Monday, September 30, 2019
Altran Case
Altran ID Altran is a European consulting firm created in France in 1982, by Alexis Kniazeff and Hubert Martigny. Leader in high technologies consultancy, it operates primarily in technology & innovation consultancy (about 50% turnover), administrative & information consultancy (33%) and strategy & management consulting (17%). The Group's mission is to assist companies in their efforts to create and develop new products and services. Altran is a key player in different sectors as Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Railway, Finance, Healthcare and Telecoms sectors. In 2011, Altran had reached a turnover of 1. billion â‚ ¬, employing more than 15 000 employees with 200 branches in 20 countries to serve 500 major clients worldwide. The Altran group governance is held by an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors since June 2008. Philippe Salle (Chairman and Chief Executive elected by the members of the Board of Directors). The Management Committee is made of members f rom the Executive Committee. Executives from the Geographies, the Industries and the Solutions and several Group Directors including Purchasing, Communications, Legal, Marketing and IT. The shares of the company are divided as follow : * 18. % are owned by the two founders and some members from the Executive Committee * 7. 2 % are owned by the Altran Director Funds * 74. 3 % are traded on the public stock exchange (where the principal shareholder is Apax Partners) Concerning the stakeholders, Altran operating at an international level, we can find a numerous variety : governments, employees, customers, experts, owners, investors†¦ The Scandal In 2002, 3 staff members from Altran (Michel Friedlander, Frederic Bonan and Alain Rougagnou) were suspected of theft, breach of trust, active and passive corruption, attempts of blackmail and manipulation of stock exchange quotations.The COB filed a complaint against the board of directors for dissemination of false information and for manipulating quotations. As a result, the price share dropped from 65. 60 â‚ ¬ on March 28th to 2. 53 â‚ ¬ on October 10th. The three directors at the centre of the accusations were. On February 13th 2003 they were dismissed and sued by Altran. This incident reflected the lack of transparency and regulations of the company and the ease with which the employees involved in the scandal appeared to have falsified and manipulated the accounts.It also shows the poor corporate governance and a lack of communication with the business world as well as the shareholders and stakeholders. In consequence, the group had to concentrate more on dealing with the crisis and falling share prices than developing their activity and their portfolio of clients. As a result Altran’s financial results were very unconvincing from 2002 to 2004. The European office also suffered (although indirectly) from this scandal because of the group necessity to dedicate its main financial and human eff orts to redress the company.Today, the price share is still very low (around 5 â‚ ¬) which reflect a lack of confidence from the shareholders as well as the European institutions. Refocusing strategy After the 2005 scandal and in order to improve its corporate image, Altran decided to change the governance of the company with the appointment of a new CEO in the person of Christophe Aulnette, former CEO of Microsoft France, as well as a new board of directors. The group then refocused its strategy on a different timeline : In the short term, the new objectives were to develop quality proposals and rojects to public institutions. The idea was to benefit of the competencies of European professionals and to push on ideas based on Altran’s field of expertise. In the short and medium term, the goal was to influence innovation and evolution of European technological trends. The goal for the short and medium term is to become a real partner of the EU especially in the field of high technologies consultancy. In order to do that, Altran took the decision to work with a European affairs company with expertise in EU public affairs.Finally, in the long term, the ideas were to develop new services and competencies. The main target of the long term timeline was the increase of the field of expertise where Altran operates in order to increase the partnerships with European programs. Why the need of refocusing its strategy ? On the first hand, after the scandal, the group was obliged to reorganised its management as well as its short and long term strategy, mostly in order to regain some credibility and some ethical identity in front of the EU institutions.On the second hand, Altran had a portfolio of sectors and projects too vast to be covered efficiently. The new plan of action was developed to remediate the situation and the new timeline was designed as the best way to anticipate the issues. Finally, after analysis of the factors of future key success, Altran d iscovered that they needed to obtain more efficiency in their actions. Furthermore, if Altran wanted in the future to be recognized as a viable entity, it would need to acquire more transparency as well as a deeper knowledge of European institutions in order to operate on an international level.Recommendations On the company itself, we recommend a change of the business model. On the first time, Altran needs to decrease the number of its subsidiaries. By going back to an in-house style of management and centralizing the growth and the financing strategy of its units, it would be able to reduce the workforce without losing in competitiveness and therefore, becoming more profitable. On the second time, in order to reassure the shareholders and stakeholders, an important work must be done on the level of public relations.Showing that the company is totally transparent would bring back some investing cash flow and ensure the viability as well as stability of the price share. Finally, we recommend that the European office model be reproduced on the Asian as well as on the American continent. Considering the financial crisis Europe is going through nowadays and the market opportunities of some emerging countries like India and Brazil, we think that launching new offices centralizing the work flow on those continents would be the next step toward Altran globalization strategy.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Cause and Effect of Bullying Essay
Bullying is when one individual enforces their dominance over another individual repeatedly. Bullying is a serious matter that millions of hours of research and prevention programs have been put into. Researchers try and figure out what motivates someone to be so cruel to fellow person. When a bully presents their dominance over the victim it is not always because they are arrogant or naturally evil. Sometime when someone is being a bully it is a cry for help, a self esteem boost, jealousy or a way to cope with them being a victim to bullying. When someone bullies another person they are trying to be funny or cool and impress the other people around them. As well the bully could be a victim themselves and the way they deal with their own problem is doing the same thing to someone inferior. In some cases the bully is unaware of the seriousness of their actions. The causes of bullying cause traumatic effects on the victims. Being a victim to bullying is a traumatizing event that will stay with the victim for the rest of their lives. Bullying creates insecurities to the victims and makes the victims hate certain traits about themselves that they get picked on or teased about. In reality it makes them unique. In younger ages a victims schooling can be harmed because the child would not want to go to school because that is the place where they get bullied. Bullying does not just create emotional pain to the victims but it can create psychological pain as well. Bullying can cause mental illness such as depression and give you a very low self confidence. In very serious cases of bullying the victim may encounter suicidal thoughts, attempt or suicide itself. These are all short term and during the bullying stage. This mortifying event can come back and haunt the victim and create post trauma disorder or self destructive behavior and substance abuse. Bullying is a very serious matter that affects the victims d ramatically.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Week 4 - Essay Example Pacific Asia and China have embraced trade and industry systems that work for them and guarantee them strong economic growth, while some nations in East Europe such as Russia and Africa, have rather failed to embrace ideal commerce strategies, for most of their economies are yet to register substantial growth. In the process of using the available means to yield goods and services, both the private and public industries within America have to deal with both the product and the resource markets. The product market is majorly classified into four categories, which includes the competitive segment, as well as those sectors that exhibit monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition. Similarly, the resource market is classified into labor, capital and land. Presently, the labor market is experiencing decline in unionization and government intervention. The capital market also comprises of financial intermediaries like banks, with the public sector accounting for 20% of the economy. Labor unionization in America has registered significant decline over the last fifty years with the percentage declining from 35% in the 1950s to 11.3% in 2012. The implementation of unfriendly labor laws is one of the reasons for the decline in labor unionization, for legislations such as the Taft-Harley Act of 1947 and the Right-to-Work law, which has been implemented in over 20 States have made it difficult for unions to perform their duties freely. Another reason for the decline is the process of establishing unions, as the duration between petitioning the National Labor Relations Board and the union election is always long, and allows employers to campaign against formation of
Friday, September 27, 2019
Consumption Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Consumption Journal - Essay Example The advertisements on the television were all about fatty foods being advertised by some of our favorite celebrities to make it look cool and thus the viewer was compelled to eat those foods in order to look cool.During the snowy days, my consumption intake was mostly calorie-rich foods and high energy foods in order to maintain the expected body temperature and keep warm. During such cold weather caloritic foods are needed to supply the body with the energy needed to perform the needed functions.During these two weeks, my consumption was mainly natural and nutritious food products. I was consuming a balanced diet with little or no meat.My shopping habit was determined by the amount of money that I had. My shopping was of food stuff like canned foods and foods that last longer with or without refrigeration. I also shopped for red and white meat and fruits and vegetables.My food intake during these two weeks was mainly on the food that I shopped in the previous weeks and food from the restaurants which was mainly fast foods rich in calories.Food consumption in the urban setting is mostly foods with high calories. This is the most readily available food. There is a minimal consumption of fruits and vegetables. During this week, my food consumption was determined by the setting and situation that presented itself. This meant a mixture of a balanced diet, fruits and calories rich foods.During this week, I was consuming energy enhancing foods to maintain my normal body temperature.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Quantitative Reasoning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Quantitative Reasoning - Essay Example The following paragraphs will separate the results obtained after employing descriptive statistic tools to the pair of observations. These tools figure out the mean and the median percentage of smokers in the population, distinguished on the basis of gender. Mode has been ignored in this respect since it is irrelevant to figure out the maximum percentage to assess the average characteristics. The mean as well as the median percentage of smokers is lower for females than for males. An obvious implication from the same is that males are more inclined towards smoking than their female counterparts. Here mean is the weighted average implying approximately 19% and 27% of the female and male populations in any nation to be regular smokers, respectively. On the other hand, the median value indicates that among all nations taken collectively, in half of the cases, more than 18.9% of the females are found to smoke, in contrast to 24% among the males (Gravetter & Wallnau, 2008). Measures of dispersion indicate the degree to which the observations are scattered around the mean value. The higher the value of the measure, greater will be the dispersion about the mean and thus, the applicability of the mean value as a core feature of the population will be disturbed. Significance of standard deviation is almost equivalent to that of variance given that the former is the positive square root of the latter. The percentage of female smokers distributed among various groups in the entire population differs from the mean value so calculated, though it is lower than the degree of dispersion of the male smokers. The variance and standard deviation statistics yield that percentage of male smokers in some nations is much higher as well as lower than the mean percentage of male smokers so calculated. However, similar statistics for females rule out such extremeness. The adjoining diagram compares the percentage of male and female smokers in the entire
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Geographical Information Systems Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Geographical Information Systems - Term Paper Example While a definition of what constitutes GIS is central to discussing its role within geography, such a definition is, in fact, difficult to produce since the term is used so variable by different people, some using it to refer to a single system while others use it to designate a system of barely related subsystems (Pickles, in Pickles, 1995, p. 3). Pickles (1995) states that all geographic information systems have two central defining characteristics: They involve the use of digital electronic data and the production of electronic spatial representations (p. 3). Parker (in Castle, 1993, p. xvii) goes even further in simplifying the defining aspect of GIS as being nothing more than data handling which any mention of geography per se can easily be dropped. Such a bare-bones definition of GIS lends it an appearance of neutrality that is deceptive, for geographers use electronic information technology forward a variety of epistemological perspectives and research goals. Pickles (1995) summarizes the field of possible applications; it should be noted that within each of these possible applications a wide range of philosophies and motivations is possible. [GIS is} a research community that transcends disciplinary boundaries; an approach to geographical inquiry and spatial data handling; a series of technologies for collecting, manipulating, and representing spatial information; a way of thinking about spatial data; a commodified object that has monetary potential and value; and a technical tool that has strategic value (p. 3). Not only is GIS multifaceted in its technical capabilities, it is multidimensional in its social and cultural capabilities as well, allowing for new demographic tools, new forms of workplace domination, novel commodities, new ways of identifying space and nature and new ways of waging war (Pickles, in Pickles, 1995, p. 4).
