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Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Worksheet Free Essays
Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Worksheet University of Phoenix Sara Garski October 10, 2011 Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Worksheet |Concept |Application of concept in scenario |Citation of concept |Personal experience in your | |(Identify at least five concepts)| |in reading |organization | | |Best Snacks has been one of the leading companies |Jones, G. (2004). |In my organization the employees| |Exploitation |in their industry for several years. We will write a custom essay sample on Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Worksheet or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company |Organizational |are always learning. Within my | | |has become |Theory, Design, and |team we are | | |complacent which has caused them to barely hold |Change. Upper Saddle|Encouraged to come up with new | | |the number two position. In order to remain and |River, New Jersey: |ways that will make the team and| | |gain back that competitive advantage, Best Snacks |Prentice-Hall. the company better as a whole. | | |must look at new ways of doing various activities | |One of my teammates | | |within the company. Exploitation is defined as, | |Came up with an idea | | |organizational | |To add to one of our | | |members learning of ways to refine and improve | |Current systems. After | | |existing organizational procedures (Jones 2004. | |The idea had went | | |Pg. 376). With the new CEO, Elizabeth Fairchild, | |Through the proper | | |joining the Company, she is determined to see why | |Channels, it was | | |Best Snacks is failing after being successful for | |Implemented. Although adding a | | |many years. She plans on working with vice | |Extra component to | | |president, Sabrina McKay, to help the company come| |An existing system, took awhile,| | |up with new and innovative procedures, that will | |it was worth the wait, | | |eventually | |Because it saved the | | |place Best Snacks back in the leading position. |Company money in | | | | |The long run. | | |Best Snacks has always promoted from within in the|Davila, T. , Epstein,|A radical Innovation in My | | |past. They have decided to do something different |M. , Shelton, R. |organization | | |by bringing in a new CEO from outside with a |(2006). Making |Back in June of 2010. The | |Radical Innovation |different background. The new CEO, Elizabeth, |Innovation Work: How|company added | | |plans to have a new cultural change |To Manage It, |A regional office in the | | |program designed to increase |measure It, And |Franklin, TN area. The reason | | |employees’ creative thinking skills (Scenario 1). |Profit From It. |for the new Office was to assist| | |Elizabeth wants to see these changes made and |Upper Saddle River, |The abundance of Customers | | |results within one year. These changes are |New Jersey: Wharton |within the Middle Tennessee | | |considered radical innovation, |School Publishing. Area. The company | | |because is setting the bar for new | |Has continuously | | |changes within the company. Normally Radical | |Growed in a small | | |Innovations are set by a company within | |Amount of time. In the TN office| | |the industry, but Elizabeth, first wants to | |we have | | |accomplish | |Been able to meet | | |these changes from | |Goals, create more | | |within, then introduce the new | |Effiecent procedures, and handle| | |changes to competitors. |operations | | | | |That other offices | | | | |Have not been able to. | | |Best Snacks maintained a |Davila, T. Epstein,|My organization | |Business Model |successful Business Modal for |M. , Shelton, R. |Changed its Business | | |many years, which contributed |(2006). Making |Model, to better serve | |Change |to their success. With |Innovation Work: How|It customers. They | | |competition steadily increasing, Best Snacks will |To Manage It, |Designed the Model | | |have to |measure It, And |Around their new face and | | |re-introduce and |Profit From It. |slogan, â€Å"Long Term Smart. †This | | |revamp their business model in |Upper Saddle River, |Simply is ensuring that | | |order to compete in the industry. New Jersey: Wharton |Customers get the rights | | |The company has went outside it’s Normal practice |School Publishing. |products for | | |and | |Them and their families. The | | |brought in a New CEO to put a different | |modal is | | |Perspective and spin on things. The CEO plans to | |Meant for consumers | | |show results within the company in 12 months. | |To think long term | | | | |Which will benefit them more in | | | | |the | | | | |Future rather than now. | | | | | | |Products and Services are the main part of any |Davila, T. , Epstein,|My organization | | |organization. Companies have to not only |M. , Shelton, R. |offers many different | | |make sure that they are offering |(2006). Making |products and services | |Product and Service Offerings |products and services that the |Innovation Work: How|from life insurance to | | |consumers want. Companies |To Manage It, |annuities. The | | |have to ensure they are |measure It, And |company ensures that | | |constantly creating or offering |Profit From It. they have the | | |the newest products. In most |Upper Saddle River, |products that | | |instances consumers have |New Jersey: Wharton |consumers want. | | |been conditioned to expect |School Publishing. |Our agents go through | | |product innovation to such an | |extensive training | | |extent now it is ommon for | |to be able to provide | | |people to time their purchases | |and sell individuals | | |(Davila, Epstein, Shelton 2006 | |products that are right for | | |Pg. 35). Best Snacks have | |them. If a certain | | |not been offering many products | |product is not | | |or service to consumers over the past couple of | |performing well, the | | |years. They have lost the customer loyalty base | |company evaluates it | | |and a huge part of the market. |and decides if it is | | |The old saying goes, â€Å"If you | |the best interest to | | |don’t do it, someone else will. †| |pull the product and | | |Best Snacks, needs to apply that | |offer a different one. | |same concept to their business. | | | | |Their competition is growing | | | | |fast and taking the customers | | | | |that once was committed to Best Snacks. | | | |Best Snack’s is faced with a |Jones, G. (2004). |In my organization, | |Organizational |serious problem of lack of |Organizational |Because of industry | | |creative thinking and new |Theory, Design, and |Decisions have to be | |Decision Making |innovation. Organizational |Change. Upper Saddle|Made in a timely | | |Decision Making is defined as |River, New Jersey: |Manner depending | | |the process of responding |Prentice-Hall. |On the problem. | |to a problem by searching for | |Sometimes decisions | | |and selecting a solution or | |Are made at the | | |course of action that will create value for | |higher level, | | |organizational | |whereas other | | |stakeholders (Jones 2004. Pg. | |decisions can be | | |368). Hopefully the new plan | |made by managers | | |that Sabrina will initiate to the | |Or even employees. I Personally | | |Staff will help the company get back on track. The| |had a | | |employees | |customer upset | | |have become complacent | |because of a certain | | |because the company has done | |process that was in | | |well for many years. In order for best Snacks to | |place and because she was going | | |gain their market | |to | | |share back they will have to | |another country, | | |change. The stakeholders have | |would create a | | |become apprehensive of Best | |problem for her. I made the | | |Snacks ability to perform and | |decision to | | |stay competitive. The new | |override this | | |changes and decision, will | |process As a | | |hopefully show the stakeholders | |courtesy. Once I | | |that the company is still capable | |was finished | | |of being on top. |handling the issue, I told my | | | | |Manager | | | | |what I had | | | | |done and she was | | | | |happy that I went ahead and done| | | | |that, verses causing | | | | |the customer to | | | | |escalate the | | | | |situation Further. | How to cite Key Concepts of Creativity and Innovation Worksheet, Papers
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