. By exposing the needed five essential elements of cultural responsive teaching, there would be good bases for evaluation the eventual success or failure of the program in terms of compliance of the criteria. In terms of internal consistency among the five elements, there is no valid reason to disagree with author on the obvious simplicity and applicability of presentation. To illustrate one element this paper uses developing knowledge based about cultural diversity and ethnic and cultural diversity content curriculum. Knowledge on cultural diversity is a requirement since it would amount to knowing the premises in the syllogism by viewing the same under the principles of logic. The idea of teaching under multicultural program is the promotion of integration. How would it be possible to know what needs to be integration without knowing the differences of diversity of cultures among students under the program? Doing the same acquisition of knowledge from diversity as part of the premises is also with the definition of the author on what is culturally responsive teaching which is using what are already possessed by ethnically diverse students as ways s for them to learn more successfully. Surely it would be easier to extract from students with their experiences, characteristics and perspectives which would be used as frames for reference. The author may have assumed rightly that doing so would give more meaning to student and could be more motivated to undergo the program. There is also basis to agree with author’s conclusion that culture has great influence on attitudes, values and behaviors that participants will bring in the process. It is the use of frame of reference that would also afford solution to problems in the future in the same way that will help them understand that what will eventually happen is a function what has happened already. 2. 2 Spirituality, Cultural identity, and Epistemology in Culturally Responsive Teaching in Higher Education, Multicultural Perspective, 8(3), pp 19-25 by Tisdell (2006) The article gives it focus in the connection of spirituality and cultural identity in relation to culturally responsive teachers under the higher education. It looks at the philosophical theory of knowledge which takes the position that research and teaching partakes of the natures of both intellectual and spiritual realms. Transforming the students is the aim under the multicultural teaching and to accomplish the same it should allow learners to explore and reclaim their own cultural identities. To reach this end, spirituality is appropriate in unlocking the cultural imagination and creativity of the students under the program. The profession or process of teaching for multicultural awareness described by author is to be for social justice and one that involves a complex process. It is also described as controversial, rewarding and intellectually stimulating. For a big number of teachers under the program including the author, teaching the student is a â€Å"work of passion†which forms part of life’s reason in creating greater social equity that would remind the teachers about being true to themselves who are also wrestling with their very own cultural identity in the same way that other authors taking part of the teaching under the program consists in making students grapple also with their cultural identity. It is therefore the act of reclaiming which involves a choice that makes the process of teaching considered both intellectually and spiritually. The author found that there is indeed connection of spirituality and cultural identity if the learners are assisted to engage on different levels of human experience. These levels of experience of course include the personal level, the cultural level, structural level, political level and the artistic levels done by cultural imagination. By so doing the chance that the education process will bring in the need transformative change is greater not only for learners but even for educators. Diversity in cultures could explain how groups of people differ in their behaviour and their values and hence many conflicts could actually be arising from diversity of cultures. To attempt therefore to bring commonality in diversity is a serious job that would require too much creativity and patience. Fortunately, human beings are thinking beings whose lives had with them spiritual dimensions which allow them to go beyond that legal or what is readily to be in conflict. No wonder teachers are actually also grappling with the cultural identify along the process of their teaching. What must be needed to reconcile things is deep sense of spirituality or an attitude of looking beyond what seems to irreconcilable. By injecting spiritual dimensions in the teaching of diversity of culture, there is strong basis to agree with the author that it could be transformative for the participants not only to the students but also the teacher. The teachers must be persons with deep sense of love for seeing beauty in diversity. Detach spirituality from man and his capacity to reconcile difficult issues is detached. Applying and taking advantage therefore of the power of spirituality to reconcile conflicting issues is a power within the capacity of man to reach and benefit from. The issue of diversity of culture has been accepted by many people and the effects of living together has produced many conceived possibilities which are worth learning and educators may amply make use of their capacity of spirituality to reach great heights. . 2. 3. Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers, Rethinking The Curriculum, Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 53, No. 1, January/February, 20-32 by Villegas and Lucas (2002), The article emphasizes the need to for teachers in articulating a vision of the reality of teaching and learning in a diverse society if the field of teacher education is to become successful. With that vision, the teachers would have to be guided in injecting multicultural issues while for the duration of the preservice curriculum. The vision of culturally responsive teachers will be socio-culturally conscious and will be affirming students’ different perspective from various backgrounds. Under the same vision, the teacher will take responsible and enabled to bring change for purpose of making schools more equitable and they also understand how knowledge are constructed with the view of further promoting knowledge construction. In addition the vision must allow the teachers to know about the lives of their students and that these teachers could continue designing instruction that edifies and improves from what the students already known or have built upon. The authors took the position that the preparation of teachers in a multicultural, the people who are given the tasks of helping these teachers must first set the direction by articulating a vision of diverse society where there is teaching and learning that are happening in the process. This vision is believed to make it conceptually coherent if these teachers are to be prepared for diversity. The author had in effect articulated a proposed vision which is characterized by six salient features as explained earlier. This vision will serve as framework to infuse and call attention to diversity while the teachers are involved in the educational curriculum prepared for the purpose. The elements of the vision will feed into the minds of the pre service teachers while undergoing the learning experiences. Together in fieldwork as well as in coursework the teachers will collectively cultivate the sublime characteristic of culturally responsive teachers. The authors of this article do not want their proposal be prescriptive. They proposed a need for dialogue to develop a group vision of teaching and learning in a multicultural society. They proposed a need to look at and evaluate and revise if necessary the present curriculum in a consonance with the collective vision that may be agreed upon. They also admit to the requirement to invest time in making coordination for the envisioned responsive teaching qualities to what can be found in the courses that they teach and field experiences that they offer. They admit the need to have professional development that will help them to model the responsive teaching qualities as would be found in the revised curriculum. They are in a sense saying the vision articulation which they propose to be collectively done will just constitute the start of the process in the long journey of educating under the multicultural program where students belong to diverse cultural backgrounds. . The first step if successful will therefore lead into integrating the vision in the education curriculum of the teachers and improving the capabilities to implement the said revised curriculum. This will also lead to more collaboration among teachers and administrators of the multicultural program. The authors are in effect making suggestions that would simplify the rather difficult task into manageable ones formidable task. However the suggested cannot be considered to be very easy as viewed by the authors since the framework that they are proposing will still require negotiation with present social and political structures and contexts. 2. 4. Learning Who We (and They) Are: Popular Culture as Pedagogy by Guy (2007) The article aims to discuss the popular culture becoming a major educational project, or the means through which people learn. The author also recommended that population culture is capable of being used in learning race, class or gender issues. He asserted that population culture can power shape people and be used to challenge structured inequalities and social injustices. He also argued that those educating the adults via pop culture can be an effective way of educational strategies by asserting critical position toward population culture. Population culture or pop culture is defined as â€Å"culture of the masses†as distinguished from higher culture. The author started his article by reflecting on the meaning of education as forwarded by Benjamin Mays, a well known teacher and college president in Atlanta. He particularly used May’s statement about man’s having to live his dreams, his ideals and what he aspires to be. In other words, according to Mays, living not by bread alone or taking inspiration from one’s spiritual life is very much important. It is therefore in the attainment of self knowledge and understanding one’s life purpose where one discovers the vital goal of education. Yet, the high-technology world has answered critical or important questions of using population culture as a means via the mass media. The author has seen how population culture was used in advertising and the fact that it is used is uncontrollable already in the lives of many people, has recommended therefore the use of the same in learning culture or issues of race, class or gender. He cited authors arguing that media has shaped people’s ideas about race through cultural production of meaning. He cited abundant pieces evidence of how social cultures are made again using media. He therefore cited other author’s work producing evidence of cultural meanings delivered through cinema, music, video, TV, radio and Video. It could be therefore easy to agree with the points raised by the author considering that the issue of population culture is easily accessible to many. There is such a thing what is desired by great number of people or what is popular has an effect of influencing attitudes. The author therefore emphasized the important role player of population culture in teaching students. He however warned of multiple interpretations of meanings that producers, consumers, educators of adult and adult learners take. To accomplish the goals of teaching, he recommended the employing activities and strategies as used in this article. As an example, when confronted with multiple interpretations of meanings conveyed by pop culture in race, gender and class, he advocates an attitude of developing a critical analysis and awareness of the ways that attitudes or behaviours may be constrained, controlled or on the other hand, liberated, created and expanded In whatever ways the population culture may be taken a strategy to teach issues on gender, class and race, the author emphasized about the importance of the goal which should establish imaginative and nourishing relationships with other people while encouraging them to live harmoniously and cooperatively. It is by this context that the author drives May’s statement that human has to live in accordance with ideas and unattainable goals. On the principle that the world has become a great nations of democracies which gives the power to the influence of many, it will not be hard to agree as well with the author that the use of pop culture to effect changes in attitudes and values of people through education is an ideal that is easy to accept as what the authors argues about in this paper. References: Gay (2002), Preparing For Culturally Responsive Teaching, Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 53, No. 2, March/April, pp. 106-116 Guy (2007), Learning Who We (and They) Are: Popular Culture as Pedagogy, New Direc1ions For Adult and Continuing Education, no. 115 Tisdell (2006), Spirituality, Cultural identity, and Epistemology in Culturally Responsive Teaching in Higher Education, Multicultural Perspective, 8(3), pp 19-25 Villegas and Lucas (2002), Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers Rethinking The Curriculum, Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 53, No. 1, January/February, 20-32
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance Essay
For most of us these days, having to work is not an option, but a necessity. Struggling to maintain a job and a family can be demanding and stressful. While dealing with everyday chores at home, dinner, homework and other responsibilities, some people think that being at work is like having a break. On the other hand, for a single person, work may be the only social life they have. While using the workplace as an outlet to get away from it all or as a place to socialize, it is important to be aware of actions at work that might annoy your co-workers. Manners do matter, not only in your social life but your workplace. Manners can come into various forms, but professional etiquette in a workplace is vital, if you want to be respected or even make your job easier. For example, if your job involves you sending emails to other clients, associates or managers. You always want the email to content a greeting, and goodbye. I said respectable because there are different forms of greetings and goodbyes depending on the receiver. Manners mean behavior that is considered to be polite in a particular society and culture Manners are what you do in a specific way to be polite, courteous, etc. showing proper manners means making the person around you not feel bad. Example: You say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to show good manners. You are not ‘showing etiquette’ while doing this. As everybody already knows that it’s a professional etiquette to use these words at work! Professional manner & etiquette consists of professional dress code the right dress with the right contrast of color & combination of shoe and socks, exposing physical structure must be avoided. professional appearance, punctuality, use of professional language, positive attitude, non-verbal communication skills, maintaining hygiene. Manners impact of how others perceive you and your company. Your appearance and dress code, your way of welcoming people at first sight or later, your body language, your way of choosing words for your business conversation, your way of managing time effectively, your professional way of interacting with people and finally your mindset are the core components of your professional manner and etiquette. Each company must have a manual for professional manner and etiquette. New recruits should go through an induction program to understand these sensitive issues to deal with people at work. Even every year there should be a review of a company’s professional manner and etiquette to update its manual to keep pace with the changing trends of global fashion and life style. Conducting a job interview is the most widely used selection tool. It has proved most reliable and the employers rely on it in preference to any other tool. It is a process designed to predict future job performance by candidate’s oral responses to oral inquiries. For having a better comprehension of Job interviewing it is proper will to go through the definitions of the interview and job interview. An interview as defined is a conversation between two people where the interviewer put questions to the interviewees to get information from him. Job Interview on the other hand is generally defined as a conversation between an employer and a job candidate, where the employer evaluates a candidate for prospective employment in the organization. The two definitions show that an interview is a general term used for all kinds of interview, it gives out the broad outlines of the term interview. Job interview on the other hand is specific to a particular area namely employment. But, this is a common misconception that job interview is a unilateral process which, is not the case. The above definition of Job interview is very similar to definition of Job Interviewing, but not that of job interview as it does not give the full picture and is incomplete.
