Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Ben Still Life
Yale Center for British Art Ben Nicholson Still-life (Newlyo) When seeing this painting it truly reminded me of my work this semester. Where I have been experimenting with colors and shapes, trying to make them bounce of each other. In Bens painting the colors and style were very similar. They both were bright in color but in Ben’s painting he had more structure and actual objects almost like a cubist painting. Where his shapes were more like objects and in mine they are plainly different shapes. But the thinking is the same. We take a shape or an object and try to change it in some way where you still know what it is but there are questions. Hs structure of the shapes was more clear and smooth then some in mine. His dark outline reminded me of the newspapers piece I did where I blocked out sections in a deep black. Bringing a feeling of depression or even a feeling of death. When I decided to outline in black I was trying to emphasize the idea that the newspaper underneath was meaningless and dead. Where in his he outlines his objects in a thick black line bring you closer to what he is trying to show you. He lets the canvas show through is some places that I feel is very important to the story that he is trying to explain. You see he is letting the natural canvas come through and present itself to the viewer. To show that nature itself is a form of art.... Free Essays on Ben Still Life Free Essays on Ben Still Life Yale Center for British Art Ben Nicholson Still-life (Newlyo) When seeing this painting it truly reminded me of my work this semester. Where I have been experimenting with colors and shapes, trying to make them bounce of each other. In Bens painting the colors and style were very similar. They both were bright in color but in Ben’s painting he had more structure and actual objects almost like a cubist painting. Where his shapes were more like objects and in mine they are plainly different shapes. But the thinking is the same. We take a shape or an object and try to change it in some way where you still know what it is but there are questions. Hs structure of the shapes was more clear and smooth then some in mine. His dark outline reminded me of the newspapers piece I did where I blocked out sections in a deep black. Bringing a feeling of depression or even a feeling of death. When I decided to outline in black I was trying to emphasize the idea that the newspaper underneath was meaningless and dead. Where in his he outlines his objects in a thick black line bring you closer to what he is trying to show you. He lets the canvas show through is some places that I feel is very important to the story that he is trying to explain. You see he is letting the natural canvas come through and present itself to the viewer. To show that nature itself is a form of art....
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Improve Business Writing Skills to Increase Productivity and Revenue
Improve Business Writing Skills to Increase Productivity and Revenue Current Business Writing Skills Scenario Your employees’ abilities to write and rewrite, clearly and concisely, goes a long way in establishing a competitive advantage for your business. If you want to make the best first impression on all your customers, clients, vendors, other transacting parties, and anyone who comes in contact with your business, then your employees need to master the art of effective business writing skills. Because most employees spend a substantial part of each workday writing whether it's email, reports, briefings, presentations, or requirements summaries improving business writing skills willsave your company money and increase employee productivity. Good writing skills lead to improved productivity and cost savings for the business. When employees spend a lot of time writing reports and end up producing error-prone documents, your business is likely to lose goodwill. Another issue with poor business writing skills is that it leads to wasted hours of editing and proofreading. This negatively affects your business productivity, since the time spent to make corrections could have been utilized for profit-making activities. Additionally, you might need to hire experienced editors orproofreaders for key business documents, adding more expense to your payroll. Drasticallyimprove your employees’ business writing skills by conducting business writing training. This will lead to improved productivity and by reducingthe average time spent on a single business writing task. Here is empirical proof: Current Business Writing Skills Scenario Suppose that your organization has a work unit of 30 workers. Each worker earns $60,000 per year. Similarly, each writer spends 3.2 hours a day on writing. Within an average 40-hour working week, 40% of the time is therefore devoted towards writing. Current Costs to your Company Under the current scenario, your company is paying $1,800,000 ($60,000*30) to workers on an annual basis. As already mentioned, each worker spends 40% of his or her time every day in writing. This means that, currently, your business is spending $720,000 ($1,800,000*40%) on an annual basis on youremployees’ business writing efforts. Assuming that there are 240 working days in a year, the total annual employee writing hours are 23040 (240days* 3.2 hours/day* 30 workers). This means that you are currently paying $31.25 per hour ($720,000/23040 hours) as the average annual costs per hour on business writing. Staff Training - Revised Scenario Now, let’s consider an alternative. Suppose you train your staff how to improve their business writing skills. Through our 6-step proven business writing methodology, you can reduce your staff’s average time spent on writing by 30%. Keeping all other factors constant, it means that each writer now spends 2.24 hours a day (3.2 hours* 70%) on writing. Revised Costs to your Company Even from a quick glance, you can clearly see that improving your staff’s business writing skills will have a strong positive impact on time and money saved. Keeping