Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about Music, Radio and Teens - 2934 Words
Music, Radio and Teens The first thing that teenagers will do when they get into their car is to turn on the radio. They flip through the channels hoping to find that latest hit that all the stations are playing. Whether its the newest pop rock song, or that catchy country tune, everyone wants to hear it. This is an example of how powerful the radio can be in influencing what teens listen to. Here is a closer look at the specific genres and how these styles are affecting todays teens through the radio. Hip Hop Hip-Hop is one of fastest growing music genres in the United States as its trend has made hip-hop explode everywhere. Hip-Hop comes from the streets using street slang incorporated in the music. Hip-Hop music is†¦show more content†¦This was during the Second World War. It was very rebellious at the time to listen to Rhythm and Blues music. Its lyrics were very controversial at the time. It was like today?s Eminem or Nine Inch Nails. Ever since its origin, however, it has had a profound influence on people, especially teenagers. Some parents will say that they do not like some of their children?s styles of music. This is very strange because if you ask our parents what kind of music they like, they would say the Rolling Stones or the Beatles or maybe even the Supremes, the Temptations or James Brown. The one thing that they do not realize is that their music was just as controversial, if not more, than ours today. Often, parents do not realize that many kinds of music that are listened to today branched off from Rhythm and Blues. Think about it. It started off with rhythm and blues. From that, it branched off to Rock and Roll. From Rock and Roll it went to Motown and Soul Music. Motown and Soul eventually turned into Funk and Disco. After that era was finally over, Dance music and Rap found its origin. All of these styles of music have ties to Rhythm and Blues. These styles are only the mainstream styles. Rhythm and Blues can also be traced in forms of Country and Western, Gospel Music and Jazz. Rhythm and Blues was also ground breaking in the sense that it involved instruments and equipment that had rarely been used in music before. These two inventionsShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Essay1057 Words  | 5 Pageshad to stop school to work for money. Teens effected by the Great Depression worked hard for low wages to try to put food on their family’s table. Today, teens are gluttonous and live a very care free life style with financial stability of their families. As you can see adolescents in the Great Depression differ much from today. Adolescents in the Great Depression compare and contrast socially with adolescents today. During the great depression, teens effected by the Great Depression hadRead MoreThe Impact of Rock n Roll on the Civil Rights Movement1590 Words  | 7 PagesIt was no coincidence that rock ‘n’ roll and the civil rights movement started at the same time. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Water Contamination Caused By Hydraulic Fracturing
Water Contamination Due to Hydraulic Fracturing in Pennsylvania Natural gas is a fossil fuel that plays a critical role in the demand and supply of energy in the United States. It is considered to be a clean burning transition fuel. Compared to coal and oil, natural gas combustion does not generate as much pollution and is therefore considered an ideal partner for renewable energy resources. Natural gas is extracted from shale formations underground that require horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing – â€Å"hydrofracking†or â€Å"fracking†. This drilling and extraction method is currently considered a global widespread issue due to the rapid increase in the amount of new gas wells that threatens the quality of water around the source (Entriken, Evans-White, Johnson Hagenbuch, 2011). Hydraulic Fracturing is a process where high-pressure fracking fluids are forced into rich shale to extract natural resources. These fracking fluids are a mixture of proppant s and â€Å"chemical additives such as surfactants, biocides, fiction reducers and other compounds meant to help in the process of freeing the trapped gas†. In addition, the million gallons of water injected along with the fracking fluids return as flowback water and this produced water have the â€Å"potential to mix with nearby aquifers and surface water†. As a result, there is a considerable amount of public concern about water contamination due to this process of hydrofracking (Thurman, Ferrer, Biotevogel Borch, 2014). BecauseShow MoreRelatedHydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On The Environment1737 Words  | 7 PagesHydraulic Fracturing has led to less cases of contamination than any other method of oil extraction, which is contrary to popular belief. There have been many useful regulations that turned a once feared industry to an environmentally safe, highly profitable industry. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Understand Employment Responsibilities and Rights free essay sample
Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assessment you will explore aspects of employment law, your role and responsibilities in respect of employment practices and present an issue of public concern that has occurred within either the health, social care or children’s and young people’s sector. Additionally, you will create a career plan which reflects on your continuing professional development and related learning and possible future qualification opportunities. Task A Evidence Short answer questions Results Total marks available Mark Achieved Passed Your work role Career pathway Presentation or report Passed Y/N Passed Y/N Passed Y/N I can confirm that the evidence listed for this unit is my own work and was carried out under the conditions and context specified in the assessment specification. Candidate signature Date I confirm that the candidate has achieved all the requirements of this unit with the evidence listed and the assessment was conducted under the specified conditions and context, and is valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient. We will write a custom essay sample on Understand Employment Responsibilities and Rights or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tutor / assessor signature Quality assurance co-ordinator signature (where applicable) External verifier signature (where applicable) Date Date Date Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Tasks Task A Short answer questions See question booklet Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Task B Your work role For this task you will need the following: †¢ A copy of your contract of employment or employment agreement. If you don’t have a written contract of employment eg if you are employed as a personal assistant, discuss your terms and conditions with your employer and make notes to help you to complete the task; A recent payslip or pay statement; Access to your workplace policies and procedures or notes from a discussion with your employer if you are employed as a personal assistant.  Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Global Compact