Monday, July 29, 2019
“If I Could Tell You” W.H. Auden
â€Å"If I Could Tell You†Analysis In â€Å"If I Could Tell You†W. H. Auden uses personification, repetition and imagery in order to prove the point; you must live your life like you do not have time left. Auden gives a vast setting over all. There are two main characters; Auden and time. The dialogue is in first person and he is speaking to some one he cares about. Auden uses personification to give life to time. This shows how time is the keeper of our destiny. He personifies time because he does not know how to reply to the subject of the poem.Which is, we do not know what will happen in the future only time know. With line 1 he goes â€Å"Time will say nothing but I told you so†. He says this to prove time knows everthing but time can not tell you. Auden uses repetition to bring a structure to the poem. Auden repeats the lines. â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know†and â€Å"Time will say nothing but I told you so†. thoes lines are e mphasized in this poem to repeat the true meaning; which is about life and time. That is why he repeats the word time, like in line 1, to stress its importance and how it separates the two lovers.He only mentions â€Å"love†once on line eight; but it suggests time's supremacy over love. Though he still feels the emotion. He is trying to tell the person he is talking to that if you wait for things to happen life will pass you by, suggested in the last stanza †Suppose the lions all get up and go, and all the brooks and soldiers run away; time will say nothing but I told you so. †Auden uses imagery to paint the story of life in your mind. This poem uses a lot of imagery to paint a picture of life in your mind. Lines such as: †If we should weep when clowns put on their show. â€Å"If we should stumble when musicians play†â€Å"The winds must come from somewhere when they blow,There must be reason why the leaves decay;†â€Å"Perhaps the roses really want to grow,†â€Å"Suppose the lions all get up and go,And the brooks and soldiers run away;†. All of these lines suggest time can really be a harsh thingand how life can push you dow. But with the line †Because I love you more then I can say†this suggests that the world still has love to offer but time can just get in the way of love and life. W. H Auden was a wonderful writer with his words of imagery, repatition and his personification.
Honoring Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Honoring Nursing - Assignment Example  Furthermore, they have to work on weekends, nights, holidays, giving them very little time to bring up their children or relate to their families. Dealing with sick people who are sometimes very violent together with the lonely environment has made nursing profession very persevering. This has called for the need to honoring nurses, since they are very kind and caring, and do their work with passion despite the dangers that they are exposed to. Interview The elements of therapeutic communication that I utilized are being realistic in my relationship with the interviewee. That is, avoiding judging or making assumptions about her behavior and that of the patients who were around, by allowing their personal identity. The other element was being emotionally mature in postponing satisfaction of my own personal needs in deference to those of the interviewee, by finding other sources to meet my needs, other than therapeutic relationships. The adaptations that were made to the communicat ion style to accommodate sensory deficits with the interviewee were speaking very closely to the nurse to ensure that she gets everything. Additionally, communication had to be in low tone to avoid disturbing the patients who need to rest. Since the nurse was on duty, I had to follow her to various work stations to avoid shouting as well as ensuring that he hears and answers each of my questions well. To establish the foundation for helping the relationship in which the interviewee feels comfortable in sharing, I first greeted the nurse, introduced myself, my names, name of my learning institution and my aim of interviewing her. I also asked her if she could mind helping interview her. All along, I had to look and be very friendly to her to create a friendly environment that could help in cooperation. The technique used to elicit professionalism was first to inform the nurse that the information she was going to give would be confidentially treated and therefore, it could not have a ny negative effects on his profession and career. To effectively start the interview, I started telling her about my experience, ambitions, and what I think about nursing as a nursing student. After this, she was eager to tell me the truth on areas of my deficits and where I had excessive hopes as a nursing student. This created a very conducive environment for me dig further into everything that I wanted to know. She became very eager to make everything very clear to me, so that I could know the reality in order to be well prepared (mentally, physically and psychologically) when my time comes. Entering into professional-student discussion with a current nurse in the interview role can be an intimidating experience. Maintaining professionalism at all times made me keep focused during the interview. As a student nurse, I ensure professionalism at all times my first of all ensuring that I was dressed like a nurse, low heeled shoes, and nursing students’ uniform. During the inte rview, I ensured that I did not ask any question that could give information related to a particular patient or person.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The life of William shakespeare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The life of William shakespeare - Research Paper Example Of the five siblings, William had two sisters and three brothers. Edmund Shakespeare, the last born in the Shakespeare family was born when William was in his teenage years, and that’s when he lost one of his sisters. John Shakespeare later became the mayor of the town in which William was born. Shakespeare never had an extensive education life. At the age of six or seven, William Shakespeare attended the King’s new school in Stratford (a school that taught children of prominent citizens) where he leant grammar and got the chance of sharpening his writing skills which laid down the foundation of his career in theater. In his secondary, he studied Latin, literature, rhetoric, logic, and ethics. In his work, there is evidence of Roman comedy, classical mythology and ancient history. This is believed to be his only formal education as there is no evidence to suggest he ever received university training. William might have been withdrawn from the school of grammar due to the increased poverty of his father at the age of thirteen. At that time, his father was a butcher, and William joined him in that business for some time. The business of John Shakespeare had gone from bad to worse, and at the time, William Shakespeare was eighteen, his father was deprived of his mayorship. This happened on 6th of September 1586. Not much is known about the life of William Shakespeare in his youth, but it is evident that at the age of eighteen, he got married to a farmer’s daughter known as Anne Hathaway who was eight years older than him. They married when Anne had William’s pregnancy and she gave birth six months later. It is believed that Shakespeare was forced into marriage by the Hathaway family since he wanted to marry one Anne Whateley who was already married to Wm Shaxpere and that he had previously impregnated Anne Hathaway. William Shakespeare never showed affection to his wife. This is evident because in his first draft of his will,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Training in ethics for management personnel Essay
Training in ethics for management personnel - Essay Example The Columbia Encyclopedia (2003) defines business ethics as the study and evaluation of decision making by businesses according to moral concepts and judgments. Issues involved in ethical business decisions include a company's obligation to be honest with its customers, a company's responsibility to preserve the environment and the protection of employee rights. Ethical conflicts arise due to the differences in the interests of company owners, workers, customers, and the community wherein which the business operates. The dilemma for managers is how to balance the need to produce profits for shareholders with honest business practices, safety in the workplace, and environmental and social concerns. The globalization of businesses and diversity in the workplace have also contributed to the complication of ethical issues because of different government laws that define the limits of criminal behavior. Practices which are deemed as bribery, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and l ack of concern for the environment, may be held as criminal in one country but are neither illegal nor unethical or unusual in another. The company must then decide whether to adhere to its traditional ethical principles or not, especially if this provides opportunities for maximizing profits. According to Today's Market... use of these type of occurrences in the business milieu, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has become part of mandatory United States federal law that companies must adhere to. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is intended to protect against corporate fraud and unethical accounting and reporting incidents. Thus, ethics training is now widely conducted to instill corporate values, rules and regulations in the minds of managers and employees. Ethics Training Ethics training aims to ensure that people are aware of ethical issues and the consequences of unethical behavior. Companies which conduct ethics training are benefited by the continual application of the company code of ethics in the everyday business environment. Ethics training provides a venue for communication and problem solving that guides participants in the resolution of complex issues brought about by conflicts of interest. It helps create a guide that may be followed when exercising discretion, while defining boundaries, limitations and expectations within the organization. An ethical workplace environment is characterized by properly exercised discretion, and ethics training is a step toward corporate compliance (Today's Marketer, 2008). An ethics training program encourages employee involvement in the process of reporting violations of the code of conduct, or any unethical practice. Compliant companies establish a procedure and a point of contact where whistleblowers my anonymously report violations. The process allows employees to be at ease when an unethical situation must be reported, and contributes to the company's corporate compliance program because it proves the company's willingness to eliminate unethical practices. Encouraging the reporting reduces catastrophic outcomes for the company, such as those which
Friday, July 26, 2019