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Socially Responsible Investing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10500 words
Socially Responsible Investing - Coursework Example As the report stresses the subsequent results revealed that the SRI has not been able to outperform the conventional investment funds rather have clearly underperformed. However, the SRI has been able to experience higher growth rate in the United States of America and Europe and other parts of the world. Overall, this performance reflects that the SRI funds and SRI indices have experienced a reasonable growth over the period of last 13 years and there has been a steady and stable upward growth in the SRI, reflecting that more and more investment is being done in the SRI.According to the paper findings the conventional investment has considerably violated the ethical and moral standards. In the conventional investment, the firms do not take into account the interests and expectations of society instead they prefer to serve their commercial objectives at the cost of society. This paper is consisted of five parts: introduction, literature review, methodology, data analysis and discussion and conclusion and recommendation chapter. In the introduction chapter, some background information about the SRI has been provided in which the historical development of the SRI has been provided. In addition, in this chapter, research aim, questions, objectives and limitations have also been included. Subsequently, in the literature review chapter, a comprehensive critical evaluation of the SRI has been provided in which history and definition of the SRI have been detailed and discussed as well.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Summarize the Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Summarize the Article - Essay Example It was ensured that each participant could be clinically observed during the 3 periods until onset of CVD or death. For final analysis participants for whom all data of physical activity was present and who had data on the selected confounders (smoking, marital status, comorbidity and cholesterol level) were used for final study. The authors calculated the life expectancy and the physical activity and found that people with low physical activity tended to be older (mean age 62) and had more comorbidities than those with slightly higher physical activity. The authors also noticed that low and moderate activity groups had higher female proportion than the high activity group. The authors also found life expectancy increased with increased levels of physical activity. They found that the life expectancy of a sedentary person at 50 years was 1.5times shorter than those who engaged in some moderate physical activity at the same age. Also, people with high physical activity did not suffer from CVD and hence had higher life expectancy. Since physical activity has a protective effect on health and increases life expectancy even with associated comorbidities it is important to understand their significance and contribution in life especially after 50 years during which most people tend to give up work and adopt a sedentary life style. Older people who engage in physical activity tend to live longer because their system remains relatively free from diseases such CVD, risks and associated stress hence physical activity can somehow control aging for a minimum period of time thereby elonging life span by a few
Sunday, September 22, 2019
2. If God exists, is murder immoral Can those who do not believe in Essay
2. If God exists, is murder immoral Can those who do not believe in God be highly moral people Can people who practice different religions agree about how to resolve a moral disagreement - Essay Example In particular, assuming that â€Å"the highest perfection of any thinking being lies in careful and constant pursuit of true happiness,†Leibniz recognized God as the guarantor of harmony throughout the world (XXI, 51). In fact, his work provides an opportunity to see that great thinkers retained contacts with religion, which was also reflected in their ideas about the moral and ethical aspects of human life. For this reason, it is of great interest to explore the question of whether belief in the existence of God is the only argument in favor of the idea of ​​the immorality of murder. In other words, the question is whether people who deny the existence of God and who are called atheists can be highly moral people. In addition, it makes sense to consider whether people who practice different religions are able to agree about how to resolve a moral disagreement. This paper is based on the idea that belief in the existence of God is not the only argument in favor of the idea of ​​the immorality of murder and other moral principles. Moreover, the paper argues the idea according to which people of different religions can come to a moral agreement based on the general moral principles that despite the differences are present in almost all religions. In order to answer the first question, it is necessary to analyze the phenomenon of morality. Morality is a set of universal principles that govern human life, distinguishing between good and bad deeds. Thus being a set of universal principles morality differentiates between good and evil. The good manifests itself in acts that bring good (or benefit) for humans, in turn, the evil shows itself in actions and activities that bring physical or psychological pain and suffering to people. It makes sense to analyze the views of those who argue that the belief in the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Child Protective Services Essay Example for Free
Child Protective Services Essay Ice users in the state of Hawaii, estimated to have reached 30,000 in 2003, were spending as much as $1. 8 billion every year to maintain their addiction in what has been referred to by U. S Attorney Ed Kubo as the â€Å"highest usage of ice in the country. †(Sinq, 2003) Ice refers to methamphetamine, a strong, extremely addictive stimulant which could be introduced to the body by smoking, sniffing, oral ingestion, or injection and affects the nervous system. (Drug-Rehabs. org, n. d. ) The substance was believed to have been discovered in Japan sometime in 1919 and was actually used as a nasal decongestant in 1932. It was manufactured legally as non-medical tablets in the United States, taking the form of â€Å"dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) and methamphetamine (Methedrine). †It rapidly became a favorite among athletes, university students, and even long distance truck drivers – people who need to stay alert for long periods of time. An injectable form was developed during the 1960s but was subjected to severe restriction under the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. (Drug-Rehabs. org. n. d. ) Today, Prosecutor Peter Carlisle of Honolulu said that adult people in Hawaii have been turning to ice instead of alcohol – in fact the highest number of adult ice-users (by state) in the entire country is found in the state of Hawaii. In Honolulu, it was estimated that about 38% of all those arrested for various offenses have been found positive for methamphetamine. Moreover, while the average rate of sentenced methamphetamine traffickers for the entire country in 2001 was placed at 14%, the rate for Hawaii had been 51%. (A Message from Honolulu Prosecutor Peter Carlisle, 2007) This only means one thing: ice trafficking in Hawaii has grown to be a very flourishing industry, which, to some people, indicates that ice abuse has already reached epidemic proportions in the state. As a matter of fact, recorded deaths attributed to methamphetamine use have also been steadily on the rise since 2000 when 34 persons were believed to have died from using the substance. In 2001, the number rose to 54 then climbed to 62 in 2002 before decreasing slightly to 56 deaths during the year 2003. In 2004, ice-related deaths rose again to 68 and as of the middle of May 2005, there were already 38 ice-related deaths in the state of Hawaii. According to Dr. Kanthi De Alwis, Chief Medical Examiner of Honolulu, majority of deaths from ice were due to the substance’s effect on the human brain and heart. He said that ice weakens and enlarges the heart, and blocks the coronary arteries. In some of the cases, Alwis said, blood enters the brain, killing the ice user almost instantly. (Drug-Rehabs. org, 2005) User death did not prove to be the only adverse effect of the ice epidemic on Hawaiian society. A much more damaging consequence had been its effect on children. In fact it was observed that although abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs also resulted to fractured families, ice addiction had proven to be more powerful and destructive, consuming â€Å"parents’ lives so quickly that experts placed it in a class of its own. †(Dayton, 2003b) As of 2003, almost 85% of the 7,000 children who were under foster care were children of ice users. Most of these children were traumatized. They also showed signs of being â€Å"angry†and were often destructive in their ways, aside from the fact that most of them lagged in their school work. Many of them have expressed their belief that their parents abandoned them either because something was very wrong with them, or their parents simply stopped loving them. If left unattended, experts feared that these children might end up as substance abusers themselves. At the very least, they are expected to suffer from the long-term effects of living with constant violence and chaos in the family. This is what some health professionals are trying to prevent, according to Jack Maynor who works as a child counselor in a spouse-abuse shelter. (Dayton, 2003a) In many cases, children were separated from their parents because of the parents’ addiction to ice. Families where either or both parents are ice addicts are characterized by violence, child abandonment, or both. Peggy Hilton of the East Hawai’i Child Welfare Services said that there are people who become totally addicted to methamphetamine in only a matter of a couple of weeks. She explained that ice is characterized by â€Å"extreme levels of domestic violence [and that] after a binge, ice users ‘crash’ and can sleep for days, leaving the children in the house to fend for themselves. †According to officials of the Child Protective Services, they are separating up to forty children from their parents every month due to ice addiction in the Big Island alone. (Dayton, 2003b) The effect of parents’ addiction to ice among Hawaiian children has been very extensive. Professionals working with children of methamphetamine abusers often talk about the depressing experiences of these children. James Jolliff, a clinical psychologist from Waimea, recalled working with a girl who found her ice addict father hanging from a tree in their backyard in an attempt to kill himself. He said that while her father was rescued from that suicide attempt, the girl was traumatized and would remain to be so for a long time to come. (Dayton, 2003a)
Friday, September 20, 2019
All My Sons as a Tragedy