the number of employees (30), the total annual salary ($1,800,000) and the total working days per year (240) constant, here are new results: Total employee writing costs for the year will reduce to $504,000 (1,800,000*28%) Total annual employee writing hours will decrease to 16,128 (240 days* 2.24 hours* 30 workers) These simple empirical calculations prove that you can save on your total writing costs by more than $100,000 and total writing hours by 6,912 hours annually. The resources saved can be invested in other business activities to generate profits. The benefits of an effective business writing skills improvement program are far reaching. They lead to improved information flow, better coordination, and manyother growth and branding incentives for a business. To learn more about the power of business writing and how to improve business writing skills for your employees, download my guide, Four Ways to improve your Team’s Business Writing Skillstoday!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Coke and Pepsi War Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Coke and Pepsi War - Article Example The analysis of the case study brings to light the problems both the companies have had with their concentrate producers, bottlers, and retailers while also highlighting the throat cut competition between Coke and Pepsi. The strategies deployed by the companies are the same: cost leadership and differentiation strategies. The strategic management model also reveals that the problems with the company were related to the supply chain and the diversification strategies into other non-cola drinks. The solution to the problems later discussed in detail is about stabilizing the growth and sales while at the same time re-branding its products to better appeal to the consumers. Coke and Pepsi are the two main competitors in the beverage industry globally. Both the companies have been at war since their inception. The situation is such that both companies, Coke and Pepsi, are at each other’s throats in order to gain most market share in the world especially the United States. Coke and Pepsi, each are trying to come up with innovative products and ideas in pursuit to increase the market share. The effectiveness and creativity of Pepsi and Coke’s strategic advantage will determine the ultimate winner with respect to sales, profits, market share and customer loyalty. The case study ‘Cola Wars Continue Coke and Pepsi in the Twenty-First Century’ present the scenario of both the companies internal and external strategies that have caused each company to battle on for such a long period. Over the years since the inception of both the companies, Pepsi and Coke have faced many issues and challenges that have led them to change their strategies. The main strategic issue for both the company has always lied in their quest for achieving the greater market share. Due to this point, the firms have constantly modified their bottling, pricing and branding strategies as new competition increased and gaining more market share became a life source for the Pepsi and Coke (Yoffie, 2004).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Compare airline and railway in China Case Study
Compare airline and railway in China - Case Study Example The following economic analysis of China Railway transport and Aircraft Industry provides a detailed comparison of the two sectors (Zhang and Anming, 130). These coverage of analyses logically vary from HSR to China Aircraft Industry, these tends to wrap the construction costs of transport projects, maintenance and operation costs of related transport services, direct user benefits mostly time and cost savings, and a limited externalities such as congestions, overcrowding, transport safety impacts and emissions (Chou, Jui-Sheng, and Changwan, 6954). Regarding High-Speed Train locally the benefits related to the use of HSR outlays the cost thus it’s more convenient in China (Cheng and Yung-Hsiang, 56). Compared with China Airline Industry the High-Speed Train is more beneficial to the domestic market as compared to the international market (Cheng and Yung-Hsiang, 56). However, internationally China Airline Industry is benefits outlay the costs of using High-Speed Train, which is not implemented in many countries. It measures the intensity of market access that the various industries have at a particular location. It is because firms currently interact not only with domestic firms who happen to be immediate competitors, but also to an increasing degree with firms in more and more isolated locations, the economic mass of a city is given by the sum of the extent of market size (Cheng and Yung-Hsiang, 56). Therefore, economic mass is the extent of overall market access, or the efficient economic size of town or city. High-Speed Rail in China has a huge domestic market as compared to the China Airline Industry (Campos, Javier, and Gines, 22). It is contributed, by the large, middle-class citizens in who use rail compared to the wealthy who uses airline transport. These are by principle measured in terms of jobs created for every location. In addition, these jobs are related to the overall economic output at every location though
Sunday, November 17, 2019
United Nation Peacekeeping Essay Example for Free