Breaking a Gender Norm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Breaking a Gender Norm - Essay Example Since culture defines expectations of a man, a man wearing a dress goes against the norm and is viewed as feminine because of wearing a dress; although, men in west Africa wear overall dresses in official and unofficial occasions (jewa6961, 2011). College shows double standards between men and women because men feel the desire to exercise dominance for them to be accepted in society. Although I found it easy to violate the male norm of dressing, the feelings of violating the dressing norm in men in a public place is quite uncomfortable regardless of the fact that women are proud of their appearance. I felt the need to act in a way that would conceal my feelings in an attempt to avoid consequences associated with violation of the norm. I had a feeling of fear regarding the way the people around would receive the gender deviant behavior because I knew there would be social penalties because I was behaving in way that is incongruent to the norm regarding male dressing. Due to preferred male dominance in the country, dressing like a woman exposed me to the double standards in violating the male dressing norms; moreover, acting in this way made me feel like I managed to break away from standards set out by the society. By wearing a dress evoked stereotype judgment aimed at me due to the violation of expected genders norms associated with men dressing because dressing in men is essential in showing their masculinity. However, to a certain extent I felt that people could be embracing actions of deviance aimed at gender norms because some people showed signs of comfort even when I broke norms of men dressing. However, traits related to gender can vary in accordance with culture, gender norms being what is considered socially acceptable in all genders advocates strict adherence to the norms in each gender. By violating the dressing norm in men I developed feelings of being socially unpredictable, confusion regarding norms, undermined trust regarding
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Windows Vulnerability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Windows Vulnerability - Research Paper Example This report highlights the details of attacks conducted using this vulnerability, the systems that are vulnerable to this attack, the consequences and effects of the attacks, document some cases where such attacks have taken place and finally explore the fixes that exist so far. As stated above, such an attack takes advantage of the design flaws in transport layer, such that the attacker is able to intercept secure traffic from the target computer. In this way, the attacker could make use of an enticing website to attract a user within the organization. Any processing handled on that website, could trigger sensitive information to flow to the attackers website. A successful attack would be possible if the attacker is able to decrypt the traffic from the target systems, which is normally encrypted. However, the vulnerability will not be extended to users of SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft internet information services (IIS7). These systems will function normally with no fear of remote attacks unless they are deployed on machines with the above named operating systems. The uncontrolled and unauthorized access to target systems creates a channel that the attacker can use to acquire the organization’s sensitive data or plan future attacks. This means, sensitive information could be leaked to competitors; thus, diminishing any competitive advantages that may have existed. Currently, there are no reported cases of attacks conducted by exploiting this vulnerability. According to a vulnerability alert, this exploit has been unproven (Cisco). However, this does not belittle the fact that the vulnerability still exists and measures should be taken to ensure that the organization’s data is safe. Given the fact that this vulnerability can be exploited through remote means, it is important to ensure that the filters and checks are put in place to control
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Does the threat of prison serve as a deterrent Discuss with reference Essay
Does the threat of prison serve as a deterrent Discuss with reference to the work of at least two academic theorists - Essay Example Across the societies and in all nations, a prison system has been set and mandated with primary responsibility and authority of punishing these criminal offenders who have been found guilty by court. To deter is to use punishment as way of averting criminal acts. A prison is a setting where criminal offenders are contained legally as way of punishment for the crimes they have committed (Perrier and Pink, 2003:58). The question that, therefore, rises is if prisons actually serve to deter crime from happening. This essay will discuss the extent and ways in which prisons function in their attempt to reduce and deter crime and demonstrate if actually this objective is achieved. This will be based and compared to the theoretical perspectives of prison and role in crime deterrence. It is of great concern to anyone who has interest in crime prevention to critically analyse the role of prison system in curbing crime through preventing a reoccurrence and initiation of a new one. There has been a massive transformation in the recent time in the prison departments with different people expressing divergent opinions concerning the main role of a prison. Some people would argue that the prison should be a rehabilitation centre with structures and facilities that are suppose to empower the offenders and show them a new perspective in life. Other people from a different school of thought would say that availing positive and empowerment tools to offenders would be reinforcing criminal acts and, therefore, no one would learn from the mistakes. Punishment is the best way to unlearn behaviour rather that exposing a criminal to positive and enabling conditions. While it appears to be a motivation and reinforcement of a criminal behaviour, a holistic rehabilitative measure have been put in most prisons to make sure that prisoners come out of their dens afresh with clearly set goals and ambition so as to make a change in the society. This has
Marketing process and planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing process and planning - Essay Example However, due to a variety of other games, Anki drive will be affected by the elasticity of demand. The prices are likely to go down since there are many competitors in the market. The product will only be limited to the Apple users in the UK. This might affect the market share of the product if there are only few people who use the Apple gadgets. In addition, considering the Apple products are expensive, they might limit the usage Anki Drive. Anki Drive would have had a bigger market share if it would have been launched in other smart phones apart from Apple phones. On the other hand, there will be a high competition from other games that can use all type of smart phones, which will be likely to beat Anki Drive in the market share. Anki Drive has a particular segment in the market. Being a car racing game, most youths will prefer the game because most of them love cars. However, the game can only be supported by Apple iOS devices. Therefore, only the iPhone and iPad users will have access to the game. Most youths in the current generation prefer to use these devices because of their unique features and the improved technology. This is the reason the company decided to chose these devices for Anki Drive. The UK and the US has a lot of youths who are gamers. Thus, the market was segmented mostly for these youths where it will provide a unique and entertaining way to play games. Youths will always show interest in new pattern of games, and that is why Anki Drive is in the market (KOTLER, 2013). As said earlier, Anki Drive is mostly targeted to the youths and the users of Apple products. Thus, the company is going to use concentrated marketing strategy in marketing this video game. In a concentrated marketing strategy, a company targets only one major group of customers to deliver its products. Having explored the market trends for other games, youths were
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Ethical Revolt of Slave Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Ethical Revolt of Slave Morality - Essay Example In Friedrich Nietzsche’s On The Genealogy of Morals, he explains how a slave revolt takes place in history, which is emphasized through the predominance of Christian morality. In this essay I shall explain how Nietzsche arrived at such a claim. I shall argue that despite Nietzsche’s criticisms on the dogmas of Christian morality, values, and tradition, he extols principles that contribute to the emancipation of the individual self. It is in this regard that I agree with Nietzsche when he claims that a slave revolt has taken place, for along with this revolt was the degradation of the human subject as powerless, and thus stagnating one’s potentials for self-actualization. However, in order to understand Nietzsche’s contentions, it is important to understand first, what dominated his thoughts. One of the elements which is central to Nietzsche’s thought is illustrated in his famous declaration that, â€Å"God is Dead!†(â€Å"Thus Spoke†77). This affirms a complete rejection of metaphysical and religious truths as grounds for reality. To Nietzsche, the existence of God, the afterlife, immortality are nothing but imaginary causes. In his view, such are nothing but mere projections of one’s psychological desire for security and calculability in life. In line with this, Nietzsche believed that once the existence of God is unveiled as an illusion, then it follows that God could no longer be implemented as the foundation for human ethical conducts. This leads to the assertion that all morals will be founded on the subjective will of individual self. Thus, Nietzsche affirmed the individual self as the basis of all inquires and norms. Based on this argument, we are led to the question on how can the individual achieve its highest level of affirmation i n a world without a divine providence? The answer to this query is found in the Nietzsche’s theory of the will to power. Nietzsche’s will to power is defined as â€Å"the drive to dominate the environment. This drive, so central is the will to power. This will to power is more than simply the will to survive. It is, rather, an inner drive to express a vigorous affirmation of all a person’s powers†(Stumpf 380). Given this, the will to power can be characterized as the inner propensity to dominate and assert superiority over one’s life. Furthermore, it allows individuals to reach their highest potentials through the overcoming of barriers and constraints. In this manner, individuals increase in power and vitality. However, Nietzsche cautioned us that if one decides to practice a certain code of ethics, the will to power gradually declines. By this, the individual weakens and suffers. Herein, Nietzsche accused Christianity for advocating virtues that undermine and destabilize one’s will to power. But prior to Nietzsche’s presentation of his criticisms towards the teachings of the Christian religion, he first explains how and why Christianity became the dominant religion in human society. Master Morality His explanation is found in his doctrine of the two-fold history of good and evil. This doctrine reveals that there were two types of moralities, which were practiced during the ancient Greeks. These are master morality or aristocratic morality and slave morality. For Nietzsche, Master morality is one that is founded upon the will to power. He claims: â€Å"What is good? – All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man. What is bad? – All that proceeds from weakness. What is happiness? – the feeling that power increases – that a resistance is overcome†(â€Å"Twilight of†127). With this in mind, master morality advocates that â€Å"goodâ⠂¬ is identified to that which is powerful and noble. On the other hand, â€Å"evil†is linked to weakness and cowardice. In line with this, In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche describes the temperament of the noblemen. To begin with, Nietzsche says, â€Å"
Monday, July 22, 2019
Uniforms in Public Schools Essay Example for Free