All My Sons as a Tragedy All My Sons is an American play, set in a typical, suburban town in the backyard of a family home. The Kellers are a family who live a life of tension and un-realistic aspirations after losing a son at war. As the Kellers try to live a normal life they are left struggling when they are left to face dealing with the consequences of their actions these lead to the central tragedies of the play. Chris Keller is an honourable man, a man who tries to see the good in people, a man of war. His father, Joe Keller is a chief character who is about three things: Business, money and making a profit. However, Joe Keller is a family man above all else, and has sacrificed everything, including his honour. Nonetheless, he must face up to what he has done and with these actions he must step forward into an inevitable future. Throughout the play the character introduce familiar faces, hard situations, memories both bitter and sweet, the first example of this is the morning after the thunderstorm, the Kellers awaken to their memorial tree, has been torn down (which was planted in memory of Larry after he was lost at war). This gives the Keller family a rude awakening that Larry is probably gone forever; this is a tragic realisation for most of the Kellers. Obviously the main tragedies in this play include the horrendous crime that Joe Keller committed, killing many pilots which included the unfortunate murder of his son. This is a realisation that soon occurs to Keller which unavoidably leads to his Suicide. In regardless of Joe Keller being such a family man, he had caused such deceit not only to his family and to him self, but people all around him. He had caused too much deceit and hurt that he could no longer deal with blood left on his hands. Regardless of these actions, Joe Keller was once a poor man, a poor man with a big dream. And in some ways he is a fine example of what conquering the American Dream stands for. Yet, when he reached to the top his money obsession continued. He ultimately became power hungry, a man fixated and possessed by the mere thought of money and business. He became a man who murdered dozens and a man who took advantage by using the death and destruction of the war as an excuse for making more money. The only question is was he really making it for his family, or was he just making it for himself? This is something that his son, Chris would by no means would or even think about doing, I Didnt want to take any of it Chris Keller is a man who would never take money, let alone blood money from anyone. Chris is just a simple guy that believes that greed can destroy lives, and in his fathers case, it did exactly that. Joe and Chris Keller may be father and son; nevertheless they are still particularly diverse from each other. Chris is an optimistic man, he is a romantic and idealistic. Everything in Chriss mind is wonderful and faultless. His father on the other hand is a practical man. He is sensible and thinks only about the important things in life e.g. money and his family. As protagonists and father and son they are inescapably much alike and this leads to tension and confrontation. Both the Keller men both have short tempers; this is a quality that brings anger and constant anxiety and strain to the play. Chris has always looked up to his father, he always saw him as the sole provider, the protector and the hero in his life. In Chriss eyes Joe Keller fought against the court of law, to prove his innocence. However and unknowingly, when behind the shadows of all this, lingers deceit when family friend Steve Deever is sent to prison for tragic crime he did not commit, he was sent to prison for something Joe Keller did. In many ways, I think Joe Keller is in denial about the situation. I believe he fought so hard to try and prove his pretend innocence that he almost convinced himself and wife Kate that he did nothing wrong and that he is innocent. I believe that he lied in the way he did due to his fear of people finding out the truth, especially Chris and also because he was frightened to lose all his power. If Chris was to discover the truth Keller would no longer be able to live with him self. The idea of killing one son and losing another was almost never an option Keller wouldnt even have contemplated on doing. Because he spent so long building his business empire he was terrified to lose not only that. But the love and respect from his only other son. Chris and Joes relationship in all means ended up deteriorated and this some ways is the central tragedy, a father who loses two sons because of his own mistakes and greed. Thats what a war does. I had two sons, now I got one. It changed all the tallies. In my day when you had sons it was an honour. This quote is ironic, the way Keller says Thats what war does he seems to be so in denial that he seems to be blaming the war, when he is the reason his son dies. Joes character mentions only having one son left, but even Chris begins to drift away from his father; Sometimes you infuriate me, you know that? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ You have such a talent for ignoring things. Chris seems to have unknowingly stunned Keller by saying this, the word ignore implies that Keller is fully aware of what exactly has been going on and he is ignoring his past as if nothing had even happened in the first place. The relationship between Chris and his father seems to allow the audience to understand how the two of these characters think and interact not only with each other but other characters in the play also. Joe Keller is a man who believes he owes nothing to anyone other than himself and family, however as Chris served in the war he believes in a superior responsibility to humanity, he likes to help people, make people feel good about themselves. This illustrates the completely parallel characteristics that Keller and Chris have. The relationship Joe and Chris Keller share is diverse throughout, as father and son they joke and butt heads from time to time. But as Chris discovers the dark past his father has hidden, he is in utter shell shock. Not only has this man killed dozens of pilots, he killed his own son and left an innocent man rotting in a jail cell. As this tragic truth began to sink into Chriss mind and no matter what Keller had to say for himself, to Chris this no longer matters. Its not enough to be sorry. I think because Keller was such a businessman, that Chris in some ways felt that his fathers job seemed almost more important to him than Chris, but Chris was still a priority. So when Chris found that that his brother was murdered by his own father for business, this was the final straw. The cats in that alley are practical; the bums who ran away when we were fighting were practical. . . But now Im practical, and I spit on myself. Im going away. Im going now. Everyday three of four men never come back and he sits back there doing business. . . This quote suggests quite clearly that Chris is disgusted at the fact that all those men died because of his father and it seems utterly insane that Keller was able to sit back and continue to run his business as everyday men were dying because of his father. To conclude, Chris and Joe Kellers relationship contribute to the central tragedies of the play in a massive way. It proves that just because two people are related and share the same blood, does not mean they are compatible. And asks the question, do we really know our family? Chris spent years look up to his hero of a father, however towards the end of the play Chriss utter disappointment, aversion and almost hatred for Keller becomes apparent. This consequently leads to Kellers revelation, Then what is this if it isnt telling me Sure, he was my son. But I think to him they were all my sons. And I guess they were, I guess they were. This then leads to the final tragedy of the play, Kellers abrupt suicide.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Effects of MTV Essay -- essays research papers
The negative effects of MTV on our society and culture What do you think about when you hear the word MTV? Carson Daily counting down the top ten on Total Request Live? Bam Margera doing insane stunts on his new show BAM? How about The Wild Boys chasing alligators and poisonous snakes? MTV has revolutionized and affected the whole world through its negative influence on society and culture. MTV has in many ways corrupted our youths and American culture with shows such as Jackass, with their dangerous acts of stupid ness, and Marilyn Manson encouraging suicide and murder. One can say MTV is promoting violence. MTV has grown to be a major component in the music industry and its change from video based programming in the past to the television series focused on today has had some major ef...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Evoking Sympathy for Macbeth :: Macbeth essays
Evoking Sympathy for Macbeth    Within Macbeth the tragedy and demise of Macbeth is an important factor in determining his character as a tragic hero. However in order to elucidate on this point we need to define what is a tragedy. Aristotle within ‘Poetics’ highlighted what characteristics he believed to define tragedy these being; ’†¦Imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in a dramatic, not narrative form; with incidents arising pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions’ And immediately we are brought to tragedy and what the concept of a hero is. In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, the character of Macbeth murders his king, Duncan, for personal motives, there appears to be little subjective reasoning for the murder. This perhaps encapsulates the notion of an incident which has the potential to arise pity from an audience. The reader begins to pity Macbeth despite the obvious character flaws of greed and corruption. Shakespeare manipulates the audience to react sympathetically towards Macbeth through the use of Macbeth's actions, dialogue, and passion. Throughout the story, there is a feeling of animosity toward Macbeth in response to his deleterious actions. However, scenes revealing Macbeth's more admirable side balance and even abet that negative feeling. One particular instance where the reader has the potential to feel pity for Macbeth appears in the dialogue immediately before Macbeth decides whether or not to kill King Duncan. Macbeth is unsure of the morality of the murder. During much self-deliberation, he agonizes in the monologue, "I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed" (I.vii.14-15). While Macbeth contemplates whether murdering Duncan is feasible, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth that he would murder Duncan if he were truly brave and masculine. Lady Macbeth goes on to remark that if he murders Duncan, Macbeth "would be so much more the man" (I.vii.58). A weak Macbeth gives in to his wife's badgering and manipulation and reluctantly agrees to participate in the murder. The audience feels sympathy for an insecure Macbeth as he begins his spiral into ultimate destruction. It appears that without the push of Lady Macbeth the deed would have been unlikely to have taken place.  Another instance in which Macbeth seems weak and pitiable is at the banquet held in his honor. Before the dinner party begins, Macbeth orders the assassination of his friend Banquo.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Emerson Essay -- Philosophy, Unapologetic Individualism
In understanding this quotation, it is absolutely essential to be cognizant of the context in which â€Å"Self-Reliance†was written. The philosophical and social movement that Emerson and his contemporaries founded, Transcendentalism, espoused the idea that although America had formally gained political independence, Europeans possessed virtually hegemonic control over the culture of America. Emerson and his contemporaries sought not only to pioneer a uniquely American style of literature, but also to forge a distinct culture and ethos independent from those of Europe. Emerson’s opinion that â€Å"imitation is suicide†(533) extends beyond the realm of the individual in that it is relevant to the Transcendentalists’ mission of establishing an autonomous American identity. He believes that by continuing to emulate European values and culture, Americans are essentially destroying their own chance of possessing a national identity. Emerson viewed self-relian ce, which can be understood as finding inspiration, judgment and validation of thoughts and ideas within oneself, as one of the central tenets of the fledgling American national identity. It may seem counterintuitive to think that Emerson, a proponent of radical and unapologetic individualism, desired to create a shared American identity and national unity; however, it is necessary to discern that nonconformity is not tantamount to the repudiation of society. By exalting nonconformity, he does not promote the hedonistic active pursuit of personal desires in spite of social norms, like an anarchist, but rather urges the reader to wholly fulfill their human potential. Consequently, the embracing of the self is not a consequence of free agency, but rather the fulfillment of their innate des... ...ay at home, to put itself in communication with the internal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of men†(543). This passage serves to inform the reader that the rewards gleaned from imitation pale in comparison to those that originate from oneself, in the same way that a cup of water seems infinitesimal relative to an ocean. This point is furthered by his numerous allusions to famed historical and literary figures who exemplify the fulfillment that can transpire only through illustrating Emerson’s command to â€Å"Insist on yourself; never imitate†(547). It is essential to ascertain that these references serve as examples of self-reliant individuals garnering great success rather than exalted heroes that one should strive to emulate, as Benjamin Franklin explicitly prescribes in his Autobiography: â€Å"Imitate Jesus and Socrates†(Franklin 285).