United Nation Peacekeeping Essay Certain degree of bias indications has to be inevitable among any group of peacekeepers despite of their altruistic intentions. Under the principles of neutrality and impartiality, even United Nation peacekeepers are entitled to experience such biased inclinations during the course of their campaigns. In order to test this hypothesis, the study reviews the acts and campaigns of the Irish peacekeepers serving with UNIFL in Lebanon from 1980 to 2002 for potential indications of biased decisions, activities and empathy, specifically towards the local Lebanese or the Jewish settlers. ii. Problem and its Background By nature, UN Peacekeeping Organization (1948) has been helping in the resolution of existing conflicts among warring countries and/or international feuds. According to Sperling and Kirchner (1997), the UN has been able to alter its image from that of an inactive to an active organization, and the considered major etiology is the agreement among the fiver permanent members of the Security Council in 1987, particularly in using the organization as an intervener of international affairs, conflict and disarmament (p. 62). One of the most significant UN peacekeeping campaigns is the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) that centers on the 1980 conflicts between Israel and Lebanon. UN Peacekeeping ambassadors have been associated to the UNFIL mandating the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanese territory to restore international peace and security in the area. Furthermore, under the UN Security Council Resolution 425, the peacekeeping campaign and UNFIL have provided extensive tasks over Lebanese territory, such as assisting the government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in southern Lebanon, humanitarian assistance, supplies provision (e. g. medical, food, etc. ), and others (Fleitz 2002 54). Despite of the altruistic motives of the peacekeeping organization, UNFIL has encountered tremendous rejection and feud against Israelite, which eventually worsened the UN-Israel relations. According to Pitta and McCouaig (1994), the Irish peace UN ambassadors together with other members of UNIFIL have been associated 1982 Lebanon Wars between Israeli and Palestinian terrorists (Hizballah) within Lebanon (p. 4-5). Hence, instead of becoming peace ambassadors, UNIFIL members are caught in the middle of Israeli-Palestinian feud, while their Israeli-Lebanese goal of withdrawal has become entirely complex, which eventually resulted in the damage of UN relationships among Lebanese and Israeli groups. iii. Aims of the Study The primary task of the discussion is to obtain indications illustrating bias or non-partial indicators among Irish peacekeeping forces and UNIFIL members during the campaigns on Israel-Lebanon settlements. The study examines the sides of four parties involved, (1) UNIFIL and Peacekeeping Groups, (2) Lebanese Officials and their territory, (3) Israeli soldiers and their abusive settlement within Lebanese territory, and (4) the Palestinian terrorist group. The study seeks (1) to discern biased actions or perceptions that resulted in peacekeepers (Irish; UNIFIL) empathizing with either the local Lebanese or with Jewish settlers, and (2) to determine the implications of these biased activities towards UN’s relationships among Lebanon and Israel. II. Discussion i. Overview of Peacekeeping Traces of Biased Rule (1940s to 1980s) The primary characteristic of the U. N peacekeeping operations is its role in the resolution or management of conflicts and not entirely to provide aid to any parties concerned. From the historical point of view, peacekeeping operations in the Middle East have started way backed 1948 Arab-Israeli Wars under the United Nations Truce Supervision (UNTSO). The primary task of UNTSO is to supervise both military condition and the Palestinian truce (Pitta and Mccouaig 1994 4). As supported by Kellerman, Siehr and Einhorn (1998), UNTSO’s indefinite mandate is limited to observing, reporting and investigating cease-fire violations and other border incidents in the course of supervising the implementation of the General Armistice Agreements between Israel and Arab neighbors (p. 368). At that point, the United Nations General Assembly has proposed its initial peacekeeping resolution in an effort of negotiating the disputed Jerusalem from the two parties involved – Israel and Palestinians. The offer involves the partitioning of the territory into separate Arab and Jewish states with the city of Jerusalem under the International mandate. However, the offer has been declined since the most significant sacred city, Jerusalem, cannot be placed into any others’ property aside from the Jewish nation (Kellerman, Siehr and Einhorn 1998 p. 368). According to Pitta and Mccouaig (1994), the United Kingdom possesses 1. 5 million Palestinian Arabs under the League of Nations mandate and 500,000 Jews (p. 4). After the negation of UN proposal on 14th of May 1948, the United Kingdom relinquished its mandate over Palestine, while the Israel has been proclaimed. Due to the biased support of the international nationalities among Israel, the next day (May 15) the Palestinian Arabs, together with other Arab states (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria), attacked the United Kingdom republic. According to Hearn (1999), if the peacekeeping forces fail to uphold the requirement of impartiality, the credibility of their campaign shall be compromised, which consequently opens them to attacks (p. 10). In order to resolve the conflict, the UN Security Council has called for a cease-fire mandate under the Resolution 50 on MAY 29, 1948. According to Pitta and Mccouaig (1994), the UNTSO observers have become the primary observers of the truce of 1948 (p. 4). UNTSO has become the primary and the longest existing peacekeeping organization securing and monitoring the relationship between Israel and Palestinian groups. UNTSO observers have been attached to UNFIL groups in an effort of securing and monitoring the implementation of the 1948 Truce and cease fire mandate. However, according to Stephan (2004), UNTSO observers and other peacekeeping groups (e. g. UNIFIL, UN Security Council, etc. ) have been accused on implementing biased treatment among both Jews and Palestinian settlers. In response to the Lebanon-Israel conflict, Fleitz (2002) has reported that Israel groups are complaining against anti-Jews activities among UNTSO, UNIFIL and UN Department of Peacekeeping (p. 54). Meanwhile, according to Hahn (2004), Palestinians are complaining against the international favor (e. g. American support towards the Israelites, UNTSO’s rejection of Syrian complaints against Israel’s bridge and trenches fortifications that are considered violation against the armistice, etc. ). Considering these scenarios, accusations of being biased are being