Introduction The Global Compact is a strategic policy scheme by the United Nations meant for corporations that are willing to align their business operations and working strategies with ten principles that are universally accepted with regards to human rights, anti-corruption, and environment. The United Nations Global Compact was launched in July 2000 (Tully 2007, 101-106)[1].Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Global Compact specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The two principles addressed are: The principle against corruption This was the 10th principle on corruption adopted on June 24, 2004. Corruption is a multifaceted and convoluted issue with a broad scope. Many tools and resources have been established to help firms and corporations to develop and effectively implement policies that restrict corruption activities. In order to stop and check corruption within companies, the Global Compact came up with certai n guidelines on how corporations can be made to engage in clean business. The Global Compact recommended that corporations should incorporate a vivid anti-corruption commitment into their corporate citizenship program. This principle also requires that corporations should avoid all forms of corruptions bribery and extortion (Rasche 2010, 520-563)[2]. The company’s point of view The incorporation of this principle into the operations of the company may not be difficult. However, there is high likelihood that the company may not be able to come up with the appropriate and effective strategic means of tracking corrupt activities since the reality is that corruption takes place secretly and in many cases may involve the top executive officials; this actually makes it potentially difficult for responsible junior officials to effectively investigate any corrupt dealings within the company. So, as much as the company may be willing to incorporate the principle in its business operat ions, the outcome may not be positive as expected. The principle about the respect of human rights Under this principle, business organizations are expected to give support and also respect the preservation of human rights that are recognized and proclaimed internationally. The business corporations are also required to ensure that they are never be involved in the abuses of human rights (Mares 2004, 94-96)[3].Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company’s point of view Respect for human rights is very important both for the reputation and success of the company. It is important to note that any business entity that does not respect human rights is bound to fail. This stems from the fact that the most important part of a company is the personnel. A company needs human beings to provide labor and also needs customers or clients to consume its products (Stationery Offi ce 2009, 71-75)[4]. Without respect to human rights, the company fears it may lose out in business which is the case with any business entity (Alston 2005, 141-157)[5]. Positive and negative lessons from the company’s perspective and other companies’ experience in the process implementing the practices There are a number of positive lessons that have been learnt in the process of implementing the practices. One of them is that integration of the principle or respecting human rights have given the companies’ workforce confidence and assurance about the protection of human rights. This has motivated the workforce and hence increased commitment to companies’ business operations. The companies have therefore learnt that respect for human rights is not only important for companies’ reputation and public image, but also to get the commitment of the workforce. The integration of the principle against corruption has managed to lower the level of corruption within the companies even though it may not be possible to eliminate corruption totally within the companies’ business operations. As much as there are positive lessons to be learnt there are also negative aspects of the principles that have been learn. The companies have learnt that it is easy to incorporate the principle of anti-corruption in their operations but almost impossible to operationalize it due to possible involvement of top executives of the companies. Meanwhile, the companies have also learnt that it could be costly to implement these principles since they add to the cost of companies’ business operations. Benefits and risks to key stakeholders The implementation of anti-corruption principle is of great benefits to shareholders of the company since the effectiveness of its implementation is highly likely to reduce possible embezzlement of funds which may lead to collapse of the company (National Technical Information Service 2005, 113-118). The public r eporting about the company’s intolerance to corruption passes a strong sign customers and both existing and potential investors about the company’s intention to engage in clean business transactions and possible growth of the company.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Global Compact specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The risk involved here is that in case the top executives are involved in corruption and lack of respect for human rights, any attempt by junior officer to address the issues of both principles may lead to such an officer losing his or her job and therefore livelihood. The violation of these principles by the company may tarnish the image of the company and hence drive away customers and investors; this has the possibility of affecting the share values of the company. Consequently, the stakeholders may lose in their capital investments. Recommendations In order to ensure successful im plementations of the above principles, the following recommendations are appropriate: The United Nations Global Compact should come up with a strategy of rewarding companies that are showing positive out come as a result of implementing the principles in within the context of their business operations; The Global Compact should also come up with a certain framework to punish signatories companies that default on the principles; The companies should not just be expected to implement the principles simply because they are signatories; the Global Compact should assists companies in implementing the principles by providing consultancy services to the companies; The accountability should be decentralized and the Global Compact should work in collaboration with governments where signatories operate. This implies that the Global Compact should monitor implementations of the principles through local governments. Reference List Alston, Philip. 2005. Non-state actors and human rights. Colle cted courses of the Academy of European Law: 141-157. Mares, Radu. 2004. Business and human rights: a compilation of documents: 94-96. National Technical Information Service. 2005. Daily report: People’s Republic of China, Issues 113-118. The University of Michigan: 113-118. Rasche, Andreas. 2010. The United Nations Global Compact. Achievements, Trends and Challenges: 101-106. Stationery Office. 2009. Any of Our Business? Human Rights and the UK Private Sector First Report of Session 2009-10: Vol. 2 Oral and Written Evidence: House of Lords Paper 5-ii Session 2009-10: 71-75.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tully, Stephen. 2007. International documents on corporate responsibility. U.S.: Edward Elgar Publishing. Footnotes Tully, Stephen. 2007. International documents on corporate responsibility. U.S.: Edward Elgar Publishing Rasche, Andreas. 2010. The United Nations Global Compact. Achievements, Trends and Challenges: 101-106. Mares, Radu. 2004. Business and human rights: a compilation of documents: 94-96 Stationery Office. 2009. Any of Our Business? Human Rights and the Uk Private Sector First Report of Session 2009-10: Vol. 2 Oral and Written Evidence: House of Lords Paper 5-ii Session 2009-10: 71-75. Alston, Philip. 2005. Non-state actors and human rights. Collected courses of the Academy of European Law: 141-157. This report on The Global Compact was written and submitted by user Klaw to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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