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cultural Diversity and Interaction Essay
The City of Los Angeles, California, as we fondly call it â€Å"The City of Angels†, is the second most heavily populated metropolitan area in the United States of America. It is classified by my fellow Americans as a global city or a world city which means that the channel of associations binding this city has a downright actual causatum on all-encompassing global affairs. Furthermore, including myself, it has a fairly large population of 3, 844, 829 according to the U. S. Census Bureau (â€Å"Annual Estimates of the Population for Incorporated Places over 100,000, Ranked by July 1, 2005 Population: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 †2006). Because it is a global city, it is a world-class center of distinction in various fields such as culture, science, education, technology, trade and commerce. Moreover, it is home to world-class institutions of different cultural and socio-economic fields like our community being made up of local government, service groups, clubs, schools, and many more. The racial make-up within our city is mainly divided into whites (46. 9%), African American (12%), Asian (10%), Native American (1. 0%), and other races (31. 1%). So basically, Los Angeles City is composed of Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics or Latino (Mormon, 2007). Majority of the population in our place spoke English and Spanish while the rest spoke Korean, Tagalog, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese/Mandarin. History In the earlier periods, Native Americans such as the â€Å"Grabrielenos†, inhabited the coastal area of Los Angeles. It was then (re)discovered by a Portuguese explorer named Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho (Rapasky, 2003). Almost a century later, Europeans arrived with Franciscan priest Juan Crespi, and reached the present site of Los Angeles City (Britannica Online). The aboriginal migrants are from Spain and they are of African descent. When California attained its freedom from the sovereignty of the Spanish rule, Los Angeles then became a suburb of Mexico. However, as the Mexican rule concluded during the Mexican-American war, Americans took over California. As the years passed by, the city of Los Angeles progressed. Industries flocked into the city. Also, the World War II brought economic growth and prosperity to the city as urbanity expanded the city. Religion Due to its large population, the â€Å"City of Angels†is one of the most religiously diversified localities in the world and it is home to enthusiasts and believers of many religions and has over 100 Christian churches. Aside from these, several religious sectors and organizations representing diverse faiths includes Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Moreover, Asian immigrants formed a number of important Buddhism denominations that made the city a home to the most number of Buddhists in the world having also the biggest population of Buddhists in the United States. Roman Catholicism is expectedly the largest because of the high numbers of Hispanic and Filipino Americans and it leads the largest congregation of Roman Catholics in the United States America. The second largest population of Jews in the United States of America is also in Los Angeles and various churches of the Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox dynamisms are established in the city. Census The ratio of females to males in our country is almost equal. Notably, due to the progressively high economic status of the city, only a small portion of the population was below the minimum level of income essential for achieving an adequate standard of living. When the African Americans from the southeast part of the Unites States of America arrived in Los Angeles, the population grew 15 times. Since 1990, the population of Blacks dropped into half because the middle class relocated to the suburbs. However, despite the relocating of homes and families into other areas, the city still has the largest community of African-American residents in the United States. Los Angeles is one of the cities in the United States wherein majority of its population differs from the national majority which is the â€Å"whites†that’s why I expected that it will finally have a Latino majority for the first time. Today, the population of Latinos, Asian Americans, and Caribbeans is still flourishing at a fast rate. Los Angeles City has a large population of people from different nations. Various ethnic ascendancies like Chinatown, Korea town, Little Tokyo, and Thai Town is a sheer evidence of the multilingual and multi-cultural characteristic of the City of Los Angeles. Government The city of Los Angeles is governed by a mayor-council system or a system of governance wherein the council is headed by an elected mayor (Britannica Online). The present mayor in office is Antonio Villaraigosa, a Latino of Mexican descent. Primarily, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) protects the city from crimes, but, there are also categorically specialized police agencies: the Office of Public Safety, the Port Police, and the Airport Police. The Office of the Public Safety handles the crimes committed within the premises of the city proper such as in public places. The Port Police work together with the Harbor Department in the Ports of Los Angeles. And the Airport police are responsible for law enforcement at the four city-owned airports. Crime Since 1990, the crime rate in Los Angeles rose alarmingly with accounted exploits of violence, homicides, and property crimes. However, at least, compared to violent crimes, property crimes are more frequent. Also, for a global city with a large population, it is amazing to note that the crime rate of Los Angeles city is lower compared to that of Chicago and Atlanta. The distribution of homicides occurring in the city is somewhat concentrated to the South Los Angeles and the Harbor area while a mere quarter occurs in the Downtown. In addition to, the city is a home to hundreds of thousands of gang members and this has led to the city being referred to as the â€Å"Gang Capital of America†. Media The mass media or public media of Los Angeles serves a large population in the area. The major daily newspaper in English is The Los Angeles Times while the La Opinion is the city’s largest Spanish paper. There are also a lot of smaller regional newspapers and periodicals, and weekly magazines and journals. Indubitably, many local periodicals serve immigrant population in their â€Å"mother tongue†. The Los Angeles metropolitan area is served by different of local television stations. There are considerably numerous movies and recorded songs about Los Angeles that describe the concept of the gangs and professional criminals in the area. Also, several television programs and stations operate using the Spanish language and other Asian languages. The media tends to downplay the indiscetions of whites but really blows up the indiscretions of minorities through its use as the framework for cultural communication and expression across the globe. There are research projects that I have already read that focus on cultural interaction in the public domain and investigate issues of technology literacy, education, and politics among the dominant whites and the oppressed blacks. In my point of view, those publications must be critically assessed and that statements which tries to subjugate minorities, or actually oppressing them, should be eliminated. Work manuals, often refer to groups of different races and cultures, must also broaden their perspectives and treat both whites and blacks or minorities as one. Education There are many world-famous educational institutions in the City of Los Angeles such as the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Southern California (USC). Today, racial segregation is no longer permitted by the law; therefore, Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics have the freedom to study in whatever school that they believe is best for them. Cultural interaction is strongly exhibited in Universities and other learning institutions. As a white with a Native American heritage, I definitely observe some discrimination within our school area, eventhough there is a law under the Constitution that racist acitivities must be put to a halt. And I think, more effort must be given to effectively implement the said directives. Cultural Interaction In our city wherein numerous distinct cultures coexist, interaction is a must. Basically, there are no â€Å"pure†races, in the same sense as there are no â€Å"mixed†races. We are all equal and we all descend from one and the same race. In the ancient world, in the time of empires dominating continents, together with every small territory laid in their feet, it is not such an unknown fact that our existence in this world is entangled with each and everyone’s. Our lives are all engaged, through trade and through movements, in continuous cultural exchange of no such particular proportions, the legacies of which are still with us. Although there are three main races that live in Los Angeles, California, cultural interaction can be seen at work. In relation to the interaction between the different cultures of the Blacks, Whites, and the Hispanics, crime management is a vital thing to be considered in assessing the cultural interaction among them. It is important to note that there is neither enmity nor animosity among the Blacks, Whites, and the Hispanics. As we can all see, these three different cultural groups are living harmoniously with each other. Their interaction in the city, despite the scars left by wars, is extraordinarily peaceful that they all had exerted an astounding influence on each other. Also, they have also earned each other’s respect and trust needed to promote diplomatic relations. Respect towards individual religion, customs, and traditions are shown. Cultural interaction is an enormously complex thing. It requires the full participation and cooperation of everyone involved. It is more than just communication. Cultural interaction is understandingâ€â€understanding the fact that we all are different but equal. There is just no race that is superior from the others. Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics are all equal. No matter the complexity of such phenomenon, we should not think that it is not attainable, because it is. Truth to be told, it has already been attained. It is an all-influencing process has been happening, ever since the beginning of civilization. An observation from a community leader, like Mayor Antonio Villaragosa, with reference to the interaction between whites and other ethnic groups in the community is that he treats whites better than other ethnic groups like African Americans in the following circumstances. He once fired black activists from municipality official groups and made it his rule to in no way employ a protester to a metropolitan authority throughout his term in belief that they tend to be less reliable and more corrupt in the administration. Furthermore, he also did not act at once on the cases of Latino killings against the blacks. It is a result of thousands of years of struggles, and wars for the sole purpose of achieving equality in its purest sense. The battle has already been won. And the process of cultural interaction will not cease, as long as we human beings are still living and co-existing in the same dimension and direction. References: city. (2007). In Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 7, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/ebi/article-9273680 Annual Estimates of the Population for Incorporated Places over 100,000, Ranked by July 1, 2005 Population: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 [Electronic (2006). Version]. U. S. Census Bureau. Retrieved June 2, 2007 from http://www. census. gov/popest/cities/SUB-EST2005. html. Los Angeles. (2007). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 9, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-10129 mayor and council system. (2007). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 6, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9051613 Mormon. (2007). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 8, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9372619 Rapasky, E. P. (2003). History – Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho in San Diego Bay, CA on Sept 28 1542 [Electronic Version]. AZORES-L Archives. Retrieved June 4, 2007 from http://archiver. rootsweb. com/th/read/AZORES/2003-09/1064794270.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Family Health Assessment Essay
Conducting a family health assessment utilizing a functional health patterns assessment is the first step in the nursing process to create health care plans for the individual or family. A thorough assessment lays the groundwork to promote family health. (Mandle, 2010, p. 175)The purpose of this paper is to look at one families view of their health and develop two wellness nursing diagnoses. The author developed several questions relating to each of Gordon’s eleven functional health patterns to use in the family interview. The family chosen for this assignment is composed of a grandmother 55 years of age and her grandson age thirteen and granddaughter age fifteen. The family resides in a rural setting in Arizona. The grandmother has had guardianship of her grandchildren for twelve years. Health perception and management focuses on the individuals perceived health and well-being, and on health maintenance practices. (Koshar, n. d. ) The family perceives their overall health to be good. The grandmother reports no chronic health conditions and considers herself to be in good health for her age. The children are healthy and have not experienced any serious illness or injuries thus far. All family members are current on immunizations, receive annual age appropriate health screens and dental exams and cleanings. The grandmother drinks alcohol socially on occasion but not to excess. She has been tobacco free for two years. The grandchildren both state they have not experimented with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. They state they are aware of the dangers and health hazards of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. The grandmother and children take an age appropriate vitamin supplement daily. Over the counter remedies for minor illness such as colds and flu are used when needed. Nutrition and Metabolism focuses on how the family consumes food and fluid in relation to metabolic need. (Koshar, n. d. ) The grandmother tries to encourage healthy eating habits. Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products and lean meats are served on a regular basis. Milk, water, juices and herbal iced tea are beverages drank in the home. Soda is bought on occasion as a special treat. Most evening meals are eaten in the home. The family usually eats out once a week. The children are both at a healthy weight and are considered to be of average height and weight for their age. The grandmother is slightly overweight. All family members appear well nourished and hydrated. Elimination focuses on excretory patterns to include bowel, bladder and skin. (Koshar, n. d. )The children report no problems with elimination. The grandmother states she occasionally has trouble with constipation and will drink prune juice to help relieve constipation. She states she does not have problems with incontinence or bladder retention. Activity and exercise focuses on the activities of daily living including exercise and leisure activities. (Koshar, n. d. )The family enjoys a wide variety of physical activities. Physical activity is tolerated well. The family rides their horses several times weekly. The grandmother and granddaughter barrel race on a competitive level two to three times monthly. The children are active in 4-H and FFA. The grandson plays football during the school year. The grandmother would like to join a health club to exercise on a more regular basis but does not feel she has the time to do so. Cognition and Perception focuses on one’s ability to comprehend and utilize information and on the sensory functions. (Koshar, n. d. ) Both children do well in school. They do not have any learning disabilities. Hearing and vision are fine. The grandmother uses glasses for reading only and does not have any other sensory deficits. Sleep and rest focuses on an individual’s sleep, rest and relaxation patterns. The children average eight to nine hours sleep nightly. Both children state they feel well rested and are not tired during the day. The grandmother sleeps five to six hours a night during the work week. She states she has trouble occasionally falling asleep at night. The grandmother at times feels fatigued during the day. To relax the grandmother likes to read and spend time outdoors. The children read and watch TV to relax. Self-perception and self-concept focuses on how an individual perceives their identity, body image and self-worth. (Koshar, n. d. ) The children both expressed that they saw themselves as â€Å"normal teenagers†. They stated they are happy living with their grandmother and feel loved and cared for. The granddaughter sees herself as an attractive person and is happy with the way she looks. She sees herself as â€Å"popular†at school and states she has many friends. She believes she could do better in school, if she tried harder but states she is too busy with her horses and friends. The grandson sees himself as average. He states he would like to â€Å"work out more , to build more muscle†. He said he gets along well at school, but sometimes feels shy around people he does not know. He is very proud that he made high honor roll all four quarters this past year at school. The grandmother sees herself as a good caring person. She is happy with her life and feels blessed that she is able to take care of her grandchildren. She is self conscious about being overweight but otherwise considers herself to be an attractive person. Roles and Relationships focuses on the individuals role in the world and how one relates with others. (Koshar, n. d. ) The grandmother as the primary caregiver fulfills the role of parent in the family. The children’s natural parents live out of state. The children visit them in the summer months and holidays are usually spent together at the grandmothers home. Although there has been role reversal between the grandparent and parents the family interacts well together and has a close supportive loving relationship. Sexuality and reproduction focuses on the individuals satisfaction or dissatisfaction with sexuality and reproduction functions(Koshar, n. d. ) The grandmother is post-menopausal. She is not sexually active at the present time. The children are not sexually active. They are aware of safe sex practices to prevent pregnancy and stds. The grandson states he is not really interested in girls yet. He is just beginning to go through the developmental changes of puberty. The granddaughter is well developed for her age and began menstruating at twelve years of age. Coping and stress tolerance focuses on the individuals view of stress and coping strategies. The main stressful issue in the home is trying to balance work, school and social activities in a single parent home. The grandmother in addition to working full time as a RN is now attending school online full time. She feels over whelmed at times trying to find the time and recourses to get the children to their various social activities. She has started to rely more on friends to help with transportation needs. The children have been supportive and have started helping out more with household chores. The family relies on one another, friends and extended family members for support. Values and belief. The grandmother has a strong work ethic and believes in the value of a good education. She believes it is important to be a productive member of society . She encourages her grandchildren to think for themselves and be respectful and kind to others. The family does not attend church on a regular basis, however they do consider themselves Christian. The first wellness nursing diagnosis selected for the family is Readiness for enhanced activity-exercise pattern(Weber, 2005) due to the grandmother and grandson both expressing an interest in increasing their physical activity and desiring to me more physical fit. The second diagnosis selected is Caregiver role strain(Weber) related to the grandmother experiencing stress trying to balance work, school, and raising grandchildren in a single parent role.