directed to almost every party involved in the Israel-Palestinian feud. ii. The 1982 Conflicts among UNIFIL and Disputants According to Fleitz (2002), UNIFIL is the most notorious example of the consequences when a traditional peacekeeping force is only partially accepted by warring parties (p. 54). Similar to the history of UNTSO, UNIFIL has been accused of having biased activities with the Lebanese party. The primary task of UNIFIL is to monitor the conditions of Israel settlement in Lebanon and facilitate its withdrawal. However, the disputants refuse to fully cooperate with the UNIFIL representatives due to the vast issues of biased activities (e. g. Israel party is accusing UNIFIL of being an anti-Israelite group, etc). According to Muller (1997), Israel has objected to the UN’s bias in Lebanon and elsewhere branding the UNIFIL organization as an instrument for their anti-Israel schemes (p. 132). Due to the past issues of Israel with Syria, Iran and other Arab Nations, the provision of support system has become very sensitive and critical to the peacekeeping strategies of UNIFIL. Israel has accused UNIFIL of supporting the Lebanese to regain the Palestinian and the rest of the Arab’s favor. Although, according to Fleitz (2002) and Nachmias (1999), Israel perceives UNIFIL as a U. N instrument in helping the Lebanese-Syrian groups against their nation. According to Gat (2003), Israel has falsely interpreted the reasons of Israeli troops’ withdrawal from Lebanon, and considered this as an aid for the Arab groups to reconstruct their settlement in the area (p. 104) Conflict between Israel and UNIFIL’s mission of Israel’s withdrawal has threatened the U. N-Israeli relations. Due to the incident, UNIFIL-Arab conflict has increased causing the decline of UNIFIL populations and death of most Irish peacekeepers. According to Said and Hitchens (2001), the Israeli Iron Fist operations against terrorist suspicion in the area of Lebanon have prevented them from leaving (p. 131). Nachmias (1999) states that UNIFIL failed in its three mandatory missions: (1) it did not induce peace, (2) it did not stop the daily carnage of Israeli soldiers and Lebanese civilians, and (3) it failed to achieve the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon. Instead of fulfilling their peacekeeping tasks, UNIFIL is caught in the middle of the Israeli-Palestinian feud within the Lebanese settlement. In 1985, the Israeli settlers in Lebanon filed their request of using Southern Lebanon as their settlement in the area. According to Fleitz (2002), the settling of Israelites within the security zones of South Lebanon has caused severe casualties on the part of UNIFIL members, specifically 83 fatalities from attacks when Israel launched a major invasion of Lebanon through UNIFIL positions (p. 55). Due to these consequent events, UNIFIL has failed its very mission of settling the feud between Israel and Lebanon. The South Lebanon Army has defied the U. N resolutions not to occupy the security zone between Israeli border and UNIFIL forces. The tensions between Israel and Lebanese civilians have grown to be very sensitive. UNIFIL, being opposed to the settlement of Israelites in the area of Southern Lebanon, has been incorporated with the targets of Israeli troops. However, during the patrol of Israelites within the streets of Lebanon, incidence of preventive gunfire against Irish peacekeeping forces has been reported, which eventually caused wide protest against Israel troops (Said and Hitchens 2001 133). Due to the aggressive military activities of Israel against Lebanese civilians (e. g. 1984 killing of 150 children in a bombed-out school at Bekaa Valley, 1985 killing of 20 people in Tripoli refugee camp, etc. ), UNIFIL has to support the local Lebanese civilians, especially the wounded.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
Angelica Cienega Professor R. Dickerson ENG 232-1024 17 November, 2013 Textual Analysis For Leo Tolstoy’s character Ivan Ilych, death is an end to an empty life. It is not until after he gets a vague diagnosis of disease that he realizes his mortality. In this epiphany, he realizes that his relationships with his family, friends, and colleagues are all artificial, if not at least superficial. Because of this, he becomes depressed and wonders whether he really lived his live the right way. Ilych always treated his relationships in a very formal manner and, when he died, his so-called friends barely managed to pay their respects. Through Ilych, Tolstoy shows that life is not simply a play or a business deal. Tolstoy’s story sends a warning to his readers that if they do not have genuineness or passion or individuality in their lives, then they will not experience a truly fulfilling life. In chapter two the readers first learns the story of Ilych’s early life. Ilych is described as a man who had always been drawn to people of high status in society, so that is the type of life he pursued for himself. He was the second and most amicable of three brothers, a law school graduate, and was the most successful in earning the good favor of the people he met. The people he tried hardest to make the good favor of were merely â€Å"of good position,†not truly â€Å"good†people, and the things he did to earn their favor, â€Å"made him feel disgusted with himself when he did them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Tolstoy 746). Tolstoy goes on to tell that it does not bother Ilych too deeply because once he realized that the people didn’t think those â€Å"disgusting†things were â€Å"wrong†, he was able â€Å"to forget them entirely or not be at all troubled at remembering them†(747). Not only was ... ...lych endures the final days of his life, he spends his time reflecting on his actions and relationships with people. He realizes that the concern for his outward life was the flaw of his inward personality. He spent all of his time trying to make his life seem successful, which he accomplished in the eyes of the shallow high-society people. Unfortunately though, he sacrificed his personal needs and ruined his relationships in the process. Or rather, he did not build any true relationships to ruin, just hung on to empty ones that led to resentment and sorrow. Tolstoy’s story of Ilych’s life warns readers that their opinion of themselves is more important than a rotten opinion of anyone else’s, honesty and romance are important in marriage, that friendships are not won in competition, and that children will be any better than their parents if they are not taught to be.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Compare and contrast these two newspaper articles Essay