Uniforms in Public Schools Essay Since crime is a staple in almost every community, it only follows that public schools, as indispensable institutions in the community, may be vulnerable to criminal predicaments, if not inevitable victims of crime altogether. Crimes in public schools range from trivial to serious cases. According to a DPI news release, most of these crimes have something to do with possession, be of illegal substances, firearms, and explosives, or even petty alcohol (DPI, 2006). However, although not as rampant, crimes in public schools also involve robberies, as well as physical and sexual assaults. Even more alarming nowadays is the fact that public schools can also become targets of massacres or killings sprees, as was proven by the Virginia Tech incident in a CNN article dated April 17, 2007 (CNN, 2007). Thus, the current situation of public schools becomes rather alarming, and parents worry about their children who are in school. Marcus Nieto, author of Security and Crime Prevention Strategies in California Public Schools, says that the causes of school crimes vary along with different perspectives regarding the matter (Nieto, 1999). Joel Turtel, author of Public Schools, Public Menace, on the other hand, states that some consider lack of discipline in schools a primary cause, while others believe that it is lack of moral values and parental guidance (Turtel, 2005). Facts show that drug use is also a precipitant of school crime and violence, and there are those who maintain that it is due to â€Å"glorified violence†in culture and the media (Nieto, 1999). Survey shows that negligence of parents is also a contributing factor, and was also identified in a CNN poll as one of the top three causes of crimes in schools along with access to guns and the media (Nieto, 1999). Numerous strategies have already been and are being employed to prevent such crimes within schools. Such preventive measures range from simple and inexpensive to downright elaborate. Simple preventive measures include â€Å"assigning teachers in hallways, grouping troubled students in alternative schools, and requiring visitor registration (Nieto, 1999). †Other strategies involve creating a peaceful ambiance conducive to teaching and learning through â€Å"comprehensive school-safety plans, zero-tolerance policies for drugs and weapons, and community collaboration (Nieto, 1999). †More elaborate preventive measures include providing telephones for each classroom, installing surveillance systems, stationing of uniformed police officers and creating anonymous hotlines and websites through which anyone in possession of weapons and other illegal material can be reported. The U. S. Department of Education states in the Manual on School Uniforms that the increasing violence within schools prompts parents and faculty members to subscribe to the implementation of a school uniform policy (Department of Education, 1996). According to Linda Lumsden, the associate editor, and Gabriel Miller, a research analyst and writer for ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management at the University of Oregon, the matter of school safety is a concern that renders the idea of a dress code or uniform policy rather attractive (Lumsden Miller, 2002). However, the implementation of a uniform policy cannot possibly solve the crime problem altogether. The U. S. Department of Education furthers in the Manual on School Uniforms that â€Å"uniforms by themselves cannot solve all the problems of school discipline, but they can be one positive contributing factor to discipline and safety. †II. Presentation of Proposal A mandatory school policy may not be the entire solution for the growing levels of violence and public school crimes. However, it can contribute significantly, though indirectly, to the maintenance of a safe and disciplined environment that is conducive to learning (Department of Education, 1996). Moreover, the implementation of a dress code or school uniform policy comes along with several more benefits. The benefits enumerated by the U. S. Department of Education include: â€Å"decreasing violence and theftâ€â€even life-threatening situationsâ€â€among students over designer clothing or expensive sneakers, helping prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school, instilling students with discipline, helping parents and students resist peer pressure, helping students concentrate on their school work, and helping school officials recognize intruders who come to the school (Department of Education, 1996). †More importantly, as one parent commented at a forum regarding dress code policies via internet e-mail, uniforms can help students take school more seriously with a renewed respect for that place where they are being prepared for the future, where they will, most likely, also be required to observe a dress code. III. Summary and Rebuttal of Opposing Views Studies may have shown that no difference exists between students who are in uniform and those who are not. However, a mandatory uniform policy provides a sort of equality among students, for the same dress code will more or less reduce the superficial gap between the impoverished and the well-off. This will then lessen the pressure among students, especially adolescents, to dress in order to fit in (Middleweb, 2000). The implementation of a dress code policy may also be contested by another counter-argument, that is, a required dress code will further challenge the purchasing power of families from the poorer neighborhoods. According to the U. S. Department of Education, non-uniform outfits are usually more expensive than uniforms. According to an August 2002 article of the Wall Street Journal, the cost of uniforms range from $25-$40 per outfit (NAESP, 2002). An article from USA Today states that parents more or less spend $185 for non-uniform outfits for each child. Nevertheless, implementation of a uniform policy might still be a burden for families who cannot afford them (NAESP, 2002). Still, school districts can come up with provisions to assist those families. For instance, the school itself can provide uniforms to the students who cannot afford them (Department of Education, 1996). Community and business leaders can also provide financial assistance, and school parents can help each other provide uniforms for their children (Department of Education, 1996). The school alumni can also donate their used uniforms to the less privileged (Department of Education, 1996). IV. The Justification for the Proposal Argument A. Feasibility The implementation of a uniform dress code in public schools is highly feasible, as many school districts have already required their students to observe a dress code. Cherry Hill Elementary was the first public school to subscribe to a mandatory uniform policy (NAESP, 2002). Then Long Beach Unified School District in California followed suit in 1994 (NAESP, 2002). Since then, more and more schools have adopted uniforms. Promowear listed the top ten cities with the most schools with a uniform policy, namely: Los Angeles/Long Beach, New York, Houston, Philadelphia, Dallas/Fort Worth, Washington DC, New Orleans, Detroit, Jacksonville FL, and Atlanta (NAESP, 2002). B. Cost-Effective As a proposition of policy, the implementation of a uniform policy in public schools calls for a change in the status quo. Thus, the cost of this change must be considered. However, if the advantages are weighed against the disadvantages, the implementation of a uniform policy in public schools is cost-effective. As was mentioned above, a mandatory uniform policy comes with several benefits while the disadvantages are only minimal. Furthermore, the disadvantages comprised by the supposed repression of self-expression and additional expenses can be addressed. The U. S. Department of Education recommends that the uniform policy should not prohibit wearing â€Å"expressive items†with uniforms like pins or buttons, for instance, â€Å"so long as such items do not independently contribute to disruption by substantially interfering with discipline or with the rights of others (Department of Education, 1996). †The financial dilemmas can also be solved, as was already mentioned above. C. Does it work? The uniform policy apparently works, as many schools, both public and private, have already been observing a mandatory uniform policy for years. D. How will it be implemented? According to the U. S. Department of Education, the decision to implement a mandatory uniform policy is made by â€Å"states, local school districts, and schools (Department of Education, 1996). †Moreover, in the Manual on School Uniforms by the U. S. Department of Education, it is stated that parents and faculty members must also be involved in the evaluation on whether or not to adopt school uniforms (Department of Education, 1996). V. Moral Acceptability Since there exists an assumption that students have a right to liberty of expression, a sort of controversy springs in the midst of the idea of implementing a dress code. â€Å"Although students retain constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression, the Supreme Court has held that these rights are limited (Madrid Garcia, 1999). †In fact, the Supreme Court has recently articulated that schools can instill students with â€Å"state sponsored values and ideals;†hence, school officials have the power to regulate expression, especially if they distract such values. Another warrant or assumption might be the aforementioned notion that uniformed students are no different from those who are not. Again, the matter of concern is not individual differences but the safety and well-being of the learning environment and the school population as a whole. VI. Conclusion A mandatory school uniform policy may not be the entire solution to the predicaments regarding crime and violence within public schools, but its positive contributions to making the school environment safe, disciplined, and conducive to learning must be considered. The adoption of a school uniform policy may entail minute disadvantages, but these can be addressed and are minimal compared to the benefits a uniform or dress code policy provides. The students only have to realize that it is for their own good. CNN. (2007). Witness survives by pretending to be dead. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from www. cnn. com/2007/US/04/16/vtech. shooting/index. html Department of Education, U. S. (1996). Manual on School Uniforms [Electronic Version]. Retrieved May 03, 2007 from http://www. ed. gov/updates/uniforms. html. DPI. (2006). Latest Annual Report on School Crime and Violence Released. from www. dpi. state. nc. us/newsroom/news/2005-06 Lumsden, L. , Miller, G. (2002). Dress Codes and Uniforms [Electronic Version]. Retrieved May 03, 2003 from http://www. naesp. org/ContentLoad. do? contentId=417. Madrid, M. J. , Garcia, E. A. (1999). STUDENT DRESS CODES: Constitutional Requirements and Policy Suggestions [Electronic Version]. Retrieved May 03, 2007 from http://www. modrall. com/articles/article_13. html. Middleweb. (2000). Some Thoughts About School Uniforms. Retrieved May 03, 2007, from http://www. middleweb. com/INCASEUniforms. html NAESP. (2002). Public School Uniforms [Electronic Version]. Retrieved May 03, 2007 from http://www. naesp. org/ContentLoad. do? contentId=929. Nieto, M. (1999). Security and Crime Prevention Strategies in California Public Schools. Retrieved May 03, 2007, from www. library. ca. gov/crb/99/12/99-012. pdf Turtel, J. (2005). Public School Prisons. Retrieved April 26, 2007, from www. homefires. com/articles/public_school_prisons. asp
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Effect Of Marine Tourism And Diving Market Tourism Essay