Elimination Reactions Essay
As described previously, primary alkyl halides generally undergo substitution reactions with simple nucleophiles by an SN2 mechanism. Secondary alkyl halides, often react with simple basic nucleophiles to give a mixture of products arising from both substitution and elimination. As with substitution reactions, the rate at which elimination reactions proceed can be proportional to both the concentration of the base and the concentration of the reactant alkyl halide (an â€Å"E2†reaction (elimination bimolecular), or the rate can be proportional only to the alkyl halide (an â€Å"E1†reaction (elimination unimolecular). The mechanism for the E2 reaction is best described as concerted with the reaction coordinate passing through a single energy maximum with no distinct intermediate. The transition state for this reaction is described by the structure shown below in which partial bonds exist between the attacking base, the hydrogen which is abstracted, and departing halogen. The geometry of this transition state requires that the halogen be anti and coplanar with the hydrogen which is being removed (also termed â€Å"antiperiplanar†). This fact is important to remember since the stereochemistry of the resulting alkene (Z or E; cis or trans) is often controlled by the hydrogen which is removed in the elimination reaction. In the reaction shown below, the hydrogen on the carbon bearing the methyl group cannot become anti-to the halogen, hence the elimination occurs on the secondary carbon, to give the unfavored less substituted alkene. The rate-limiting transition state in the E1 reaction is again, carbocation formation, and the transition state is generally described as shown below. Factors which control whether E1 or E2 mechanisms will be observed again relate simply to the stability of the intermediate carbocation. Control of the reaction pathway between substitution and elimination is generally accomplished by careful choice of the reactants; strong, sterically hindered bases tend to favor elimination, while weak, unhindered nucleophiles tend to favor substitution. The choice for a â€Å"strong, hindered base†is generally tert-butoxide anion in tert-butanol as solvent, and it is generally safe to assume that a potential substitution/elimination reaction showing these conditions will proceed with elimination.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Nursing management Essay
Introduction To lead effectively, you have to strike the difficult balance between communication and accountability. Different situations call for different leadership approaches, depending on corporate needs, objectives and available resources. Ultimately the goal of any leader is to get results. Here’s a list of the various common leadership types. Types of Leadership The Autocrat The autocratic dictator is the one of the most common types of leaders. The autocrat’s approach is to make unilateral decisions without asking for suggestions from other members of the group. Such totalitarian leaders have the advantage of saving time and receiving little oppositions as they seek solutions. The classic example of autocratic leadership is seen in the governments of countries like North Korea, which control their citizens through force and fear. Used positively, this type of approach is helpful to tighten up companies that are suffering from inefficiency or a lack of discipline. The Laissez-Faire Leader This type of leader is the opposite of the autocrat: employees are given a lot of freedom and eeway to work as they see fit. The laissez-faire leader rarely monitors employees and does not get feedback or updates on a regular basis. The style can be advantageous for companies that aim to harness individual leadership skills and encourage initiative among employees. The laissez-faire approach can result in time savings and better intra-office relationships, but only in companies with efficient, honest workers that require little supervision. Over time, leaders still need to follow up on the employees or they may sacrifice efficiency, productivity and affordability. The Motivational Leader A motivational leader helps to bring out the best in everyone. By taking the time to get to know each member of the organization, this type of leader gets to study employee’s strengths and weakness and develop strategies for taking advantage of them. This approach leads to good communication throughout the different levels of an organization. Employees get to share their feelings, thoughts and ideas, and so feel empowered and satisfied. A motivational leader is perfect in sales organizations or companies that are in need of a creative sparkâ€â€or a jolt of enthusiasm. The Democrat The democratic leader values every member of the organization and seeks to make each group member feel content and useful. A democrat participates in tasks while respecting and acknowledging the suggestions and contributions of other workers. This approach generally leads to team efficiency and happy employees. Note that while members of the group participate in the planning and decision-making process, the leader makes the final decision based on all available information. The Gratifier The gratifier follows the old carrot-and-stick approach. Such a leader sets goals and then offers relative rewards depending on the contribution and achievements of members. If an employee or department performs poorly, there may be punishments or penalties. One benefit of this traditional management strategy is that it’s possible to initiate competitions within the workplace that often lead to improvedâ€â€even transcendentâ€â€performance. The Innovator An innovator is creative and dynamic, adapting quickly to change and spearheading explosive growth. An innovative leader is aware of new developments in the marketplace and is always listening to other team members, on the lookout for fresh ideas and solutions. The best thing about the innovator’s approach is that the lead-by-example creativity inspires other employees to explore, expand and come up with new concepts of their own. This type of management strategy is particularly effective for tech, media and other idea-driven businesses. Your company’s current needs and goals may dictate the most effective management approach. Be flexible, and respond to changing circumstances or personnel by varying that approach as needed. It’s also wise to tailor your style of management to the capabilities and personalities of your company leaders.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Arguments Participation Paper 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Arguments Participation Paper 3 - Assignment Example (lines 17- 24) the mother cries out the guilt and pain of abortion; unborn children are robbed off their basic rights to live and do other common activities during a life time; 3. (lines 30,31) show how the mother tries to convince herself of the abortions; the first part of the poem addresses the mother and the later part addresses the child. It clearly shows how the mother takes abortion very seriously and wants to overcome the guilt and pain associated with it. The loss is even more painful and is clearly portrayed in the first part. The second part convinces of the love the mother had for her aborted children. Characters and their symbolic use: 1. dead person conversing with the poet; this character is imaginary and is a metaphor for death; 2. the poet is yet another character who interacts with the dead person to know how death feels to be and what it is. Citations and how they fit the Argument: 1. (line 3) gives the theme of the poem; 2. (lines 5-7) say how powerful death is; the facts about death could burn a hole; 3. (lines 11, 12) brings out the fact that death strikes like an accident and is barely noticed till it arrives; 4. (lines 18-20) hint that death is unavoidable and inexplicable factor in each one’s life. Everyone born must die and the poet is made to realize it; 5. (lines 28-32) talk about how it feels to be dead. â€Å"Conversation†by Ai explores the experience of death. It is a conversation between the poet and a dead person. Like a Dramatic Monologue, the poem captures the voice of the dead man and the response of the poet. Death is described as horrible; it is like an accident. The color of death is presented as blue. The truth about death is so powerful that it could cause holes on the floor. The poet is made to realize the universal truth that someday all the lives will snap. It is unavoidable and is the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Discussion 1,2 and 3 for cis classes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion 1,2 and 3 for cis classes - Essay Example less fluctuating data rates and connectivity .The disadvantages D.S.L line can have are they are wired connections, though the wireless routers can solve this problem but the range of wireless routers is limited to a few hundred meters. Optic fiber: The advantages of fiber optic access are reliable transmission and even in rough weathers it can ensure transmission, however the drawback with fiber optic communication is the availability of infrastructure and is relatively expensive Other sources include Wi-fi from a remote spot, Wimax, advantages to both are ,they provide fast and on the go connectivity, drawbacks can be ,the air medium since transmission is in the form of waves, distortions are likely to be part of system Wimax is a 4th Generation Telecommunication Technology and is acronym for Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Access. It offers number of features and in a way has revolutionized the means of connectivity. Operating in Giga Hertz frequency band, it provides higher data rates, more secure transmissions, less disruptions, it provides data rates as high as 10 Mbps or above ,there are few drawbacks attached to use of Wimax , since all the transmission is based on air waves( unlike D.S.L where optic fiber is used) rough weather can disrupt transmission and can bring about fluctuations .Customer Premises Equipment ( C.P.E) the hardware equipment that is necessary for Wimax connection is slightly expensive .When the source is at a considerable distance from the C.P.E ,loss in quality can be experienced. 3. Explain whether you think professional organizations are embracing Wimax technologies or are reluctant to implement it on a large scale. What is the reasoning for your perspective and what do you feel to be the future outlook on this technology? Large number of organizations and enterprises are fast embracing Wimax as medium for communication and performing daily activities .There are number of reasons to it. The first and foremost is the fast
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Midterm paper in microeconomics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Midterm paper in microeconomics - Case Study Example This can be presented in a graph as follows: Figure 1: Graph Presenting the function, Y = F (K, L) = AK0.4L0.8 (b) In order to break even, one should hardly be worried about the production size since size is hardly the only factor that influences production. Again, fixed costs are not related directly to a firm’s level of production. Break-even involves the point at which both variable and fixed costs would be recovered, implying that production size is not a major factor to consider in this case. Answer to Question 2 This is a case of two firms that compete in a sequntial game, where each firm chooses prices as its strategic variable.Firm 1 make the choice of price p1, first, while firm 2 chooses p2 later. Each of the two firms has a marginal cost of 20. The assumption in this case is that a consumer is loacted at point x, x being the distance from firm 1, and obtains some utility after buying from either of the two firms. Such functions are as below: U1 = V – p1 †“ 16x U2 = V – p2 – 16 (1 - x) Given that V is a constant, which is so large that it could cover the entire market: (a) The best response for firm 2 would require that the firm looks ahead to its initial decision. It would then assume that given that it comes to that point, firm 1 will choose the optimal outcome of firm 2; in this case, the highest payoff in terms of price. Secondly, firm 2 would have to back up to its second all the way to the last decision. It would assume that firm 1 would opt for high prices (Peterson, 39). The firm would continue reasoning back in the same way until all its decisions are fixed. Such decision could be presented in a (p2; p1) space as follows: V = U2 + p2 + 16 (1 - x) V= U1 + p1 + 16x Thus, U2 + p2 + 16 (1 - x) = U1 + p1 + 16x U2 + p2 + 16 = U1 + p1 + 32x Since the two firms are competing sequentially, the market equilibrium price is the point where p1= p2 since all firms would ultimately have to lower their prices in order to att ract as many customers as possible (Peterson, 39). (b) The equilibrium price is p1 =p2 =20. The profit for firm 1 is Yp1 – 20c while that of firm 2 is Yp2 – 20c, where Y is the total output and 20c is the total cost which is constant for the two firms. (c) Equilibrium price is 20. The market share for firm 1 and firm 2 are x and (1 – x) respectively. Answer to question 3 The following data was obtained from Rema Store. (1) The name of the store is Rema Grocery Store. The type of cheese in the store, the prices per kilogram and the brand of cheese including the unit size are as shown in the table above. (2) Based on the various brands, unit sizes, and price per kilogram for each brand, it is easy to propose price discrimination scheme. The price discrimination scheme could explain more about the stores and the brands of cheese sold. The best price discrimination scheme for the products is the first degree of price discrimination. In this case, the seller would se ll various product brands of cheese at different prices. The scheme would require that the seller knows the reservation price for each of the brand sold. Once the seller identifies the reservation price for each brand, he or she is able to sell the different brands of cheese to the consumers at the maximum prices possible. Customers hardly consider quantities but their perception of quality is based