The tabloid and broadsheet articles have the same topic but are written in extremely different styles. They are both in the same place within the two papers and are not on the front page. This shows they are not major stories. The lexis and syntax are different as is the graphology. The tabloids aim for target readers in social groups C2, D and E while the broadshhet papers aim for target readers in social groups A, B and C1. The tabloid paper uses the pyramid formation to lay out the pages. The headline is made the biggest piece of writting to grab attention. A pun is put in to get you to then read on. For Prince Harry they use ‘ His Royal Styness’ which is a play on words were they involve the story and how he is being punished by having to work on a farm. The tabloid then focuses mainly on the pictures which have been manipulated by adding in people that aren’t there to make Harry look worse so more people will want to read the rest of the story. The picture was superimposed and this sets you up for the following text. The writting its self isn’t very informative and uses a basic lexis and syntax ‘for wearing a Nazi uniform to a pal’s fancy dress party. ‘ this uses a more Colloquial language. The style is informal and the writer uses a semantic field of ‘Nazis and pig farming’. The tabloid also has small side stories and links that lead of in another direction, they have a story still involved with the royal family but moves of Prince Harry and on to the whole royal family when they have a survey about them. The writer makes the overall register quite playful and slightly mocking towards the Prince making him look less respectable †Weed the plants (not that weed Harry)†is put into embarasses him as he had been acused of doing cannabis before. The writting is more opinion based â€Å"The rowdy royal†than factual based and it doesn’t state who the quotes are from in name †a security resource revealed†. Unlike the broadsheet paper so it shows that the tabloid paper is more factual. In the broadsheet paper the quotes seem more reliable because it says exactly who is saying it and it gives a short amount of information about who the quote is from †Ian Davidson, the MP for Glasgow†. This article doesn’t exploit the story and use it as an excuse to mock Prince Harry. The writer Andrew Pierce puts in his opinion subtly. The writer makes fewer puns and uses fewer pictures and focuses more on the actual text. Pierce uses a more intellectual syntax and using a wider and more polysyllabic words †recomendations, combination and commemorate†. Pierce uses longer more complex scentences using more clauses †the hearings, which will be televised, begin on February 7†. The target readership is for people who generally enjoy reading, like those in social groups A, B and C1. Pierce took a different perspective on this story and didn’t focus on Harry so much but spread the story wider to cover the whole of the royal family questioning them politaclly and morally. â€Å"Plans by German politicians †¦.. could cause further embarrassment for the Royal Family†This shows that the braodsheet paper is taking things into more depth. The graphology is plainer with just the headline, the text and a small picture making you focus more on the actual text. The overal register is more serious and truthful. The broadsheet paper and tabloid papers are on two very different levels. The broadsheet is more in depth and formal, while the tabloid is more informal and uses a more colloquial language. This shows the different styles of writting used and the different layouts.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How Does the Practical Life Exercises Help Children in Their Daily Living? by Maria Montessori
Reason for Practical Life ExercisesChildren are naturally interested in activities they have witnessed. Therefore, Dr. Montessori began using what she called â€Å"Practical Life Exercises†to allow the child to do activities of daily life and therefore adapt and orientate himself in his society.It is therefore the Directress’s task to demonstrate the correct way of doing these Exercises in a way that allows the child to fully observe the movements. Montessori says, â€Å"If talking don’t move, if moving don’t talk†.The directress must also keep in mind that the goal is to show the actions so that the child can go off and repeat the activity in his own successful way. Montessori says, â€Å"Our task is to show how the action is done and at the same time destroy the possibility of imitation†. The child must develop his own way of doing these activities so that the movements become real and not synthetic.During the child’s sensitive peri od between birth and 6, the child is constructing the inner building blocks of his person. It is therefore important for the child to participate in activities to prepare him for his environment, that allow him to grow independently and use his motor skills, as well as allow the child to analyze difficulties he may have in the exercise and problem solve successfully.Montessori also saw the child’s need for order, repetition, and succession in movements. Practical Life Exercises also helps to aid the child to develop his coordination in movement, his balance and his gracefulness in his environment as well as his need to develop the power of being silent.Dr. Maria Montessori developed her philosophy of education based upon actual observations of children. She said children prefer work than play, and they can only be in their natural self, when their natural self is satisfied