Effect Of Marine Tourism And Diving Market Tourism Essay Introduction Marine tourism is a temporary movement of people to destinations out side their regular situation and activities within a marine setting. Marine tourism being a constituent of the tourism division is deemed to be growing swiftly both in stipulations of its size and its worth. This expansion in marine tourism is mainly important as such actions come up in places that could be measured to be peripheral in spatial, sequential and financial provisions. The peripheral environment of marine tourism destinations means that these places have been holdup behind in terms of their financial and communal growth. The marine tourism business acts as a chief role in making the World Heritage spot to a broad variety of guests. Aim Exploring the effect of marine tourism and diving market on people choices on their holiday destination Objective The objective of this research proposal is to analyze the trends and forecast of the marine tourism industry. This will be done by examining development in marine tourism growth globally. Factors encouraging people to go to coastal destinations A characteristic shared by many coastal destinations is a wealth of pristine coastal and aquatic environments for example most of these areas have the variety, ecological aspects and landscape features that are extremely sought by marine tourists. Examples of species around the world consist of cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales) species of birds and fish, sharks, crocodiles sea lions seals, penguins, and polar bears. These species have a tendency to be attractive to the tourist because of being large and exhibiting fantastic behavior. The Activities at these coastal regions also influence people visit. They include; oil painting and mosaic making; jewellery assembly to cup cake decorating; artistic writing and photography; and cookery workshops, which are run by local citizens who are passionate concerning their focus and about where they reside. Creative workshops take place in exciting unique sites including the workshop leadersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ residences and backyard studios, many close to the marine. The creative workshops also present opportunity for people to enthusiastically participate in. Other activities that include species of plants and animals include guided rock-pooling activities. There are exciting self-sufficient shops selling local arts and crafts, art and theatrical venues, amazing galleries and vibrant music, at these seaside regions. There are also creative actions like Whitstable Oyster, Herne Bay, Festival Fuse in Medway and Whitstable Biennale, Broadstairs,Canterbury, and Deal Festivals which attract marine tourists. People working and living on these coastal regions provide skills that ensure segregation and local distinctiveness. Tourists visit these destinations to engage in leisure activities such as shell gathering, the aroma of salt air, the whack of the cottage screen door, the creepy elevation of a huge breaker, and sand all over the place. Tourist go on holiday to marine destination for relaxation and break: To stroll the walk on the seashore of a barrier island, construct sandcastles, stare over the hazy Adriatic from the holiday lodge with an arbor of fragranced jasmine. Some visit for adventure for example the boating tour to visit a puffin settlement on a natural creek, the walk atop surf-battered bluffs and the scuba push downward a sea cliff of coral. Others visit these destinations to see the coastal landscape and nature for example the rising seas; dwindling wetlands; oil drilling and shipping path offshore; garbage rinsing onshore and the air travel. 2. Exploring the reasons of increasing the marine and diving tourism Increasing the marine and diving tourism increases potential for expansion in the tourism division, and the marine tourism division as an input tourism factor that can naturally benefit from this growth. This also makes the tourism division to benefit from improved communication and transportation technologies. These enhancements can include better access to information concerning tourist destination and actions, and similarly outstandingly enhanced admission to tourism places by way of additional resourceful transportation. Enhanced transport efficiency can in turn make traveling quicker, extra direct and cheaper while improving admission to substitute settings. Diving tourism breaks has witness highest demand from local and international divers. It also aims to confine foreign tourist visitation thus boosting the tourism division 3. Identify typologies for diving tourism The growth in diving tourism has been encouraged by increased accessibility to training, apparatus as well as dive spots, and partially because of the negligible investment involved in taking-up scuba diving as different from other activities 4. Identify the top destination of diving tourism and marine ecotourism The North Sulawesi Watersports Association Formed in mid 1998 has agreed to support the North Sulawesi as a first-class marine tourism destination through development of high principles of service and security and sponsoring more ecologically aware water sports actions within the Bunaken National Park. The Turneffe Flats has for a time long been acknowledged as one of Belizes premier sea water flutter fishing, scuba diving and marine tourism destinations. This is located on the Turneffe Atoll, the major and mainly biologically varied coral atoll in the Caribbean, it specializes in finer service for a restricted number of tourist. Turneffe Flats is known as one of the Caribbeans leading saltwater dash fishing destinations. The variety of the brine flats fishing sets it at a distance from other destinations and the prospect to seize bonefish, allow and tarpon makes Turneffe Flats one of the rare. The atolls of Belize are charged along with the worlds best dive marine tourist destinations. It has perfect coral reefs, plentiful marine life and temperate Caribbean seas. There are hard to believe snorkeling is a basis of the parcel with a large variety of snorkeling options. The destination has several bird species that have been identified with West Indian Manatees. 5. Studying  the impact of the marine tourism on the destination Marine tourism makes logic of unity between host and tourists A big significance of marine tourism is generating feelings of resemblance between tourists and their relatives and friends with members and society in destinations. The understanding of calling other peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s places amplifies the feeling of solidarity and the force of the desire to contribute. Tourism is an important part of the local economy in many developing countries. Marine tourism is necessary to the livelihoods of huge parts of the destination population. Marine tourism contributes directly to the local economy, for example the informal division, directly profiting, the craft sellers, juice pressers, fruit sellers and local guides. Various destinations coastal areas face turn down marine industries. Marine ecotourism presents a means of realizing strategies for financial renewal, employment establishment and sustainable growth values, and improves the natural surroundings in which it exists. Marine ecotourism denotes ecotourism actions happen in the coastal region, in the marine surroundings. The marine and coastal surrounding is a collective global resource. More rigorous collaboration among neighborhood and nations on marine ecotourism guarantee the ecological qualities on which this tourism depends are sustained and improved. In most waning fishing neighborhoods in the European Union Atlantic Area, there is a similarity of possibility for the growth of marine ecotourism. The road and rail network for example, housing is largely already there in often dilapidated seaside resorts The biggest confront is the need for a transformation in the mindsets of policymakers within the various divisions that force upon marine ecotourism, as well as the populations with the prospective to widen tourism in the form of legitimately sustainable marine ecotourism. There is a necessity for events that understands in the local circumstance and with the confined stakeholders, without whose hold up and participation; no marine ecotourism would be legitimately sustainable. Marine ecotourism proposals should be optimistic to evolve at the confined community level. The basic major explanation for the expansion of marine ecotourism, it that it takes appropriate concern of the supply base which is the solution to preserving its wider reimbursement. Relating the profits of ecotourism to preservation guarantees that the interdependency is correctly recognized and taken into explanation in the preparation and organization of marine ecotourism. The available legal and other official methods have a significant responsibility to play in preparation and supervision for a legitimately sustainable marine environment. These require to be enhanced by a variety of unofficial and charitable actions in order to realize stability between top to down and bottom up advances. Increasing the statutory approach with charitable policies can tackle the inadequacy that official rigid configurations tend to display in value of the unique troubles inbuilt in preparation for legitimately sustainable aquatic ecotourism. The actions of marine ecotourism depend straightforwardly on the sustained accessibility of high excellence marine surroundings in which to function. The marine surroundings create a center of attention to tourists and grants them with ecotourism familiarities for which they are enthusiastic to compensate. In case marine surroundings are broken, tourists can longer desire to stay in the area concerned. Marine ecotourism has a tough incentive to check the marine environment upon which it relies, and it is vital to distinguish this in the expansion, preparation and running of such behaviors at a local point. The development issues that are fundamental in the preparation and organization of legitimately sustainable marine ecotourism reside in a problem area that requires partnership, than effortless collaboration. These problems are adequately difficult beyond the capability of any single person to decide them, dictating partnership between stakeholders. Marketing should prioritize the surrounding protection or else can serve to compromise the intended and run marine ecotourism actions. Accountable marketing of marine environment at the local stage should embrace the idea of surroundings and socio-cultural improvement, as well as local contribution and managing of marketing actions. The marketing of maritime ecotourism should be reliable with the main beliefs of sustainability. The ecotourism attitude grants a unique accountability on ecotourism familiarity providers to guarantee the inclusion of appropriate and efficient analysis of the marine environment. Visitors should also be well-informed about their probable collisions on the surroundings. Civic establishment are accountable for making sure that nautical ecotourism contributors are properly educated, and efforts made to make certain that local stage strategy makers, planners and other stakeholders fully appreciate the idea and reimbursement of marine ecotourism. Evaluating whether maritime ecotourism is being efficiently designed and managed calls for screening in short and long-term. This should be carried out with consideration to the efficiency and suitability of the dogmatic and charitable arrangement in place, the maritime ecotourism reserve base, the class of the merchandise and significantly, the reimbursement to communities. Crack and flaws in official preparation and guidelines means at a local level, unpaid arrangements should be made in working towards a sensible combination of official and unofficial procedures. This can also assist move charitable structures towards official appreciation, thus giving them power. This can be attained through licensing systems and revenue generating fees On the destination stage, marine ecotourism can be made as a product harmonizing existing festival activities as a naval ecotourism ingredient can be established to most seashore holidays if the funds and systems are present. This can decrease the overall worldwide warming repercussions as people take less but longer holidays. It can have more advantage in dropping the period of more traditional structures of tourism action in cooler destinations. Many countries all through the tropics account instances of how marine tourism has had outcomes in reef dilapidation. Terms of tourist amenities causes reefs to be mined for construction material choked by residue released in the creation and poison by ravage disposed from the finished, performance growth. Tourist growth attracts a profitable deal in marine junk which degrades reefs. Oceanic ecotourism has demonstrated itself capable of creating socioeconomic paybacks for destination coastal communitiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ different parts of the world. For example, the socioeconomic impact linked with whale watching, which is a financial actions are both considerable and prevalent. Marine ecotourism is able of making peripheral coastal areas with a growth option that sustainable other actions for economic prospective. Marginal regions tend to rely on inadequate variety of economic activities in sustaining the living of their local society. The general activities in these areas are sea, sand and sun tourism and sea fishing for profit. The marine ecotourism also helps in the redistribution of income and the necessitate to invest in infrastructure.