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Marketing Management of Nike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marketing Management of Nike - Essay Example Price Nike has a premium pricing strategy and its products are largely targeted towards the premium customers (Axelby, 2003:89). The company attributes and justifies its pricing strategy by providing high quality products to the customers. The formidable brand image of Nike also acts as a decisive factor in formulating the pricing strategy. Due to the formidable brand image of the product, the customer is quite willing to pay a premium for the products of the company as it has made a distinction for quality across the markets globally. Place Nike has a multi-channel distribution strategy in which the company uses both the direct as well as the indirect channel for distribution. The company ensures a combination of all vertical channels in an attempt to amalgamate them for distribution. The company has a bricks and clicks format that involves selling products through retail outlets (both company owned and multi-brand retailers) as well as through e-commerce websites. However, the indi rect form of distribution is the primary channel of sales considering the fact that it helps in providing more value to consumers. It also gives a tangible touch to the service offering generating competitive advantage (Baiker, 2007:32). Promotions Promotions are the most vital aspect of the marketing mix of Nike as it forms the only channel of communicating with the target market audience. The promotions strategy of Nike involves use of both traditional and online channels for communication. Traditional channels include advertisements on television and print media while online channels involve use of various social networking sites.... According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the era of globalization has not only opened up new vistas for business organizations but has also created a high competition in the business markets with organizations reaching out to every market where opportunities are available. In this regard, ensuring a formidable positioning and a good marketing mix is an essential aspect that is needed to survive in this tough competitive environment. In order to remain sustainable in the market and stay ahead of the competitors, it is very essential to have a product mix that ensures a formidable image of the products or the brand in the minds of the target market segments. It is also very important to analyze the consumer behavior of the target market audience so as to have an idea about the needs and wants of the consumers. This is important as it defines the positioning of the brand which is very critical to the success of the company. The most important duty of the compa ny is to generate highest return to its shareholders that forms the ultimate aim of any organization. In this regard, the company has followed a strategy of expanding rapidly into international markets, and also seeks to formulate strategies such as outsourcing in a manner so as to help reduce cost and generate greater efficiency that can be ultimately generated as profits to be passed on to the shareholders.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Political Paper from 1930-1939 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Political Paper from 1930-1939 - Essay Example There were two federal elections held in the 1930’s and there was a change in government in each election. (Linteau 93). The 1930 election between Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s liberal government and R.B. Bennett, the new conservative leader (Linteau 90) was the precursor to change that was rapidly approaching Quebec. There were very different platforms from each candidate; Bennett based his campaign on finding ways to fight the depression. Bennett promised to bring relief to the unemployed and increase exports (Linteau 1991) leading Bennett’s Conservative victory. King’s Liberal party showed no preparation or awareness of how serious the upcoming election was, appearing â€Å"ill prepared to deal with more increasingly difficult circumstances†(Linteau 1991). The victory was short lived however, as the immense scope of the economic problems of the Depression were more than his government seems equipped to handle. His failure to bring about the solutions he had promised made him an unpopular scapegoat. In 1932 he formed the Relief Act which was meant to help people who we re unemployed by providing grants for municipal works projects. During the 1930’s there were a number of new parties formed. The older more established parties, such as the Liberals who had been in power since 1897 appeared to be old and stagnant. 1932 brought the formation of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) a democratic socialist party. It gained supporters nationwide, but Quebec did not seem to favor the party (Linteau 1991). Another party that fared better in Quebec was the ALN, or Action Liberale Nationale. It grew out of the younger activists of the liberal party. Their program was supported by pressure groups and youth movements toward the social doctrine of the church (Linteau 1991). They were encouraged and inspired by the ideas of the Programme de Restauration Sociale
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Cross cultural issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Cross cultural issues - Essay Example Cultural diversity exists between the United States and Europe. Citizens of the two countries differ in culture, beliefs, faith practices and economic inclination. These differences make business management practices in various parts and organizations different. U.S’s proven management systems and practices may not work appropriately in Europe. For instance, a U.S based Multinational Corporation; the effectiveness of her management control system and practices would evidently differ from one country to another or even from one branch with diverse cultural inclination to another in the same country. Therefore, our study intends to compare cultural inclinations of the two countries; the U.S and Europe and understand the implications of the differences to the expansion of a U.S based organization intending to establish a branch in Europe by purchasing an already existing firm in the same line of production. Global trade has tremendously increased in the recent past. This has probed the multinational corporations or individuals who intend to venture into the international trade to learn about international business. Therefore, it is very important to learn and understand the different cultures of the world before enrolling in doing business in foreign countries. This would reduce the risks involved in business transactions. Understanding other countries’ negotiation tactics, greetings, communication styles, body language, meeting and dress, and social events are keys to have good business relationships with other partner countries. For instance, the United States and Europe are nations that regularly interact in business relations. Although they share similarities, the two countries share a lot of differences. In the United States, the first impression matters a lot and is basic to the success of every business relationship. The Americans appreciate eye contacts and a firm hand shake with business partners (Bowie, n.d, p.1-12). As a matter of
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Mussolini's War Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mussolini's War Speech - Essay Example Such regimes flourished during the politically uncertain period in Europe following the First World War. Italy and Germany were the most important centers of such fascist governments. The arguments that are provided by Mussolini for the war against Ethiopia, a country which they had failed to subdue for around a century are not scientifically valid. Economically and as far as military might was concerned, Italy would not have been able to hold up against the might of the Allied powers alone, who supported the League of Nations, which had condemned the attack on Ethiopia (Italy in the Second World War). Mussolini’s claim that â€Å"to acts of war†, he would â€Å"reply with acts of war†(Mussolini Justifies War Against Ethiopia) is thus, based on his needs to rouse his countrymen and gain their support rather than a scientifically legitimate claim on his part. The text talks of the need to invade Ethiopia at a point of time when the sentiments of the international community were against such an invasion. Italy did not really have the ability to stand against such opposition as was proven in a disastrous manner by the Second World War. Mussolini’s claims are based on hope and intuition and not on reports of diplomatic understanding. They are also directed at invoking the intuitive nationalist sentiments of the Italians rather than an appeal to their sense of rational understanding. Mussolini reasons with himself about the chances of his victory- while talking of France and Great Britain, he speaks about the improbability of their doing so. This is a case of inductive reasoning whereby he uses particular examples to prove that a certain event would not come about. He also rejects responsibility for any act of violence that may follow an act of violence upon Italy. This is an example of causal reasoning whereby he talks of retribution on the part of the Italians would be the effect of violence on the part of others. Mussolini here shies away from responsibility and this was one of the important characteristics of the fascist regimes that developed during the interwar years. The regimes that came up during this period led their people into war; they were, however, unable to ensure that their people would come out of the war unscathed. Italy and Germany spent many years following the Second World War trying to recoup from its effects. The process of rebuilding took great efforts on the part of the German and Italian people. When Mussolini says that the people of Italy had been impressed by the work of the fascists, he means it to be an example of deductive logic. When he says that fascism was a spectacle that history had not seen till then, he means it to be the premise that along with the premise of the effectiveness of fascism led to the twenty million people of Italy gathering together in support of Mussolini and the institution of fascism. The techniques of logic and reasoning are employed in a very effective and convincing manner by Mussolini. The power of oratory that shines through his entire speech was a feature that was very important in his journey to success. This was important in the consolidation of his power of Mussolini over the people of Italy. The Italian people were swayed in a manner that was similar to the way in which the Germans were swayed by Adolf Hitler in later years. The promise of economic development was a major reason as to why people were misled in
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Argument For Stricter Gun Control Laws Essay Example for Free
The Argument For Stricter Gun Control Laws Essay I am writing a persuasive argument in favor of stricter gun control laws. I am very passionate about this topic because the use of firearms in the wrong hands is a deadly prophecy. It can be in the form of children getting a hold of a gun and hurting themselves or others, an adult with violent propensities mishandling a weapon, or someone who wants the use of a firearm in aiding suicide. When one looks at the increased incident of injury to children, homicide, and suicide, it is clear there is a need for stricter gun control laws. This paper argues that firearms continue to play a dominant role in violence both criminal and accidental regardless of laws such as the five-day waiting period and the Brady Law. I will show how easier access to guns, rather than preventing crime, creates more of it through the use of examples and statistics Those whom are opposed to gun control laws do not like to admit there is a link between access to guns and violence. The NRA says guns dont kill people, people kill people. They will claim that the right to bear arms for se lf-defense and civil rights would be diminished. However, this view is only one sided and it fails to address the link between the ownership of guns and the violence that occurs because of it. Almost everyday we can open up a newspaper or turn on a national news broadcast on the television and discover a new case of someone being killed by the use of a gun. Perhaps it was a child whom had access to his/her parents gun they keep in the house for self defensive purposes, an adult whom was an innocent bystander during a workplace massacre or robbery, a shooting at a school by a disturbed kid, or a domestic dispute turned deadly. Unfortunately, it is rare that a day goes by that we do not hear about one of the above events. Whatever the case may be, it is apparent that too many people have access to firearms and that access must be restricted. The Brady Campaign is one that enforces gun control laws, elects pro gun control public officials, and informs the public about gun violence. It was enacted in 1994 and because of it, all 50 states must do background checks on anyone wishing to purchase a firearm. While this has helped quell some gun violence that may have occurred otherwise, there are still too many who are falling through the cracks. These background checks are targeting the wrong people and criminals are still able to obtain guns from illegal sources. Take a look at the Virginia Tech massacre last spring. This reopened the legislative debate over gun control that was never resolved from the Columbine high school shootings eight years earlier. Many wonder how Cho-Seung Hui was able to get his hands on powerful automatic weaponry that killed thirty two of his classmates. This proves that the background checks performed are insufficient and need to be more thorough. More than fifty survivors and family members of this tragedy signed a letter to Congress with one simple message- finish work on legislation that could prevent future tragedies. The notion of more complete background checks leads me to another issue that is the abolition of handguns. More handguns are used in criminal acts than any other type of firearm. The FBI reports that more than 60 percent of murders are caused by guns and handguns account for 70 percent of these. Lets look at some scenarios that stem from the lack of access to handguns: Sure, anyone with a penchant for killing could pull out a knife or a baseball bat but the victim has much better chance of survival. The likelihood of injury and not death are much greater as the victim may be able to get away. The next scenario are home burglaries. Most of these occur with the occupants are out of the house so the need for a gun inside the home is unnecessary. If there is a gun inside of the home, the perpetrator will confisca te it along with other valuables, thus placing it in the hands of criminal for future misuse. Approximately 40 percent of handguns used in crimes are stolen out of homes of law abiding citizens whom had guns for their own protection. If handgun manufacturers were stringently restricted and only allowed to sell to police, our environment would be much safer. Fewer criminals would have access to them if the sale of handguns to ordinary citizens were outlawed. They could not obtain them by way of stealing and their illegal underground network would be hampered. If this were to occur, those dangerous people would not have the opportunity to slip through the cracks and get a hold of a weapon. The end result would be fewer violent crimes and fewer injuries and/or deaths related to these crimes. Many states in the United States have right to carry laws that allow citizens to carry concealed handguns if they are qualified. Qualification includes a clean criminal history, age restrictions, and completing a firearms safety course. In 1986 only nine states had that law and as of 1998, 31 states have right-to-carry laws. Half of the citizens of the U.S. live in those states. This will engender only more violence as journalis t Philip Cook states if you introduce a gun into a violent encounter, it increases the chances that someone will die. In the end, the notion of violence in self-defense will only create more violence. It is for that reason that not only should handguns themselves be eradicated from the hands of the general public, but they should never be allowed to carry out in public. It is a fact that the Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights states: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Our founding fathers who authored the Constitution were certainly aware of the British efforts to disarm the colonists and believed a militia was necessary to defend democracy. However, in the present day, owners of handguns are not members of a militia attempting to fight a tyrannical power or oppression. Any type of gun that can be concealed should be abolished from the hands of ordinary citizens and only placed in the hands of the men and women of our police force whom are trained professionals. This will de-emphasize the use of another slogan If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. It simply will not be the case as long as only those who are legitimate protectors of society are the only people who have access to them. WORKS CITED Agresti, James D. Gun Control. Just Facts Foundation. 10 June 1999. 20 October 2007. Desuka, Nan. Why Handguns Must Be Outlawed.. Current Issues and Enduring Questions. Boston: Bedford, 1993. Cassidy, J. Warren. The Case For Firearms. Current Issues and Enduring Questions. Boston: Bedford, 1993. Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Families of Virginia Tech Victims and Survivors Call on U.S. Senate to Strengthen Brady Background Checks. 21 October 2007.