through work. It's also through work they acquire independence, order, the power of concentration and be normalized. Exercises of Practical Life was introduced and was recognized as the very heart of Montessori Education for it provides the opportunity for the child’s development of physical co-ordination, social skills, emotional growth as well as cognitive preparation.Having a rich and stimulating prepared environment equipped with purposeful materials and trained teachers are important for the child to grow to their full potential. Practical Life Activities are the first activities the child is introduced to within the Montessori environment. These exercises are prepared based on activities children witnesses in their day to day life. That is why children can immediately satisfy their inner needs and desires by mastering these exercises independently. Also Practical Life area allows children to do the things what adults do everyday, for example cleaning, dressing or greeting people. As we know that children construct their knowledge by themselves through their life experi ence.Categories of Practical Life ExercisesPractical Life Exercises are grouped into four categories, development of motor skills, care of environment, care of self and social grace and courtesy. Exercises in each of these categories provide the opportunity to do purposeful work and are designed to teach the child life skills, so that they may become confident to do their daily chores at home. Activities grouped under ‘Development of Motor Skills’, such as carrying, pouring, squeezing, and twisting, sorting, etc. give the opportunity to exercise and co-ordinate body movements of the child.Movement is very important to the child; because it contributes not only for the physical growth also intellectual and spiritual development of the child. â€Å"Through Movement, he acts upon his external environment and thus carries out his own personal mission in the world. Movement is not only an impression of the ego but it is an indispensable factor in the development of consciou sness, since it is the only real means which places the ego in a clearly defined relationship with external reality.†The secret of ChildhoodThe child learns to ‘Care for the Environment’ from exercises like cutting, cleaning, washing, polishing, sewing and more. They learn that they are a part of the environment and learn to respect and develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Also the child will gradually learn how to gain greater control of his gross motor movements so that he would be able perform more complex tasks later on. Some of the activities such as washing of a table can be carried out as a group task, which helps the child to be socialized. The child needs to build himself and learn to take care of himself.The exercises in ‘Care of Self’ category are designed to provide the child skills need for his sole independence. In order to gain independence, the child needs to establish will and discipline in order. Some of the activities in this category are on how to dress himself and stay clean by washing himself; hands, face, feet as well as his belongings; shoes, napkins, etc.. Between the ages of 2 1/2 -6, the child is in a sensitive period for the learning of good manners.The exercises of ‘Grace and Courtesy’ are focused on developing will power, establish a proper posture, greet people, excuse one and interrupt when necessary. Maria Montessori considers the Social Grace and Courtesy activities as the most important exercises in the practical life curriculum. She felt that when children are first brought into a Montessori classroom, emphasis must be placed on social grace exercises.Motive of Practical Life ExercisesPractical Life Curriculum area has four main direct aims; Order, Co-ordination Independence and Concentration, Dr. Maria Montessori observed that children need order at a specific sensitive period in their development. If not provided during this period the opportunity is for egone. A routine is very important as well as a place for everything and everything in its place. This offers the child for orderly self construction. Co-ordination refers to coordinating large and small muscle movements as well as eye-hand co-ordination that reflect the respective development of child’s mental life. â€Å"Man achieves his independence by making efforts. To be able to do a thing without any help from others: this is independence. If it exists, the child can progress rapidly; if it does not, his progress will be slow†The Absorbent Mind, chapter.XIV, pg 155It is very important that the child is given freedom to do these exercises at a time the child pleases; he should be allowed to try, make mistakes and correct his mistakes by himself without any help. The satisfaction of completing an activity drives the child towards independence. The power of Concentration is one of the most calming activities for a child. This is something which is controlled by the child and it challenges his body and his mind. With concentration the child is able to focus on purposeful work. I’ve witnessed to the concentration that my 3 and half year old niece had for folding her little brothers’ nappies.The pile of nappies was two times bigger than her, I thought, she would be bored and leave, but for my amazement after 45 minutes I could see that she has folded all nappies very neatly and have kept one on top of another and was ready to be placed in the drawers. Within the Montessori classroom deep concentration can be acquired through the ‘Silence Game†. To achieve silence requires effort and the attention of the will, and maximum control of self-consciousness of every movement. Montessori thought of the silence lesson as a means for bringing children to this higher level of spiritual awareness. Practical Life Exercises aid the child in his journey towards normalizationAs a result of learning Practical Life Exercises in the M ontessori environment, the child starts to develop confidence, self-esteem, he grow towards independence, mutual aid and co-operation, profound spontaneous