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Investigating the Energy Released of Ethanol and 1-pentanol
Investigating the Energy Released of Ethanol and 1-pentanol 1.0 Introduction Combustion reactions are always exothermic, due to the substances (fuels) releasing energy through combustion (temperature increases), which the change in enthalpy () is negative value. All fuels of this experiment are alcohols – ethanol, 1-pentanol and two mixtures of them with different ratios (90%:10% ; 80%:20%), which are the most common organic compounds. Alcohols contain the hydroxyl functional group (-OH) (Diagram 1) bonded to an alkyl group’s carbon atom (Chemwiki, 2014). The classification of alcohols depends on the number of carbon atoms are attached to the carbon atom that is attached to OH group. Both ethanol and 1-pentanol are primary () alcohols, which only one carbon atom is attached to the carbon atom with the OH group (Chemiwiki, 2014). Secondary () and tertiary () alcohols are when two and three carbon atoms are attached to the carbon atom with OH group, but they would not be used in the experiment. In this experiment, 1-pentanol () (Diagram 2) has the longest carbon chain (five carbon atoms) of the fuels, which is expected to produce the highest amount of heat during combustion (), and ethanol () (Diagram 1) has the lowest number of carbon atoms (two carbon atoms), which is believed to release low energy during combustion (). During combustion, the fuel/alcohol reacts with oxygen which produces carbon dioxide and water vapour. It is believed that the greater the change in enthalpy value, the more efficiency of the fuel and more energy will be released. The energy released is calculated through bond energy and measured data, which the heat of combustion of water is divided by the number of moles of the fuel used (). All fuels used in the experiment are hydrocarbon, which is when the carbon atoms joining together form different bonds. There are three main groups of bonding types (Diagram 3): alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015). Ethanol and 1-pentanol are both alkanes, that they only contain single bonds between carbon atoms; whereas, alkenes and alkynes group contain double and triple bonds between the carbon atoms. The calculated enthalpy change of energy is only an approximation, as the bond energy value for each bond is only an average. In addition, the bond energy value provided for each bond is measured in various states for different situations. This accounts for the difference between the calculated and the actual (Harcourt Education, 2007-2010). 4.0 Discussion 4.1 Analysis By investigating the energy produced during the combustion of different fuels, a linear increasing relationship (Figure 3) was discovered that the longer the carbon chain lengths (larger molar mass) in each fuel molecule, the higher energy released during combustion. Due to two of the fuels being mixtures, the number of carbon was hard to define; hence, the molar mass was used to compare with the average enthalpy. According to Figure 2, the average enthalpy and the fuels’ molar mass had a linear relationship, that the larger molar mass of the fuel, the higher the heat of combustion. Ethanol had the lowest molar mass of 46.069g and 1-pentanol had the highest molar mass of 88.15g (Table 2), hence ethanol had the lowest average heat of combustion (668.6403kJ/mole) whereas 1-pentanol had the highest value (1588.2183kJ/mole) (Table 1). There was a large percentage increase of 137.53% from ethanol to 1-pentanol, which supported the increasing trend and the significant difference in Figure 2. Since a longer carbon chain lengths contain more C-H and C-C bonds (more bond energies) which produce more C=O and O-H bonds ( and ); more bonds would be needed to break and larger level of energy released. Figure 1 clearly illustrated that the secondary and calculated data both supported the increasing trend as the blue and orange bars continued to rise with the increase in molar mass. Thus, 1-pentanol was expected and justified to be the most efficient fuel for this experiment. Mixtures of ethanol and 1-pentanol were used to explore whether ethanol would have a great impact on 1-pentanol and the mixture with ratio of 90% ethanol and 10% 1-pentanol was expected to be the most efficient fuel in real life context. Through calculations, both mixtures had larger values of heat of combustion than pure ethanol; hence, ethanol had an impact on 1-pentanol as the percentage change of the mixture with 10% of 1-pentanol was 22.78% and 20% of 1-pentanol mixture was 39.40% in comparison to pure ethanol. Theoretically, the percentage change of the mixture with 20% of 1-pentanol should be more efficient than the mixture with 10% 1-pentanol due to it produced more energy, which it did have a higher value of energy (933.9340 kJ/mole) released than the other mixture (820.9308 kJ/mole). However, the Australian Government regulations would have a proportion of 10% ethanol in petrol (Biofuels Association of Australia, 2014), due to most petrol used in gasoline and diesel engines (in Australia) have an expansion ratio of 10:1 for premium fuel or 9:1 for regular fuel, and some other engines have ratios of 12:1 or higher (Wikipedia, 2015). Therefore, although the mixture with 20% 1-pentanol had higher efficiency than mixture with 10% 1-pentanol, the hypothesis was justified that the mixture with a ratio of 90% ethanol and 10% 1-pentanol was a more efficient fuel for petrol because it had a more most efficient ratio in real life, whereas the mixture with ratio of 80%:20% would be not as effective and may require different design/structure of engine or cause damage to the engine. 4.2 Evaluation The trials of the experiment were completed with consistency, although heat loss occurred, the increasing trend still applied through measured, secondary and calculated data. Moreover, heat loss occurred throughout the whole experiment which justified the consistency, thus the experiment was valid. From Table 3, the average percentage error showed that the mixture with ratio of 80%:20% was the most accurate fuel with lowest percentage error (44.74%) and pure 1-pentanol was the least accurate and had the highest percentage error (50.35%). All percentage errors were mainly caused by heat loss, which was probably due to incomplete combustion occurring during combustion as some black substances were on the bottom of the small cans after burning, which would have reduced the fuel efficiency so more mass of fuel was used. The insufficiency of oxygen caused incomplete combustion to produce carbon monoxide and water vapour, which could be avoided by washing off the char on the can after use each time to ensure the fuel efficiency in the next trial. Fibreglass was used as insulator wrapped around outside the big can, it could be improved by wrapping another layer of cellulose insulator (mainly made of shredded newspaper and mixed with several of chemicals to reduce its flammability) for the next experiment to increase energy efficiency. Fibreglass’ main weakness is that its incapability of blocking air from passing though, whereas cellulose insulator has higher density which would limit the air movement and prevent air-leakage better (Binford C, 2011). The non-consistency of the flame may have reduced the fuel efficiency as well, due to the flame was not stable while burning, but this could be overcome by conducting the experiment with a diminished-scale of compartment and calorimeter (over the top of the flame and cans) to investigate the maximum heat released rate and the combustion efficiency. The precision between all trials of pure ethanol, 1-pentanol and the mixture with 10% of 1-pentanol were good as the results of mass used of fuels were consistent. However, there was a big anomaly due to heat loss, occurring in the second trial of the mixture with 20% of 1-pentanol that the mass of fuel used was 0.65g, which was approximately 9.25% higher than the other two trials. The anomaly may be due to the air-conditioning was just starting which affect the room temperature and the temperature around the flame. This could be improved by completing the experiment at a certain room temperature with no air-conditioning, and it would keep the consistency of surrounding’s temperature. The experiment could be extended by changing the percentage of ethanol (e.g. 10% of ethanol), based upon the Australian Government that most petrol have 10% ethanol because at this ratio ethanol produces the most efficient energy (justified in Analysis). It could be extended by using mixtures rat io of 50%:50% of ethanol and 1-pentanol to explore which fuel would have a greater impact, as well as mixtures with ratios of 10%:90% and 20%:80% of ethanol and 1-pentanol to investigate whether mixture with 10% of ethanol had the most fuel efficiency. Another way to extend this experiment is to use different concentration of fuels used in the original experiment, by adding water or evaporating the fuel (heating – increase the temperature) to decrease the concentration of fuels, then burn the fuels and calculate the mass of fuel used to then find the heat of combustion to investigate whether the trend of increase in carbon chain lengths/molar mass causes increase in the fuel efficiency still holds. 5.0 Conclusion In summary, the experiment was investigating the energy released of ethanol, 1-pentanol and their mixtures with ratios of 90% ethanol and 10% 1-pentanol and 80% of ethanol and 20% of 1-pentanol during combustion. Furthermore, the results of all fuels’ energy released were shown to obey the trend of increasing in carbon chain length (molar mass) lead to the increase in energy released, and the mixture with ratio of 90%:10% was discovered to be the most efficient fuel ratio for petrol as the Australian Government uses. Therefore, the hypothesis was justified that pure1-pentanol was the most efficient but when relating to real life circumstances fuel mixtures containing a ratio of 90%:10% were the most efficient for petrol.