Employee Recruitment and Retention on the Plumbing and Heating Industry Essay Example for Free
Employee Recruitment and Retention on the Plumbing and Heating Industry Essay The way in which companies recruit and retain their employees is considered as a competitive weapon. Not until recently that firms are becoming serious on the act of recruitment as the Bureau of Labor statistics estimates that jobs will grow faster at a rate that is not proportional with the labor force, hence forcing the aforementioned to appeal to various groups such as omen and minorities. As such not only recruitment is very vital but also retaining employees (Denton, 1992, p. 14). According to Frank Doyle, the senior vice president of corporate relations at General Electric: For U.  S. corporations, tomorrow’s competitive battle will be won or lost on the strength of their ability to build and retain a skilled work force (Richman 1990, 76 as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 14). General Electric believes that labor shortage does not significantly matter if companies know which people to hire and to retain. For instance, companies such as Merck Co. often times target certain universities or campuses that give a more detailed specialization on certain knowledge and skills that are very vital to their business. The Plumbing and Heating Industry The plumbing and heating industry has been experiencing shortages as well on their workforce due to the difficulty of finding skilled plumbers and retaining them. It needs several numbers of years training on order to become a qualified plumber and heater and such also requires a deep dedication for a lifelong learning process. Certain skills are also necessary to be a good plumber such as need a head for heights, the ability to work in cramped conditions and the stamina to complete physically hard work day after day (The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 2007). In addition with this, plumbers also need the intelligence to solve complex equations. More importantly, they must have the expertise and flexibility to install various systems and the capability to comprehend the logic of various systems. They should also have the ability and initiative to solve a problem and a passion to know and apply various technologies on their work. Plumbers and heaters must also have a creative mind and a sound judgment, and finally they should be professional and honest (The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 2007). Employee Recruitment Interviews In order to find the right people, the process of interviewing and getting to know them not only through their answers but also through their eye contacts, body languages and the likes (Dibble, 1999). For instance, some companies like Merck often conduct a 30-minute interview in order to assess the qualifications of prospective employees. Hewlett-Packard did it further by implementing a technique called behavioral interviewing that is developed by organizational psychologist Paul Green that would assess the future behavior of a prospective employee based on his or her past behaviors. In using this technique, interviewers can design employee questions that would allow them to elicit behaviors that are closely related to the job that they are looking for (Denton, 1999, p. 16). The process of behavioral interview often times identifies 21 skills that are very vital for certain jobs such as coping, decisiveness, assertiveness, tolerance of ambiguity, written communication skills, creativity, commitment, team building, versatility, and leadership (Denton, 1999, p. 17). For the aforementioned skills there are still eight job behaviors that are needed to be known such as how prospective employees deal with â€Å"varied duties, deal with diverse groups, respond to others needs, be socially flexible, roll with the punches, understand individual differences, make others comfortable, exhibit wide range of social behaviors ( More 1988, as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 17). Decentralized Hiring Traditional recruitment approaches that focuses on interviewing prospective employees by a single person is no longer deemed as vital nowadays. For instance, the Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation (SRC) one of Americas most successful small companies still has their hiring process as a group activity. SRC adopts a non-traditional method of recruitment by having all of their applicants have five or six interviews with various individuals that he or she might be working with (Denton, 1992, p. 18). Recruitment through Reputation The reputation of the company is also one of the leading factors in which highly knowledgeable and skilled employees will desire to work for the aforementioned. For instance SRC received more than 2,500 applications for a small company that only employs 300 people. It could also be noted that the company only pays $6 or $7 per hour, yet applicants are still flocking to them. One significant reason for this is its reputation for being one of the best places to work. One of the ways of doing such is the capacity of a company to manage the diversity of their workforce (Denton, 1992, p. 19). The shortages in terms of prospective employees is a growing concern among companies that is why there is a need to focus more on recruiting minorities and women. However, in order for a company to have a wide application pool, such must first establish to have a good reputation of being able to effectively manage organizational diversity (Denton, 1992, p. 20). Aggressive Recruitment for Entry-Level Workers One of the best ways to tap to a good employee resource is through recruiting entry-level workers through implementing various programs such as â€Å"Adopt-a-School†or â€Å"Join-A-School†. These programs allow companies and organizations to establish partnerships between business and schools which may involve elementary school, vocational school or even a university (Denton, 1992, p. 5). The main value of such programs is the establishment of closer relationships between schools and in a macro perspective, creating better understanding businesses and industry. More importantly, partnerships such as like these, would allow companies to easily recruit personnels that can improve the companys image that could help the prospective applicants to view your companys business as a career, hence a better chance of creating a wide labor pool (Denton, 1992, p. 26). Employee Retention If finding good people is hard, so as looking for ways to make them stay. One of the companies that have displayed such an admirable trait is Federal Express, wherein they have emphasized the importance of retention, recruitment and employee relations (Dibble, 1999). If a particular company is very careful in terms of recruiting, there is also a relatively better match of keeping them. One best way of doing such is the company centralizing all of its recruitment centers (Denton, p. 47). After which, they provide immense value on putting their people first on their list. Good employee relations for Federal Express involve deeds that impress employees and improve relations (Denton, p. 48). According to Fred Smith, CEO of Federal Express, I think a lot of companies talk about how their employees are their most important asset, but where you can really tell whether it is very important or not is how much their senior management spends on the issues ( Trunick 1989, 19 as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 48). Through implementing the philosophy of people, service, Profits the company makes their people feel that they are indeed needed in the organization. They let them answer several basic questions such as What is expected of me, and what do you want me to do? (p. 48). These questions are answered by having all of their employees attend extensive orientation programs wherein the Federal Express values are discussed Incentives Career advancement is not the only incentive that will make people stay within the organization. For instance the use of awards program that is designed to reinforce a particular desired behavior such as superior quality of work and customer centricity played a lot in terms of motivating employees to stay (p. 49). One very good example of this is Federal Express Bravo Zulu Voucher Program: wherein employees who displayed admirable work performance such as going beyond what is expected of them are able to receive cash or non cash rewards. Also, their Suggestion Awards Program allow employees to participate in the management process by sharing their ideas that will enable the company to improve its operations. Any idea implemented that will lower costs, increase productivity, revenues or promote safer working conditions will receive recognition and $100 to $25,000 worth of cash (p. 49). Communications Open Communication among employees is also vital to solve a problem. The internal employee response program allows employees to find answers to situations that they perceived as something that is disagreeable, controversial or is contrary to existing policies. If employees express negative concerns about their work or with the management, the latter is expected to respond within 14 days. These concerns are assured to be forwarded to the CEO (p. 50). Appeals Board The Appeals Board is a venue wherein decisions among complaints could be given and also disciplines could be implemented. However, it is very important that when keeping such a type of venue for resolution of organizational conflicts, the organization must have the capability to streamline its process to make the time alloted for every case reasonable enough (Denton, 1999, p. 52). Survey, Feedback, Action (SFA) An annual survey of employee attitudes is also important for the company to measure its employee opinions and to make changes that could hopefully change not so favorable employee attitudes to the company (Dibble, 1999). This assures that the management will see clearly what its team feels about the organization. In addition such allows a fair gauge of attitude and anonymity among employees (Denton, 1999, p. 52). Education and Trainings Continued learning is a venue wherein employees themselves would feel that they are indeed valued by the company. As such it us also very relevant as well that the organization will invest on trainings or even scholarships to employees who wanted to continue their education (Logue, Yates and Greider, 2001, p. 46-47). Conclusion The Plumbing and Heating Industry has been experiencing a significant decline in terms of its workforce. Hence in order to solve this problem the industry must be able to adopt effective recruitment and employee retention practices that were formulated in theory and practice of various management scholars and organizations. For the purpose of this research, in order to have an effective recruitment process, the research has emphasized the importance of: Interviews, Decentralized Hiring, Recruitment through Reputation, and Aggressive Recruitment for Entry-Level Workers. On the other hand, in order to retain employees, companies must be able to focus on: Incentives, Communications, Appeals Board, Survey, Feedback, Action (SFA), and Education and Training.
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