concentration, attachment to reality and most importantly child's joy of learning is supreme. All these help the child to lead towards normalization. The normalized children possess a unique character and personality not recognized in young children Normalization is the most important single result of our whole work. The Absorbent Mind, Chapter XIX, pg. 204.Children needs a carefully prepared environmentIt is important to provide the child an environment to work on activities of their own choice at their own pace experiencing freedom and self discipline while developing towards independence. Even though materials in Practical Life area are the least standardized, exercises needs to be carefully thought and designed. A prepared environment should consist of purposeful and meaningful materials and properly trained instructors. W hen preparing materials the teacher needs to consider few principles of the Montessori Practical Life materials which satisfy Childs’ development needs.Firstly she needs to make sure that each material we give the child should have a definite purpose, for an example the mat is laid to mark the area of his workstation, handling the spoon develops child’s skill of spooning which leads to independence. Secondly materials should progress from simple to more complex design and usage. As a preliminary exercise for transferring solid objects we could give the child a spoon and later, it could progress to tweezers, chopsticks. Also it should be designed to prepare the child indirectly for future learning’s such as writing, mathematics and scientific concepts.We prepare the child for wiring by teaching them the pincer grip, using thumb, index and middle fingers to hold objects and by left to right and top to bottom concepts, so that these orders naturally incarnates in t he child’s mind. The mathematical concepts such as judgement of capacity and volume, division, calculation and exactness includes in activities of spooning, pouring and sweeping. The activity, transferring water using a sponge gives the child the scientific concept of weight. The child could feel the weight of the sponge defers when the water is absorbed and when the water is released. Dr. Maria Montessori said, â€Å"Each individual should become aware of his own errors. Each should have a means of checking, so that he can tell if he is right or not.†Absorbent Mind, Chapter XXIV, pg 247.So she included the path to perfection, which she called â€Å"the Control of Error†within the materials itself so the child would be able to observe the activity he completes and understand his own mistakes. If a child has finished working on the dressing frame with large buttons, and he can see that buttons has gone through wrong buttonholes or buttoning halfway or seeing on ly half of the button come up the flap, these would be his control of errors. He has the opportunity to guide himself to correct his own mistakes. Furthermore when preparing the activity in the Montessori classroom the directress need to make sure that all materials are kept together in a basket or a tray and grouped accordingly to the level of development.The activity should have its unique location and be reachable to the child so that the child could use the materials of their own choice and return the exercise, leading to independence and self-discipline. Also it is important to be providing attractive and clean child friendly and child size materials. Each activity should be limited in quantity. In a Montessori classroom the directress plays a major role. She needs to be properly trained, be a good role model and she should be able to develop and maintain a happy and rewarding teacher-child relationship. †The first essential is that the teacher should go thru an inner, spiritual preparation – cultivate certain aptitudes in the moral order.†Her Life and Work, Chapter XVIII, pg 298.The teacher's prime objectives are to: maintain order in the prepared environment, facilitate the development of the child, encourage independence and self-sufficiency. In conclusion it is apparent that Practical Life Exercises refines movement, providing a foundation in early learning, attitudes and dispositions. Practical life exercises also provide children a sense of accomplishment as they engage in real, meaningful work with tangible results. The familiar home-like environment of the practical life corner allows children to gain independence, order, concentration and confidence as they carry out thoughtfully prepared activities. This leads to normalization.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Remote Employees Stay Focused And Get Organized With Nathan Hirsch
How Remote Employees Stay Focused And Get Organized With Nathan Hirsch How long is your commute to work? Maybe 15 minutes or more, depending on traffic, weather, and other factors? Some marketers get to just roll out of bed and go to their home office. According to Upwork, 63% of companies now have remote workers and almost 50% use freelancers. How does remote working affect productivity, collaboration, and organization of marketing teams and businesses? Today, my guest is Nathan Hirsch, FreeeUp.com founder and CEO. We talk about decisions and tactics to consider if your company wants to embrace a remote working environment. Short Version of Entrepreneurial Story: Broke college student to starting an Amazon business to owning a freelancer marketplace FreeeUp helps businesses grow by knowing when, who, and how to hire Managing and working within remote teams effectively Pros and Cons: Access to talent, overhead costs, flexibility Commitment to Communication: Nothing gets lost or misinterpreted Put plans and tools in place to avoid potential pitfalls FreeeUp’s Expectations for Freelancers: Skill, attitude, and communication Remote Culture: Separate office spaces, but on the same page Hiring always involves risk and reward; build trust and relationships Levels and Skill Sets: Basic (followers), Mid (doers), and High (experts) Links: FreeeUp Upwork Fiverr Skype Trello WhatsApp LastPass Write a review on iTunes and send a screenshot of it to receive cool swag! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Nathan Hirsch: â€Å"I went back to remote, and I haven’t really turned back since. To me, that’s the direction we’re going, whether you like it or not.†â€Å"Now, if you are looking to hire, you get access to people all over the world. You just get so much flexibility as a business owner.†â€Å"It’s all about the communication. You have to have the best, strongest communication, if you want it to work.†â€Å"Building a remote culture is slightly harder. It requires that extra effort.â€