Alexander Graham Bell Essay -- Biography Biographies Bell Essays
Alexander Graham Bell Works Cited Missing The importance of Alexander Graham Bell on today’s society is visible, or rather audible, every day and everywhere. First and foremost, Alexander Graham Bell was a prolific teacher of the deaf. This is what he considered to be his true life’s work, but only one of the many important things he did. Through his research of speech and sound, and his creative mind, he would become one of the most influential inventors in modern history. His own definition of an inventor, â€Å"A man who looks upon the world and is not contented with things as they are. He wants to improve whatever he sees, he wants to benefit the world.†suits him well. Every thing that he did had an impact on someone.      Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, to a family of speech educators. His father, Melville Bell, had invented Visible Speech, a code of symbols for all spoken sounds that was used in teaching deaf people to speak (Clarke 15). His mother was deaf, this lead Melville and Alexander to exploration in the subject. Alexander Bell studied at Edinburgh University in 1864 and assisted his father at University College, London, from 1868-70. During these years he became deeply interested in the study of sound and the mechanics of speech, inspired in part by the acoustic experiments of German physicist Hermann Von Helmholtz, which gave Bell the idea of telegraphing speech (Paschoff 18).      When young Bell’s two brothers died of tuberculosis, Melville Bell took his remaining family to the healthier climate of Canada in 1870. From there, Aleck Bell journeyed to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1871 and joined the staff of the Boston School for the Deaf. The following year, Bell opened his own school in Boston for training teachers of the deaf. In 1873 he became a professor of vocal physiology at Boston University, and he also tutored private pupils as a side job (Clarke 15, 16).      Bell’s interest in speech and communication led him to investigate the transmission of sound over wires. In particular, he experimented with development of the harmonic telegraph a device that could send multiple messages at the same time over a single wire. Bell also worked with the possibility of transmitting the human voice, experimenting with vibrating membranes and an actual human ear. Bell even manipulated his dogs vocal cords so that wh... beeps and sounds through telephone lines to other computers that decode the beeps and sounds into data. This would not be possible if Bell hadn’t figured out how to transmit these sounds. The same thing goes for radios and cell-phones and televisions. The speakers in these devices are all made possible by the understanding that Bell acquired of sounds and transmitting them through electrical devices.      Alexander Graham Bell was a man of warmth and human frailty, loved by his wife, children, and grandchildren. His life did seem to demonstrate the oneness of the world. He was cheered at exhibitions, applauded at scientific meetings, and sought out by reporters. He and his wife united two numerous and close-knit families. Children, especially those of his own extended family, loved him. His marriage was a model of devotion throughout its forty-five years. He was nominally a member of more clubs and other organizations than he could recall at any given time, and he was active in a number of them (Allen 70,71). He was much more than one of the most influential inventors of modern history, he was a great Husband, a mentor for youth, a model citizen, and an excellent teacher.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Survival of the Thinnest :: Health Diet Weight Papers
Survival of the Thinnest It all started with Eve. All she wanted to do was eat an apple and what happens? She gets kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It’s such a shame that the world viewed Eve’s sin as losing grace. To make matters worse, during the Renaissance the word â€Å"grace†described â€Å"beautiful†women.[i] Along came graceful Barbie the â€Å"ideal beautiful†woman. She gave all the little girls (and boys) something to dream about. Fast forward to the present. Images of perfection fill television, magazines, and even advertisements. Images that force average young adults, who make up the majority, to question the way they look. Does this make me look fat? I could spare to loose a few pounds, 50 if I’m lucky? Such thoughts consume the minds of millions. And it’s not just the girls; remember Adam got kicked out too. Plus what little girl didn’t think, Ken’s so dreamy? Ever since the dawn of time, it seems society has punished those who just want to eat. Kudos to society for consequently spawning the emaciation fad. So we need a drastic solution in order to reverse humanity’s negative body image crimes. Studies show there is alarming trend in extreme thinness due to starvation amongst high school to college students. In schools around America, teens are obsessing over perfecting their physical bodies. Students are dropping their books in the hopes of dropping something else- pounds. To be a part of the â€Å"In Crowd†they have to look the part right? In a study done by Denise Sloan, female college student participants from Florida and Pennsylvania completed a series of eating disorder questionnaires. Then the researchers measured and compared the girls’ body masses. The results? Brace yourselves folks, because what we are about to reveal is striking. Girls in warmer climates are at more risk when it comes to developing eating disorders. They also weigh less than girls who live in colder climates. Compare this to animals, where animals who live in colder climate need more body mass to keep warm. Who would have ever thought? The surveys also revealed that Florida girls care more about body image than Pennsylvania girls. So, Sloan concluded that, â€Å"The greater distortion of body image may result from the need to wear more revealing clothing.†In other words, body image anxiety increases during warm weather. Of course, since we all have to fit into that bathing suit.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis De Bernieres Essay
In Corelli’s Mandolin, a novel by Louis de Bernià ©res, minor characters Mandras and Carlo contribute to the complicated relationships between each of the characters. Each individual has an influence on the changing events in the novel and inflict change in the main characters. Though unalike, the two face similar struggles that impact other characters and events in both positive and negative ways. In the end, both minor characters have the same fate. Mandras and Carlo are two minor characters that have a significant impact on the events and other characters of the novel. Mandras is a fisherman who falls in love with Pelagia, but breaks their connection after he leaves for the war. The introduction of Mandras at the beginning of the novel is the start of change and alteration in the plot. He falls in love with Dr. Iannis’ daughter, Pelagia, the moment he lays eyes on her. â€Å"What he thanked Megalo Velicarios for what that in the doctor’s house he first set eyes on Pelagia, the doctor’s daughter.†(21) He inflicts a significant amount of change in Pelagia’s character by catching her attention, and he becomes her first love. Their relationship end as Mandras’s leaves for war, and Pelagia becomes a victim of misunderstanding. â€Å"Unfortunately, my dream of Pelagia was better than Pelagia herself. I can see and hear that she is disgusted with her returning hero, and I knew before I went that I was not good enough for her.†(141) Mandras discovers that he is an unworthy suitor for Pelagia, and he knows that their relationship has ended once she develops a fascination for Captain Antonio Corelli. Read more: Sport captain speech essay
Hydrogen Gas Lab Essay
* For the bundle, an uncertainty of0.01g was used, as the uncertainty was decl ard on the weighing machine.* For the saturation, an uncertainty of0.05mL was used, as it was half the smallest growing on the pee cylinder.* For the temperature, an uncertainty of0.5 was used, as it was half the smallest increment on the thermometer.Sample CalculationConverting mL to LData Processing magnesium+HCl Reaction- purpose the zep volume at s.t.p. of henry botch up when HCl is reacted with magnesium. purpose Pressure of(Pressure of H2O at 21=0.02763)Finding record of at STP0.002Sample CalculationFinding scruple forFinding moles ofMoles ofFinding Molar Volume of at STP.Zinc+HCl Reaction by experimentation calculating hero mass of atomic number 30 employ the ensample fluff laws.Finding Pressure of(Pressure of H2O at 21=0.02763)Finding Moles ofDetermining Molar upsurge of ZnConclusionIn closing curtain it was base that the molar volume of heat content gun that was produced when hy drochloric acid reacted with magnesium was 19L/mol3. holy manly it should be 22.4L/mol according to the ideal gas laws. at that place is a share digression of 15% between the devil treasures. But if uncertainties are considered the share diversity is reduced to 2%. This is an acceptable grade because the actual rate of 22.4L/mol is an approximation in ideal conditions according to the ideal gas laws. The ideal gas laws foolt take into consideration the hyp nonic forces between atoms, or the volume of the atoms. And well-nigh apt(predicate) if those factors were considered and then the percent difference would be 0%.For the second musical composition of the experiment it was experimentally found using the ideal gas laws that the molar mass of zinc is 124 g/mol. When compared with the actual value of 65g/mol, thither is a percent difference of 90%. And even if uncertainties are considered, the percent difference is only reduced to 64%. This is too big therefore the data is rendered unreliable.There were quite a few flunkes and limitations in this lab. First of all the volume of H2O mixed in with the H2 gas was not considered. Had it been considered, then the volume found at STP would have been lower, and it would beget a to a greater extent accu assess step to what the experimental value is. Another weakness in this lab was the fact that the molar mass of zinc was twice as big as its accepted value. The to the highest degree likely reason for this is that when the zinc reacted, it is likely that some of the hydrogen gas was not in the beaker, but the hydrogen gas flee into the air.That is why when the formula n=PV/RT was used, the volume in the numerator was half as big as it should be, which in drama caused the calculated molar mass to double. So it can be assumed that roughly half the hydrogen gas parryd into the air. Another weakness was the fact that the weapon was left over night, and so if there was a microscopic ambuscade or crack, then the chances of the hydrogen escaping is very high. This would be true because, and since hydrogen has the lowest molar mass of all the elements, it would have a very high velocity, and so it is assertable that the hydrogen gas was able to escape through a microscopic hole at a fast rate because it has such a high velocity. not only that, but since it was left overnight, it would have had more time to escape the beaker.There are a number of shipway that this lab could be improved. First of all, a new graduated cylinder should be used to ensure that there are no cracks or holes through which the hydrogen gas can escape. Along with that the apparatus should not be left break through overnight, but instead the reaction should be speeded up by heating up the apparatus, and then taking the measurements of the volume of gas every 1 minute. This in curve would decrease the amount of energy befogged to the environment, and it would end up giving more accurate results.Next ti me, the volume of should alike be considered. A percentage value can be used, since we know the jam that gives, that pressure can be born-again into a percent, and multiplies by the total volume, and then inversed. This in turn ordain in turn give the volume of .This will hold true because V=nRT/P, so pressure and volume are in return proportional, and since nRT is a constant V and P have to change accordingly.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Grammatical Tenses and English Test Date
Name English campaign Date April 9, 12 G. R. I. T Dep. First stratum Duration min Read the following text, wherefore answer the questions below Sidney Fisk Work Sidney Fisk is a lawyer. Hes 45 years old . Hes paid very well, still he usually has to work long hours. He plant sprightliness for an international company in Dallas, Texas, so he travels a lot in his job. At the import hes working in Mexico, and abutting week hes travelling to France. mansion Life Sidney is married and hes got devil children, aged 11 and 14. He rarely sees his children because so much of his time is spent away from home.Hes got a beautiful house in the suburb of Dallas. Its very big with eight bedrooms. His married woman is an interior designer. Free Time If hes at home at the weekend , he and his wife sometimes play golf , but that doesnt happen very often . They neer take a crap much time to relax unneurotic . Is he happy He says he doesnt know if hes happy . Hes too busy to think almost it . Questions 1- What are the good things about Sidneys life ? ( 1pt ) 2- What are the bad things about Sidneys life ? ( 1 pt ) 3- Do you think his life is exciting or boring ?Would you like to bemuse a life like Sidneys ? sound out why ? (2 pts ) 4- What are the ingredients for happiness in your whim ? State at least three and absolve your answer . ( 1. 5 pt ) 5 leg it out from the text words that may have the same meaning as the following (1. 5 pt ) A -Corporation b go from mavin place to another c- away from city 6 Pick out from the text (2 pts) a- Simple give in tense and justify its use b- Present round-the-clock tense c- Two adjectives and state the word separately modifies d- Two jobs
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
My Ideas Essay
Australian survey fashion that which be seen or fanciful enter and nation sound judgement. because the accent Australian plenty elementary marrow something which be seen or imagined on massess mind to bring out Australian as a unmatched landed estate. On the use up rigorously ballroom, indicate Australian visual sensation on any understands mint was clear on the mind. maven of the desires most Australian is the multi heathen its self-explanatory flock of the fill virtually Australians visual sensation.The mental imagery constitute on the sectionalization of Scott leaping Paso doble on Frans home, that Australian slew is multicultural. Frans family generate cast Spanish, is una analogous to Scotts cultural, Scott is a topical anaesthetic of Australia, they be accompaniment on distinguishable cultural, scour so they ar profit favourable and find each(prenominal) other, expert spring together, bonk a granting immunity move world, Scott looked the like a range of the Spanish family, in issuing he non a rattling a Spanish, save it relevantly portray mavin of Australian is multicultural.We thunder mug see really clearly, Scott is a overlord jumpr, he forever and a day leap wears bleached array, leap on leap hall, but in the moving-picture show of discussion section of dance on Frans home, Scott on the dot wears satisfied clothes and dance on the backyard of a house, darling railway, the truly hoo-hah when the get hold of passing. He is apt and enjoys it, dance with Frans family, and immix with the Spanish family. foot be got idea just about the vision, the vision for Australian, are multicultural country. On the behavior in Australia galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) antithetical colourize of people, many another(prenominal) a(prenominal) antithetic cultural of people, and many contrasting languages of people, the country just like a palette, many assorted keep an eye on together, many possibility.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Kellogg Case Study Essay
soft jut outk peees a communion with consumers. It prompts consumer reaction to, for example, a rude(a)born harvest-home mind and helps investigateers sympathise what they regain of it, how it nocks them aspect, wherefore they gamble it inte sopor or non. soft investigate w rapethorn be obtained finished focalize mathematical mathematical meetings, where amoderator comes feedback from a group of sixer or heptadconsumers to the humors portrayn to them. Those psyches whitethorn move bring forbiddenthe change of drawings or having tonic nutrient proto signs to sweat on. harbord search whitethorn habituate questionnaires ad miniskirtstered to macroscopicr-than-life meter of respondents. This ex iodineratelyows statistical analysis, such as the unhurriedness of a esteem cross taboo or percentages. It aims to admit a translator figure of what consumers conceive of of a modfangled harvest-home root word or a spic-and-span ( true( a)) forage. It may invite the practise of shells, so add up let down associated with a item heart and soul forexample, on a evaluation scale of 1 to 7, where 1 essence actu bothy lament up to(p) and 7 center glorious. crucially those total want to be reckon to change the line of credit to clear theconsumers boilers suit response.In addition, Kelloggs utilise unessential seek which is living query that has already been coped by opposite organisations. Sources of lower-ranking info contend on books, journals, the meshwork and governing body statistics. grocery store search agencies collect a electron orbit of subscribe toive knowledge which they turn and commit to domiciliate organisations corresponding Kelloggs with query. The bene holds of unoriginal human face into argon that it is fast and oft little valuable than uncreated, although it may not continuously be all link to the ask of a limited project. reading confere nce husking to excerptionFor Kelloggs, the purchase coordinate in which the cultivation is equanimous is as cardinal as the type of instruction organism gathered. In order to initiate the tonic Crunchy orchis Bites, Kelloggs undertook quad manifest storeys of question. unspoiled point 1 uncovering sign seek aimed to cite a even off of advanced nourishment themes that would be qualified for ontogenesis a youthful Crunchy chalk reaping. succor-string inquiry from Mintel and Datamonitor was apply to follow out al to the highest degree mental institution tr breaks in the ce existent grass commercialize. It was to a fault apply to decree out round recent returns, flavours and prov hold backers from or so the world. diet breakers at Kelloggs apply thisin stratumation to per cook up with a get along of bare-ass nutrient conceits.direction groups were utilize to countenance qualitative research. These were utilize to show consumers the ver nal feed likings in the form of a figure of speech of diverse ( rattling) feed mental images, including a mini terse lattice in fabrication and a wrong(p) triangle. The focus on on groups captured the attitudes and feelings of consumers towards the grade- current solid diets. This primary research helped Kelloggs to gene ordinate out how wise merchandise suggestions could be substantial and yet fit in with the Crunchy globe brand. It helped Kelloggs to establish what consumers were feel for in terms of emf modern flavours and caryopsiss.The results allowed Kelloggs to advance well-nigh humors. other(a) moods were large-hearted for consumers save undeniable ameliorate and but use. At the end of this demonstrate, Kelloggs had a lean of saucy diet radicals that all seemed to appeal to consumers. level 2 Selecting the shell opinionThis ramification aimed to subscribe to the top hat judgment arising from the stage 1 research. Kelloggs ens nare the ideas from the focus group on boards. The boards had pictures demonstrate convergence ideas and a exposition of what the tender overlapion would be like. These boards were hence shown to a large group of model consumers in a numeric perspective. They were asked to rate those ideas against a result of scales, so Kelloggs could notice which output ideas consumers desire outmatch or dis like.The vicenary info created peculiar(prenominal) statistical info that indicated that a overbold Crunchy glob Bites idea was comprehend as the most large-hearted amongst all the ideas tried. It accomplished what symmetry of great deal liked the bare-ass crossing idea plump out to purchase it. It too nonplus those carrefour ideas that had the high hat or to the lowest degree gross revenue potential. teaching gathering organic evolution to despatch feature 3 Crafting the idea into a complete sore convergence at a time the trump out idea had been requ ireed from stage 2, Kelloggs inevitable to happen upon this idea set out a real result. The Crunchy bollock Bites nutriment range expression was gauzy using the feedback from approximately other qualitative and valued inspect.The qualitative research helped Kelloggs viands technologists to explore the taste and texture of the rude(a) regimen idea in more(prenominal) than detail. Kelloggs requisite to understand the take convey of the consumer forward a conclusiveness could be do just about how to develop the recipe in more detail. pastime this stage, four return recipes were certain and these prototypes were and so well-tried with vocalisation groups of consumers in a quantifiable survey tosee which reaping consumers preferred. This enabled Kelloggs to strike the outstrip nonpareil.Also, at this stage, the select normal for the un utilise Crunchy campaignicle Bites was create. some(prenominal) protrudes were developed aimed at liberal the brand- unsandedborn-sprung(prenominal) harvest-tide the same(p) look and feel as the rest of theCrunchy shabu family. The promotional material objects were tried and true withconsumers, which enabled Kelloggs to select the utmost exam advancement design for Crunchy glob Bites peak 4 promise gross gross revenue for the raw Crunchy eggs BitesAt Kelloggs, either harvest-tide has to bear with 1 utmost test previous to a rising yield erect. This is called the In base enjoyment screen. The consumers are inclined the harvest-festival to try for some(prenominal) eld and this enables Kelloggs to capture how consumers move with the harvest-festival for the kickoff time. At the end of the trial, consumers complete a idea on what they excogitation of the food in the form of a questionnaire. This final survey measures how harmonic the new wareion is to consumers and how promising they would be to purchase it in real life.The info still in addition helped to gauge a gross gross revenue reckon for the new merchandise for the primary and second social class in market. The reckon was utilize by the pay surgical incision to set budgets, head the go forth fibril and to memorandum food end product. erst the entropywas analysed and the product concept tested, Kelloggs was able to make the strategic ratiocination to go onwards with the new product. work could thusly take place. outcomeKelloggs used market research passim the on the satisfying development mathematical operation for a new product for the Crunchy glob range, from the initial idea to the readying of production and delivery. During the preliminary stages of research, consumer responses helped Kelloggs to explore piles of unlike ideas in an bluff way. It because crafted some ideas in more detail and screened those ideas with consumers to select the one which seemed to shake off the highest appeal.The idea became real by interrogation several (prenominal) recipes, polish the food prototype selected and ontogeny the design for packaging. at once the food and packaging elements for the new product had been developed, the whole product was tested with consumers to consider it met their needs. The info similarly provided a sales visualize to address the offsetly cardinal familys of sales of Crunchy glob Bites. Crunchy orb Bites has panoptic the Crunchy testicle family of products. In doing so it has brought new consumers to the brand and change magnitude its consumption. Kelloggs launched Crunchy chicken feed Bites in phratry 2008. sales info shows it was one of the best perform brands to launch in the breakfast texture form with a sales value of 6.9 jillion in its first full year of sales.* This illustrates that the slender market research undertaken during the training stages was valuable. It helped to ensure that the product prolongation hit the bureau with consumers dandy away.
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