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Difference Between Samstag, Sonnabend, and Sonntag
Difference Between Samstag, Sonnabend, and Sonntag Samstag and Sonnabend both mean Saturday and can be used interchangeably. So why does Saturday get two names in German? First of all, which version to use depends on where you live in the German-speaking world. Western and southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland use the older term â€Å"Samstag†, whereas eastern and northern Germany tend to use Sonnabend. The former GDR (in German: DDR) recognized Sonnabend as the official version. Historically the term Sonnabend, which means The evening before Sunday, can be traced back surprisingly to an English missionary! It was none other than St. Bonifatius, who was determined during the 700’s to convert the Germanic tribes in the Frankish empire. One of his items on his to-do list was to replace the word Samstag or Sambaztac as it was known then, which was of Hebraic origin (Shabbat), to the Old English term â€Å"Sunnanaefen.†This term made sense since it signified the evening and later on the day before Sunday and thus was easily integrated into old high German. The term â€Å"Sunnanaefen†evolved into the middle high German â€Å"Sun[nen]abent†and then finally into the version we speak today.As for St. Bonifatius, despite his successful mission among the Germanic people, was killed by a group of inhabitants in Frisia (Friesland), which is known nowadays as the Netherlands (Niederlande) and northwestern Germany today. It is interesting to note that the Dutch kept the original version for Saturday only (zaterdag). The Cultural Meaning of Samstag The Saturday evening was always the day where they would show the main blockbusters on TV. We remember studying the TV magazine - we admit, we are a bit older- and really feeling the Vorfreude (joy of anticipation) when we saw a Hollywood movie being shown on Saturday. On Saturdays, they would also show the big entertainment shows like Wetten Dass...? which you might have heard of. Its host Thomas Gottschalk (his name literally means: Gods Joker) most likely still lives in the US nowadays. We loved that show when we were younger and less thinking about what was going on there. Later we realized that it was actually pretty horrible. It entertained millions of people and so far everyone following into Gottschalks footsteps has failed to continue his success. It was big news when they finally put that dinosaur to sleep. Sonnabend versus Sonntag Now that you know that Sonnabend is actually the evening before Sonntag (Sunday) you might be able to easily distinguish these two German weekdays. The Sunday though is a very special day in Germany. In our youth, it was the day that the family would spend together and in case you were religious youd go to church in the morning to start off the day. It was also the day all the stores in the countryside are closed. Which lead to a little culture shock when we came to Poland in 1999 and saw many stores open on Sunday. We had always thought that the Sunday was some kind of Christian holiday but as the Poles were even stricter Christians than the Germans, we couldnt quite grasp this. So dont be surprised when you come to Germany. Even in the bigger cities, the main stores are closed. The only way to get what you urgently desire is to go to a Tankstelle (gas station) or a Spti (late shop). Expect the prices to be up to 100% higher than usual.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Week 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week 4 - Research Paper Example It will also discuss the barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. Additionally, the paper will define the correlation of leaders, organizational politics and stakeholder groups. In the Aristotle model, communication is described as a linear process. He further claimed that the packaging of messages is either in emotion (pathos), logic (logos) or character (ethos) (Palta, 2006). The model comprises the sender, the content, the message, the medium and the receiver. The sender is the individual from whom the message will come from. The content refers to what the message contains. The message could be in form of goods or just verbal information. The medium refers to the mode in which the message will be moved from the sender to the receiver. Mediums of sending messages include through telephones, through written letters, telegrams or just personal delivery. This model forms the basis of all communication models that are established today. The model covered all the aspects of communication and very minimal additions are made to the model. In modern day communication theories, there is the inclusion of distortion. However, distortion is only an inclusion to the Aristotle model of communication. Communication theorists come up with models which revolve around the Aristotle model. In many modern communication models, the goals and the objective of the message are usually defined. It is at this juncture that distortion comes into play. In case of distortion, the objective and goal of the message will not be achieved (Caputo, 2003). The modern model borrows from Aristotle model in that it defines the capability of the medium. After the medium, the model follows the Aristotle model to the receiver then to the feedback. Different barriers affect the effectiveness of communication models. The five barriers of communication are difference in perception, difficulties
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